Recommendation / Recommendation Requests

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by MidbossMan, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Hey guys. Sorry if there is a thread like this already, but I thought it might be useful to have a thread where you can recommend stories for others to read and also put in requests for recommendations, since sometimes it can be so hard to find stuff that interests you. Maybe somebody will be able to help you out by tossing some stories your way. Part of why I came here was to find great fiction that can be hard to find elsewhere, so I can definitely use all the help I can get, being introduced to new things. :D

    A few rules, let's use some modesty and avoid just recommending our own stuff (unless it fits somebody's request). This is a good time to show off other people's stuff that you like. Also, let's not get on other people for their tastes! This is probably the wrong place for kink shaming. :rolleyes:

    My recommendations:

    Ages of Autumn is a branching fantasy story. The highlights for me are the fantasy world-building, the cute girls and romantic relationships, and the overall adventurous tone. There is also some tasteful futa in there if you like that, and if you don't, maybe give it a shot anyway and see how it tickles you! I've still got more of it to read but it's one of my favorites so far.

    Becoming a Warrior! is a game story where you play a cute girl in a fantasy setting. It's a lot of fun, with hidden text that changes depending on your actions and some great humor throughout that compliments its sexy scenes. Easily one of my favorites!

    Recommendations I'm looking for:

    Right now, I'm on the hunt for fantasy or anime-like settings (fanfic or original) and am really hoping to find some great characters that'll inspire me in my own stuff. Cute or funny stories would be another plus. Let me know if you have any ideas!
    wilparu and Almax like this.
  2. Almax

    Almax Really Experienced

    Hey! Okay so first of all, I've seen you around here a little, so when I saw that you made this post I actually came here to give you a recommendation that I think you might really really like and that I've been thinking about messaging you about for a bit. Then I'm reading what you typed and I get to where you suddenly say those super nice things about my story and I get this huge dumb-looking absolute beam on my face, and my hands genuinely come up to the sides of my face involuntarily, and that's supposedly to happen exclusively in overacted stageplays. That was such an awesome feeling to read that, I probably expressed it horribly here but you gettit.

    Anyway! For your thing, I wanted to recommend you Pokemon Master or Bust! (and actually everything by Somburliss, her stuff rocks), I think it's exactly what you're looking for. It's good to the point where the reason I have a chyoa account at all was because I wanted to make sure that she knew what an awesome job she was doing. I've been meaning to go back and reread it all now that I have an account, liking all the chapter that I read from before I had one. I hope you enjoy it! And thanks again for being so nice about my story, that was so so cool to read.
    insertnamehere and MidbossMan like this.
  3. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Hey, no problem. You deserve it, buddy. I'll definitely give the rec a try, too!

    I'm still on the trove for more great stories to recommend and will let you guys know if I stumble on anything else. Looking forward to more recommendations!
  4. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    I'll drop a recommendation for Sex, Love and D&D. Usually, when I see new notifications, I hope for some likes or comments; when this was being written, all I could think about was whether Porneia had uploaded a new chapter. It has this unique sort of easing effect where you can tell the story's going in an erotic direction, but it never quite dives into sex all at once, instead letting things develop naturally. The way the characters keep their distinct, convincing personalities, even during NSFW chapters, is something I aspire to in my writing.

    As for a recommendation request... I often find I'll click onto a story with a seemingly cool concept, only to find it's yet another "Male Protagonist Is Omnipotent And Immune To Conflict And Fucks Until The Cows Come Home" story. What I want to read more of is characters who faces challenges and ordeals, as opposed to mere Gary Stu power fantasies. I'd like to see more narrative substance among my CHYOA reading materials. Basically, I want erotica that is as much story as it is porn.
    Sune's Kiss, gene.sis and MidbossMan like this.
  5. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Dang, I'd like to see that kind of thing too, now that you mention it. The long, tough windup would definitely be a worthwhile departure, cause I'll admit, there are an awful lot of power fantasies comparatively. I'll let you know if any stories like that come to mind.

    And I'll throw a bookmark on your suggestion. Thanks again. :D
  6. chris_brown

    chris_brown Really Experienced

    A couple stories I’d like to suggest if your a fan of the fantasy genre are The Demonic Idol and The Lilith Strain
    MidbossMan likes this.
  7. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    Let's see... some quick ones that I liked that are fantasy. Den of the cave toads is pretty good if you like the Ravished Heroine stories with your Fantasy.

