The Caged City - RP Thread

Discussion in 'Sexual RPGs' started by Tjf, Jun 15, 2024.

  1. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru


    Red Circle - Your character's current position

    47th Street - Cop Territory

    Crouched behind an abandoned car, Lily and Adam stare outwards down the street. From here, she can see the waterfront down south of them - and the military barges in the bay with missiles set to eradicate anyone who gets too far into the water. Her goal isn't in the bay, however, but on land, just a kilometer or so away. A Victorian mansion, ringed by a tall curtain of iron fencing - the home of a syndicate boss, or so rumor has it.

    Lily leans her head up a little for a better look. A police barricade stretches across the street, blocking access any closer to the waterfront, where some of the wealthiest citizens in town live. This is the territory, she's heard, of a particularly brutal SWAT unit. "So, uh... How do we get through that?" Adam whispers beside her.

    Looking around, Lily sees a few options. She could approach the barricade and try to bargain or manipulate her way in. She could head into the side alleys and try to get around, or she could head into neighboring buildings - quite close together, and try to jump from rooftop to rooftop.



    Somewhere in Ridgeport

    S'ut doesn't know what time it is, as she squats on tired legs, driving the fake cock deep within her. The air is hot and heavy, filling the basement room with the stench of sex. Nearby, grinning, leering men prepare themselves, eager to use her for who knows what number of times.
    Idly, the dark elf's mind drifts, thinking back to not long after her arrival on this world.


    Ridgeport North Library - Clan Tuin Territory

    S'ut yawns, bored, as she examines some of the books inside the headquarters of Clan Tuin's Ridgeport outpost. A year ago it was a public library, filled with books and research areas. Now, it's the headquarters of a brutal clan of dark elves. Above ground, the elves rest and recuperate between assignments. Below, in the areas once used to store books, are caged humans.

    "You. Come here." As she hears a loud, authoritative voice behind her, S'ut jumps instinctively to attention, head bowing as she turns to face the newcomer. She might have recently regained the rank of Huntress - making her free and equal in Clan Tuin's society - but centuries of slavery leave their mark on a person. Remembering to raise her head to look the speaker in the eye before her shame increases, S'ut sees the second in charge of the outpost, and her immediate superior.
    "Word has come from across the portal. The clan mistress has work for you. If you're not too busy reading, mother." Alay'ut, one of Tuin's many daughters, says. If she ever held any respect for Tuin, rapidly ascending in rank in mere centuries, while S'ut was still in captivity, eroded it.

    Attached Files:

  2. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru



    Lost Italy - 'Hellion' Orc Gang Territory

    Pauline feels a chill as she leans out of the apartment window - like an increasing number of homes in the city, this building in Little Italy isn't heated, making the cold night air creep through her bones. She watches, down on the street below, as the festivities go on. The Hellions, a notorious biker gang before the the crisis, were among the first to come into contact with greenskins when portals began opening up in the city. Instead of clashing, however, the bikers and the orcs joined forces, allowing them to conquer territory quickly. Little Italy, once held by the mafia, was half burnt down as the Hellions took it, and now they've begun to expand further. On the street below, Pauline watches greenskin bikers and human women drink and fuck, in and around a bar - metal music blaring. An advance party of a dozen Hellions celebrates conquering another block.
    "We're outnumbered." A voice says from beside Pauline. "We're going to have to pull out." Pauline turns, seeing her team - a half dozen cops, sent to deal with this orc force.
  3. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru


    S'ut paused her movements breathing heavily. The sweat covering her body made her even hotter then she was.

    "Kh~!" She moaned as the seal above her pussy came to life, making her pussy itch with need. With a whimper she resumed her movements, ridding the dildo. Her breasts bounced up and down, her juices run down the pole, splashing on the floor. The release came fast, a moan escaping her as the climax washed over her. The fact that she was giving such a show in front of males, even worse, the ape humans, added to her humiliation. Yet, the pleasure she was experiencing, was of such intensity that she carved even more of it.

