Last Activity:
Nov 10, 2015
Aug 27, 2014
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Virgin, Female

GTA... Grand Theft Auto? No, Great Times Ahead. Still San Andreas, but more... Oh, Yum! May 12, 2015

Lisa was last seen:
Nov 10, 2015
    1. Lisa
      GTA... Grand Theft Auto? No, Great Times Ahead. Still San Andreas, but more... Oh, Yum!
      1. AlexandraS90 and Friedman like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. AlexandraS90
        By Fernando I meant more the default male modder/car thief, haha.
        May 14, 2015
      4. Lisa
        Oh, now I know what you mean. The male thread I started to write, which happened to be Fernando by default as well. I'll change that to Carlos.
        May 14, 2015
      5. Lisa
        Initially I wanted him to be the result of his mother's affair with the Fernando Martinez, but as I got a little into it, decided against using that.
        May 14, 2015
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  • About

    I really enjoy writing. I tend to temporary become the main character and live in the environment I write about. I prefer to use (my) female point of view, writing it from a different one is more challenging for me and -in my opinion- not as good.

    Having some form of completion during a story/chapter/thread is almost as fulfilling as a climax, but on an entirely different level obviously. I post only when I have reached that point. Leaving something "hanging in the air" can be as frustrating to me as getting up in the middle of a love making session.

    I also like the absence of details, or rather those that seem matter to some writers. My characters are rarely described fully (in the visual sense), I rather leave that up to the imagination of the reader and add to it. The books and stories that appealed to me most were all like that. Maybe I like someone crucial in a story to be tall, dark, and dorky. Maybe you prefer them to be short, blond, and bulky. If I can craft my story to accommodate both, we'll all enjoy it.

    As much as I hate to admit it, I can't always write. Sometimes months go by where I can't get anything sensible written down or do anything else. It's not a writer's block, it's something else.
    Then all of a sudden I'm in the mood again, the light is right, the stars are in alignment and the cornucopia of words opens. Stories unfold inside my head faster than I can write them down and I spent most of my time typing away on my computer trying to catch up until I have to stop.
    Nevertheless, it is one of the most enjoyable things I have in my life.

    On a slightly related note: I have worn down many keyboards, leaving many keys without their associated letters before buying a new one. If you happen to know a true long nail resistant PC keyboard, I'd really like to know. Currently I'm using the cheapest Logitech Business keyboards which seem to last for about a year and a bit. (Currently a K120). Backlit keyboards aren't a solution either, I have thrown out two already, one (Trust) began to show serious wear after only three months. Mac isn't doing any better either, my Macbook also suffers from the same problem.

    Thank you for reading!
    Hugs and kisses,


    My panties were still on but he didn’t let that stop him, nosing them out of the way and tonguing my sex, making low, growling noises in his throat like a big cat purring with pleasure while it devoured its prey.” ~ Emme Rollins

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