Winds of Ambition - Game Thread

Discussion in 'Sexual RPGs' started by Tjf, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Oh, be gentle." She lets out a moan as her ass stretches to accommodate the fake phallus
    moonblack and unisol_gr44 like this.
  2. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    He nods, and the group clears out. After an hour or so, Tatsu returns with Zaba's mistress, and she tearfully reunites with her lover. After heading upstairs for a while, the old man returns, nodding to Kyouka. "I'll do it. I'll help you hit the casino. Whatever you need."
    asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  3. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “I'll try.” Midori promised as she began moving both dildos at the same time, quickly establishing a rhythm where she thrust one dildo in as she pulled the other out, always keeping one of the shopkeeper's holes filled. Her immediate aim was to get Raika very horny and then deny her release until she was begging for it again, while her ultimate goal was to exhaust the blonde as much as possible, until she could barely move, perhaps even faint for a short time.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  4. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Fufu. I knew you'd say that. But, the question will be the same. Do you know the route they'll be taking?" Kyouka said as she stands up, she then grins at Tatsu, "Good job. If I knew any better, I'd say you're working hard for a "special" reward." She teased.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  5. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Raika groans as Midori toys with her body. "So close... C'mon... Stop teasing, ugh!"
    asddas193, moonblack and unisol_gr44 like this.
  6. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    The man nods. "I know all three possible routes they might take." Tatsu chuckles. "What reward would that be? I'd say last night's reward was pretty fantastic already." Zaba blinks awkwardly.
    asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  7. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Midori smirked as she looked at the horny blonde. “Okay, I'll stop teasing you... if you ask nicely.” She slapped Raika's right ass cheek and went back to keeping her on the edge.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  8. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Oh ho? Do tell." Kyouka turns her head to Zaba, "If you do know it, I might not even need to work for Kitano." She hummed, before looking at Tatsu, "Well, do more good jobs, and you may just get a repeat of last night."
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  9. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    Raika lets out a yelp. "Ah, please let me cum!"
    moonblack, unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  10. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "He has three routes he uses in times of war, disguising the money in barrels of sake or rice." Tatsu gives a grin.
    unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  11. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Mhm. I'm pretty sure you've already told me that. You also said the routes they take were random." Kyouka replied. "So, unless we get more ninjas like Ya-Ming. We'll have trouble coordinating everything."
    unisol_gr44 and Tjf like this.
  12. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "Unfortunately, that does appear to be the case. Otherwise, you might be able to find out through serving Kitano, but that might take too long."
    asddas193 and unisol_gr44 like this.
  13. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “'Please let me cum'... what? What do good girls say when they want to cum?” Midori demanded as she slapped Raika's other ass cheek.
    Tjf, unisol_gr44 and asddas193 like this.
  14. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Hey, Ya-Ming. What's the update on tracking down those "friends" of yours?" Kyouka asked as she tilts her head.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  15. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "P-Please, mistress!" She's given up all pretense of dominance at this point, desperate for release.
    unisol_gr44 and moonblack like this.
  16. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    "None yet. I think I know where one is, but I haven't been able to go down there to confirm yet."
    unisol_gr44 likes this.
  17. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    “That's a good girl! Here's your reward!” Midori grinned and sped up the thrusting of the two toys, aiming to reward Raika for her obedience with an orgasm.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  18. Tjf

    Tjf CHYOA Guru

    She lets out a hoarse scream, squirting wildly as she cums, before laying down, tongue lolling.
    moonblack and unisol_gr44 like this.
  19. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Midori looked down at the exhausted blonde on the floor and nodded to herself. I think that's good enough. Time to get to work... Taking advantage of Raika being out of it she grabbed the sash of Raika's kimono and used it to tie the shopkeeper's hands behind her back. Once she was certain the blonde would not be able to free herself for at least a few minutes she moved on to the next part of her little plan. I'm pretty sure I saw a chastity belt among the various things... I just need to find it... In a rush she headed to where she had seen it.

    (The things I come up with when I have a couple oif days yo think about something...)
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.
  20. asddas193

    asddas193 CHYOA Guru

    "Oh? Need me to come with you? You know I'm a very good negotiator." Kyouka said with a cheeky grin.
    Tjf and unisol_gr44 like this.