    I mean technically, MOST stories on Chyoa are fantasy.. :p but as far as fantasy goes, Venus Rising was fun back in the day. Haven't been on that story in YEARS though, so... (Just checked... hasn't been updated in 16 years, so... don't know if this really counts as pointing to my own work, because I only wrote like three threads almost twenty years ago...)
    MidbossMan likes this.
  8. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Hey guys, thanks for the recommendations so far. I've checked out a couple and am still working on the others. :)

    Here is another new story that I like a lot. A New World: Your Party of Hopeless Hotties is a new game type fantasy story that is already full of neat characters and humor. It's a good fit if you like the idea of "Konosuba but more sexual." I hope it continues to grow. :D
    insertnamehere likes this.
  9. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    Just was rereading one of my personal favs on here... and realized that I haven't seen it in the recents, so might as well recommend for the new folks.
    Stud, by Airwreck is a lot of fun. But definitely caters to my fetishes, so YMMV.
  10. lamancha

    lamancha Virgin

    It’s more of an author recommendation but if you haven’t read daciadesires stuff. I collaborate with her and she’s a great storyteller, a real world builder
  11. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Thanks for the rec, I will definitely check out their stuff. :)

    I was actually just thinking about this thread again and another request came to me. I'd like to read some stories with cute character relationships and romances. I'm in that kind of mood. :p If anyone has recommendations, throw em on me!
    lamancha likes this.
  12. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Here are a couple more stories I've enjoyed recently which... in hindsight... don't really have anything to do with the cute relationships I was talking about earlier! But they're still nice.

    The Erotic Combat League- it's a game style story about working your way up as an erotic wrestler. Not new, but I only recently stumbled upon it. As a game, it sometimes feels like the points and branches get a little spotty, but that's actually because it's a game with several contributors, making it a bit of a rarity in my experience. Some of the characters and scenes are very nice and as a wrestling buff who nonetheless shies away from some of the hardcore stuff, I appreciate the cheerful- but lusty- tone of this one.

    Dungeon Building for Beginners- It's a story I'm reading a little at a time, but what I read was so good I had to start contributing my own to it immediately! The premise follows the POV of a mob monster in an MMO who slowly grows into building his own dungeon. If you like fantasy stuff settings and humor, it's got both in spades. The orc route still blows me away with how detailed the contributor gets! It's now one of my favorites. :)
  13. Ben Rosewood

    Ben Rosewood Really Experienced

    insertnamehere, Haoro and wilparu like this.
  14. wilparu

    wilparu Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I 100% agree, this story changed how I write characters. And it's not totally a secret maybe but it is criminally under-read compared to other stories, perhaps because of the BDSM tag and the very rough (as in, rough treatment, not poorly written in any way) first branch heh.
  15. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    I've seen it a couple times and didn't check it cause it looked like it might be a little rough (BDSM genre and all), but taking a peek, the writing does seem quite advanced as far as the characterizations go. Thanks for the tip. :)
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2020
    wilparu likes this.
  16. wilparu

    wilparu Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Honestly the first branches are somewhat extreme, not the wimpy BDSM-lite I normally go for, but the writing was so good I kept going. Then the tutor thread hits and it’s such a brilliant example of a twisted character awakening it blew me away. Also, much more emotional/subtle and less physical masochism. Then, after a few branches and seeing how the main character has her sexual awakening in different ways depending on who she’s interacting with and it all snapped into place for me and I think I “got it” more, and the very aggressive first branches made sense.

    Still, the author is more than willing to make you squirm even as you ask yourself “why is this so hot?” ;P
  17. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Hey folks- bored at work again. :) I was thinking about original superhero stories. I've been wanting to get involved in one for a while and I try to dip in and find ones I like. There's quite a variety of them out there and many are very different.

    If anyone has any good original hero stories you like, could you throw me suggestions? I'm looking for something that's not too dark.

    Also, new recommendations from me since I'm here!

    Apotheosis - an interesting story based in the lore of ancient myths. It's got a nice way of going kind of slow and methodical, which I feel makes the characters believable. The story feels kind of classy! If you like reading about mythological characters, give it a try! I've still got a lot of updates to get through myself.

    EDIT: I shilled a story I already shilled in an earlier post in an earlier version of this post. Oops. :p
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
    insertnamehere likes this.
  18. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Here's one I like a lot by Somburliss:

    It's from the point of view of a supervillain, but a totally inept one who just gets dominated by the heroes repeatedly. She's so adorably clumsy and hapless and the way she tries so hard to be a serious villain but fails every time is great fun to read. Unfortunately it hasn't been updated in a while, but I hope they do come back to it eventually.
    insertnamehere and MidbossMan like this.
  19. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    You weren't kidding, this story is some top shelf stuff. :eek: I've got a lot more to read, but I share your sentiment in hoping they'll return to it!
    Haoro likes this.
  20. Almax

    Almax Really Experienced

    Somburliss is super awesome. The way she normally does stuff is coming in every 3-6 months and dropping a couple thousand words onto one of her stories, then going away again -- she works on the stuff during her free time, and only posts parts when the whole length is done. So odds are, there's already something in the works for one or more of her stories!
    Haoro, insertnamehere and MidbossMan like this.