I just like how people just go after older stories and add disresepctful comments

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by bam316, Aug 17, 2018.

  1. bam316

    bam316 Virgin

    I know I am not a bloody language Lit major but at least I try to do this for fun now people come into my message boxes and or stories and blast me for even the attempt I wish there was some way to delete or remove unsavorable comments
    jakelyon likes this.
  2. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    Or, you might, IDK, actually try to up your game a bit and improve...? Just a thought...
  3. bam316

    bam316 Virgin

    funny when I even use all the spell checkers and language tools at my disposal I get people like you who thinks they are gods gift to this community to place two cents in so you go back to your corner and I will stay in mine capiece
    jakelyon likes this.
  4. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    And yet, when I show you how to improve you blatantly copy it: pot, kettle, null-colors...
  5. bam316

    bam316 Virgin

    you showed me what to improve Nemo you have not all you do is insult insult insult so you know what why dont you take a nice long walk off a short peir
  6. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    Look, Bam, I'm not here for a fight: facts are facts, everyone can improve: me, you, everyone. Am I a bit salty that you took what I showed you and just copy/pasta'd it with no attribution or refinement of the rest of your work? Yeah, I am, obviously: but that's not the point here, the point is you've gotten too 'comfortable' in your present method, you're not advancing in the art we both practice. I'm trying to help you break out of your rut, but to quote the movie 'Airplane': "Brother don't want no help; Brother don't get no help."

    Anyway, I've said my peace, you want to ignore my advice that's your prerogative, but don't expect much sympathy from the more serious writers when what you're bemoaning is people trying to give you writing tips you don't want to hear. Most of us would give our Eye Teeth for readers who would comment like that: hell, that would comment at all...
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
    DoAdventures likes this.
  7. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I have to agree with Nemo - if you don't want critical comments, write using proper grammar and spelling.
    Nemo of Utopia likes this.
  8. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    In his defense GE, he DOES, mostly: it's his punctuation and structure that's the problem.

    The thing that's really stuck with me, in particular, is the lack of paragraph breaks, especially during conversation...

    Spelling is pretty on point and otherwise grammar I think is mostly OK, but that lack of paragraphing, that just kills it...
  9. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    And the random usage of capital letters.

    Seriously, fixing that one thing would make your work so much better.
  10. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    Derailing the critical bandwagon for a second...

    Unfortunately, by putting your work out there. You have to leave yourself open to criticism. Being able to delete comments that you feel might be unsavory could easily be abused to censure your critics. If you feel like particular comments are especially demeaning or rude, you can report them to an admin, but unless they're criticising you personally more than your work...It's doubtful they'll be removed.

    We all have our critics and unfortunately, our detractors tend to be more vocal and antagonistic than our supporters.
  11. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    ↑ TRUTH! ↑
  12. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    I haven't read your stuff, so I can't give feedback, though you seem not to want it anyway.

    A lot of writers would be grateful to get any feedback and I can't find it good to suggest the few readers who actually put time and energy into providing feedback that it is unwelcome.

    Besides, if someone criticizes your writing, it most likely means that they read it and if they even take some time to point out things, they probably even like your stuff.
  13. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Well, that looks like an overreaction but people should understand that public criticism is something that some people can't handle well and comments are as public as they can be.

    If you want to tell someone about his grammar\style\plot\continuity errors or give other negative feedback, then, IMO, it is better to use the private message system unless you do want to humiliate the author or think that other readers need to know your opinion.

    Also, keep in mind that comments will stay there even after mistakes will be fixed and I quite hate looking at story comments to find "Hey, you missed a letter in this sentence" kind of comments.
    obieblu_tumblr and gene.sis like this.
  14. bam316

    bam316 Virgin

    thank you Hvast
    you get the general idea of my problem I posted this thread about if someone really hates something or say hey this dont make sense jump into IM box that is all I ask I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed and or the brightest in the room that is not my issues see my faults come to me in IM I cant help that I have a mental disability and one of the courses I failed miserably in was English and Literture but see it as me trying even if I am wrong in the attempt at least I sat here and tried than kept quiet and be labeled as a nothing
    but to those who do please think about the person behind the keyboard you dont know if he or she may have something they can not help
    jakelyon likes this.
  15. Marlikton

    Marlikton Experienced

    mental problem or not critique can be helpful and reading the stuff here I don't see a lot of disrespect. Seacurve once critiqued my story very harshly in my eyes at first than instead of letting it tear me down which it could have I improved my story writing and even made new friends and co writers in At the Cabin and started a new story High School Hell. Your story that I have been reading at times I get confused at who is speaking but I get it by the end.
  16. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    Ok, I wanted to keep silent here, I really fucking did, but I just can't.

    Bam, that "Just Can't Help," line is 100% undiluted, untreated, straight out of the pipe raw sewage!

    Bam, I'm gonna tell you and everyone else something I don't bandy about much: I'm dyslexic. I am SO dyslexic that it took me TEN YEARS, from the age of five to the age of fifteen, to learn how to read the Doctor Seuss book "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish." With no mistakes when there was a ten dollar bill taped to the back of the book that was mine to spend if I just read the book without errors.

    Now I'm one of the top writers on the site and the forum.

    To misquote some rapper or other:

    "It's 10% Luck, 20% Skill, 70% Concentrated Power Of WILL: 5% Pleasure, 50% PAIN: and 100% Reason To Remember The NAME!"

    If you have the raw WILLPOWER, you can find a way to make any physical or mental handicap your bitch, the question is: do you?
  17. bam316

    bam316 Virgin

    some rapper I hate to burst your bubble you are talking about Mike Shinoda of Linkin Effing Park not some rapper thank you very much and if you think LP is a rap act then you are so sadly mistaken the band is multi genre and trust me I may suck at Eng Lit but I accelled in music
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2018
  18. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    They are kind of a rap band, dude. And I say that as someone who hates rap but loves their stuff.
    Also, please stop insulting people for no damn reason. This is part of how you wind up with insulting comments on your stuff.
  19. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    Yes, they are multi-genre, conceded.

    One of those genres is rap.

    I know rapping when I hear it and that set of lyrics is a classic rap cadence.

    Is rap all they do? No, they're Linkin Gorham Park! But it is part of what they do.
  20. bam316

    bam316 Virgin

    you know what lets just drop this fucking bullshit we are supposed to be a community but when I see something when random users come off and make comments from this story is Effing attrocious to worst story here it does set me off because you, me, and whoever works hard to get something done and have something to call our own then to have someone come in to the comments and shit on it like Roger Ebert did on the Friday the 13th franchise back in the 80s
    it not about me not respecting people or that I hate this person or that we all got issues just want to see everyone respect one another... that is all
    for I am the one who takes it for the team walking the fine fucking line with the handgrenade and guess what... the pin has been pulled so what do I do