    Being watched by these barbarians, their prisoner, their fuck toy in bondage... the humiliation, pain, pleasure, mind-numbing climaxes - it all was a cocktail that made her high as never.


    A scurvy male walked up to her and slapped her cheek, the sting changing into heat spreading over her skin. She leaned forward and eagerly took his dick into her mouth, choking as it moved through her mouth into her throat. Yet she submissively almost eagerly started sucking the male off... as her hips continued to fuck the pole...



    S'ut swallowed at the comment. The fact that her daughter had a higher position then her stung her pride... and also made her proud. It was a strange mix of feeling.

    "Of course, I have time for clan mistress, Huntress." She answered with and then continued with some sarcasm. "You might choose to read some books yourself, to expand your horizons... daughter." She added. "Then, I will go and meet the clan Mistress." She said as she made her stride, with a swing of her hips, her heels clicking on the floor.

    (Nice choice of pic!)
    Orkiegirl, Impregmaniac, Tjf and 3 others like this.
  4. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Pauline has to agree with her team. They been outnumber and there is no point in trying to deal with gang now.
    "Yeah, there is too many of greenskin for us". She said and pull out spyglass looking at orcs gangbang one of human female, also part of the gang. "Did any of you spot who is leader of this band? Maybe if we take down the head, rest of these thugs will spread out"? Pauline suggest, looking with spyglass for someone with most trinkets or other features which make him stand out of the group. "Do you think it is orc who lead them or human"?
  5. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “Honestly, I don't like any of our options” Lily admitted as she kept observing their surroundings, “Based on what I heard about the SWAT team that is in control of this territory, if I approach them directly I will likely get robbed under the guise of a tax, get told that it is not enough to pay the tax, and be made to pay in an alternative way” And I'll be lucky if they are satisfied with just handjobs, blowjobs, and the occasional titfuck, and don't demand something more. “Using an illusion and trying to bullshit my way through is going to be hard – these guys likely know each other well so pretending to be part of the team is unlikely to work. At the same time I don't know anyone they would allow through without a check, so that is also out of the question.” She turned her attention to the side alleys. “The side alleys... well, they are either blocked off to force people to go through the barricades, are being watched as well, or are under the control of guys that are just as bad... that leaves only one option: going from rooftop to rooftop,” Lily grimaced at the idea – physical activity like this was not one of her strengths. Still, she could do it if she tried. “Of course, that will only work if I can get to the rooftops in the first place. So let us try and find a way up – preferably without making any noise and alerting anyone to our presence...”
  6. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru



    Ridgeport Boxing Club, The Projects - Accursed Bone Clan Territory

    "Hit 'im! No, keep your guard up! Move your head! You call yourself a fuckin' orc?" Robert sits at a table, drinking slowly, as he watches Patriarch Longhorn, one of the respected older figures in the gang, coaching two greenhorn half-blood recruits. Around him, the air is smoky, the lights dark, and the liquor strong. The old Ridgeport Boxing Club has been partially converted into a bar/gang clubhouse, but the old ring remains, and sees as much use as ever.

    "Eh, Robbie." A gruff but pleasant female voice says, and Robert turns to see a female goblin approaching his table.
    She looks him in the eye - she's about a foot shorter than him, but with his seated position they're about equal height. He knows her - Carnie Rockgrabba, a distant relative of the Fleshrippas, and like her boss relative, an otherworlder. "Got some merc contracts that need doing. If you're not too busy, that is." She gestures to his drink.
    moonblack, Impregmaniac and Regin34 like this.
  7. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru



    Western Precinct - Police Territory:


