Last Activity:
Feb 24, 2023
Mar 28, 2022
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Virgin, Male

The truth is, it was rigged from the start. Aug 18, 2022

KingTubbins was last seen:
Feb 24, 2023
    1. KingTubbins
      The truth is, it was rigged from the start.
      1. AlexandraS90
        *Blue Moon intensifies*
        Aug 19, 2022
    2. KingTubbins
      Exams over, time to get back to writing erotica (I will be staring at my screen for 1 hour thinking about what to write)
    3. KingTubbins
      Exams have started and I tested positive for covid... fml.
      1. Warden-Yarn15
        At least you passed one test so far...

        I'm going to show myself out.
        Jul 5, 2022
        KingTubbins likes this.
      2. KingTubbins
        Well done, you make me chuckle
        Jul 5, 2022
        Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
    4. KingTubbins
      Taking a mini-break to focus on exams, will be back in 2-3 weeks!
    5. KingTubbins
      Contemplating how I can get away with writing a medieval story that is very similar to actual history and a videogame...
      1. Warden-Yarn15 and JakeSnakeCakes like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. CurvyLinesEverywhere
        BAM! You spring the game mechanics on them! Now there's a stealth section! Now the protagonist climbs a tower to unlock new areas on the map! Now they just Leveled Up their Singet Identification Skill, which feeds back into *more dynastic fucking intrigue!*
        Jun 19, 2022
        KingTubbins likes this.
      4. CurvyLinesEverywhere
        And remember: If you ever catch yourself thinking about how to balance the gameplay? Just use vaguer language! This one simple trick has gotten me out of so many predicaments during my LitRPG/ LitFPS antics, it's unreal!
        Jun 19, 2022
        KingTubbins likes this.
      5. KingTubbins
        I think I've managed to get the beginnings set out, and got a decent plan for quite a few chapters, now I just need to get to writing them. As for the game mechanics, I think there's going to be some work to be done for me to decide but you've got a good idea. Thanks for the feedback!
        Jun 19, 2022
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  • About

    Stories I'm working on:

    The Lord of the Ring:

    Artifacts give the wielder power, but just how much power?

    A Dynasty Through The Ages:

    Follow a dynasty through generations as houses rise and fall and decisions can change the course of history.

    Stories Planned:

    The Walls Crumbled:
    A zombie apocalypse has left one ex-soldier and his ragtag group trying to survive in a shell of glory, will they succeed in reforming humanity or will they crumble?

    The Archives of the Commander of the 4th Exploration Fleet:
    After the untimely death of the Commander, his/her files on the 4th's mission to the galaxy Orynthia have been revealed. A private journal written by the Commander has been found, detailing their every activity while in Command of the Fleet. What will they find?

    Feel free to dm, always looking to collaborate with other authors!