Winds of Ambition - Game Thread

Discussion in 'Sexual RPGs' started by Tjf, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. GenericEditor168

    GenericEditor168 Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    He turns and kisses her back. "Thank you... it's a talent."
    unisol_gr44, Tjf and asddas193 like this.
  2. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Indeed. And you're just going to love what's inside." Kyouka grins, realizing she may just have a chance at turning the woman over to her side. "Come, come, we've got plenty of food, and booze." She then leads her inside, hoping Tatsu wasn't hiding in the basement.
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.
  3. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    She grins. "Take what time you need to relax before you head back to Shintaro."
  4. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Sounds like fun." She follows Kyouka in. At first, there's little of note, but then Tatsu walks out of one of the rooms on the top floor. He walks to the railing, looking out over the tavern, when the siblings spot each other. "Tatsu?" The woman's expression hardens, and she draws her sword, putting it back to Kyouka's neck. "What the hell is going on here?"
    unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  5. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    Grinning as Tatsu showed up, Kyouka immediately held her blade. Reacting to the elder sister's draw, the redhead does the same, ready to parry any blows dealt to her. "Fufu. Guess I should tell you. We were the ones that robbed Kitano's warehouse." She said with a grin, "Now. Why don't you sheath your sword, and speak with your brother, before your men get here."
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.
  6. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    There's a ringing noise as the swords clash. "Why don't I do that? Well, because I could cut your head off instead!" She feints left, and then slashes right, devilishly fast. Tatsu shouts out. "Just hear us out!" Furious, the yakuza woman tells him to shut up.
    unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  7. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Fufu." Kyouka using her own quick reflexes ducks down to dodge the slash at her neck, then she steps forward. However instead if using her blade, the redhead tackles with her left shoulder, hoping the impact would be enough to make her drop her sword.
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.
  8. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    She reels back, her sword dropping to the ground, as she draws her tanto. But as she goes to renew her attack, there's a blur, and her weapon is knocked from her hand. Tatsu stands with his bow, having disarmed his sister with a well placed arrow. The yakuza spits on the recently polished floor and glares at both Kyouka and Tatsu. "You... What do you want? How did you turn my brother against me?"
    unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  9. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Heh. I just asked him if he wanted to join me. He said yes." Kyouka shrugged with a cheeky grin, as she sheathes her blade. "You, and you, get some rope. Take her weapons away and bind her limbs. Tatsu, lead them to a room upstairs. Wouldn't want her men ruining you reunion." She said pointing to two of her nearby men, "You, clean this up." She then ordered another man as she waits for all of them to move.
    Tjf likes this.
  10. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Tatsu nocks an arrow to ensure that she complies, and she's taken away. The men move to carry out their orders. After a few minutes, the two long haired yakuza enter the tavern. When they can't see their boss, they move their hands to their swords, cautiously. Clearly, they're reasonably well trained, staying close to the door. "Hey, lady, where did our boss go?"
    unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  11. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Well, she found someone she liked. They're currently up in one of the rooms." Kyouka replied with a smile, making no moves to enter a combat stance. "Anyway, you're free to interrupt them, though if you were to ask me. That's a good way to lose your head. So, you can either interrupt your boss' private activity. Or you can eat, and drink all you want." She said with a smile, showing them a table filled with food and drink.
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.
  12. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "We'll wait." Cautiously, they sit at the table, but don't eat or drink. That said, they seem to buy the story. The idea that their boss might have found someone to sleep with and gone upstairs with them is apparently not out of character for her.
    unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  13. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Kina cursed loudly.

    "That damn traitor! I will find her carcass and rip it limb from limb!" She cursed loudly. "My Lord! When shall be the curse re-established?" She asked.
    Tjf, unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  14. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Alright then, enjoy your meals." Kyouka said with a polite bow as she heads to a table of her own. She orders a light meal, and drink. Waiting to see whether or not Tatsu would be successful in converting his sister to her side.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  15. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “I like her,” Midori admitted. “She's different from the people I know, but seems like a good person, in her own way. Certainly nothing like this mysterious sister of hers I keep hearing about. I hope that part never changes...”
    Tjf, asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  16. unisol_gr44

    unisol_gr44 CHYOA Guru

    Jian recognised the woman from his dream, as he entered the room. He looked at his father, 'Hello, father. Did Oichi come by this room by chance? I had a strange dream to that effect.'
    He then asked Kina too, 'Did a woman come in here before?'
    majus and asddas193 like this.
  17. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Shintaro goes to answer, before a young foreign man who shares Shintaro's features enters the room.
    As Jian enters, he sees that the blonde's robe has been pulled open, large breasts on full display. Shintaro frowns, and talks to Kina. "Wait, did anyone come in here? Tell me the truth, now." Kina doesn't remember, but she notes a small feeling of pleasure as the name 'Oichi' is mentioned, though she knows no one by that name.
    majus, asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  18. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    The food is surprisingly quite good, the old woman being quite a good cook. After a few minutes, the female yakuza exits her room, coming down. She gives Kyouka a nod, though her expression is beyond furious. Through gritted teeth, she says to her men, "Listen, boys... We're not going to be working for Kitano-San any longer." They look about in confusion.
    asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  19. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Ya-Ming nods. "She is...rough, but she has qualities that make her a desirable leader." The kunoichi shrugs. "Speaking of desirability, you didn't want her body?"
    asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  20. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Mm. Delish." Kyouka hums, and as Tatsu' sister came back down. She grins as she received the nod. "Good choice." She cooed, raising her tankard at her. And letting her explain herself to her men.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.