    Julia sits at the desk she's commandeered, typing away at her computer as she tries to put together a story on the recent growth of Orc gangs in the city. The precinct is hardly a nice place to live or to work, filled with the shouting of criminals, refugees and the officers trying to maintain some level of order. She glares at her desktop, and the non-existent bars on the internet readout. The city still has internet, but it's intermittent at best - often active for maybe an hour a day - which makes publishing stories a challenge. The reporter looks up as she hears footsteps, seeing Brad approaching.
    He looks furious - not at her, of course, she's not sure she's ever seen him get angry at her - and slumps don in the squeaky chair beside her. "Bastards..." He grunts. "Turns out I don't have to worry about being taken off the case. They just cancelled the case entirely." He says. "They're putting me on barricade guard duty - meaning no one's going to be there to save those girls." He sighs. He doesn't need to say what case he's talking about - ever since rumors have started, of women being kidnapped and even sold into slavery in Ridgeport, Brad's made it his mission in life to put a stop to it. Julia has a guilty thought - ever since she wrote a story about corrupt officers stealing and selling air dropped food, it's felt like the higher ups have had it in for Brad, and she wonders if her story is the reason the case got thrown out.
  8. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru



    Chinatown - Five Flower Triad Territory


    "Stay out of the back." Xue stops, as she moves behind the counter of one of her mother's restaurants. Turning, she sees a Five Flower lieutenant, about to leave.
    "From what I hear, she's genuinely quite angry at you for this mess." There's no need to say which mess he's referring to - Xue's latest 'adventure' across town led to her badly beating a gang member, causing strife between the Five Flowers and the nearby light elves. "Give her some time to calm down." He suggests.
  9. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    She knew better than to say too much to their faces, but she slumped at a table with her arms out in front of her. She always hated this place when she was little. Not even just because of all the gangs. It was always so boring. Idly, she checked her phone, trying to kill the time.

    Besides, she didn't really do anything wrong here, did she? That elf was a jerk. And quite literally in the process of robbing little old ladies. But still, now it was that whole "there's more politics that go into this than you understand." talk again. It's true, that she wasn't quite as amazing as her mother when it came to any of that stuff or even martial arts, but she still had to do what she could. And now she was stuck with the "babysitter" again.

    Still, she rolled her eyes, defiantly. She was probably too used to knowing that none of her mother's own gang could touch her than she should be.

    "I'm keeping the peace. Which is literally what you guys all did before you got all lame. Now all you guys do is just sit around talking about bullshit and how cool each other is and how much ass you would sooooo totally kick if you were over there, you guys, seriously- but you don't do anything other than just jerking each other off. Not a god dam thing. It's scientifically impossible to get any gayer than this."
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
  10. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    "Never too busy for you Carnie," Robbie smirks, giving her a polite nod. Looking over to the bar, he signals to the bartender, ordering Carnie's usual for her, and motions to the chair next to him. "Grab a seat, and tell me what we're looking at. Is it a guard gig, shakedown, or a bash job?"

    With a quick glance at the Patriarch shaking his head at the two newbies who can't tell the difference between a cross and a hook, he cracks his knuckles loudly and grins at her, "Or is this a special assignment from the Big Boss Man, that requires the 'delicate' handiwork of yours truly?" before chuckling at his own bad pun.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
    Omega98, moonblack and Regin34 like this.
  11. Omega98

    Omega98 CHYOA Guru

    Julia shakes her head and pushes the thought from her mind. While she didn't doubt that there were several officers on the force that behaved little better than thugs many, like Brad, stayed because they were genuinely good people. Although after a year behind the walls, the Lieutenant who'd taken over the precinct after their Captain had died seemed more concerned about holding territory rather than actual policing; almost as though he was just another would-be ganglord.

    The blonde wife wanted to hug her husband, but thought better of it. The catcalls and taunting from such a display would only make Brad's blood boil she guessed. Before the gate Bradley had been an easy man to like even if respect took a while for him to generate. He was twenty-six and well-built, but he also looked younger than he was. "Baby-face Brad" is what his colleagues called him and he wasn't fond of it. He'd tried growing a beard once to make himself seem older, but it came in patches which made it look like he couldn't grow a beard and that made him seem even younger. So he'd shaved the beard. Now Julez just pats his hand and gives him a sympathetic half-smile. Brad lets out a frustrated sigh and covers her hand with his own.

    After a moment a thought strikes her, "Don't worry hun. If your boss won't let you investigate then I will. Once I bring back evidence, you'll be put back on the case in no time!"
    Regin34 and moonblack like this.