Jun 8, 2020
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Southern US


Experienced, Female, from Southern US

I added a signature with links to Chyoa stuff I wrote. I thought I wrote more than that! 50+ chapters in 5 stories was pretty good. Sep 11, 2023

    1. uppitygracie
      I added a signature with links to Chyoa stuff I wrote. I thought I wrote more than that! 50+ chapters in 5 stories was pretty good.
      1. Zeebop likes this.
    2. uppitygracie
      Well I got a notification that my chapter likes hit 500. Not bad for a girl that got too lazy to write years ago lol!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. calleman20
        Good job, i also got 500 likes on one of my stories and it's just such an amazing feeling. To have something you made be appreciated by so many people. Lets see if we can hit the next milestone too lol.
        Sep 9, 2023
        uppitygracie likes this.
      3. uppitygracie
        All in one story? That sounds quite a bit better than I did. I had them in 50+ chapters spread over 5-10 stories I contributed to. Still, glad I got there :)
        Sep 9, 2023
        calleman20 likes this.
      4. calleman20
        Ehh I just got lucky, I write in a very niche genre so it's probably for that reason. My writing skills are subpar at best so it's probably not for that reason lol. So no matter how you got there it's still a great accomplishment. Congrats on the major milestone.
        Sep 9, 2023
        uppitygracie likes this.
    3. uppitygracie
      I finished cleaning up my entries in "The Affair". It was almost all grammar and punctuation work, though I did reword a few things.
      1. uppitygracie
        I 'own' the story at this point so I could do a sweep through all the chapters but I've never been comfortable messing with someone else's work.
        Feb 10, 2023
    4. uppitygracie
      Don't mind me. I haven't been writing but I did clean up some of the stuff I wrote. I like the edit silently box.
      1. elmer7780 likes this.
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      3. uppitygracie
        Well my three chapter Jenny Song story in Brainwashed is cleaned up a bit. Now its probably about 8th grade instead of 6th grade grammar o.o
        Feb 1, 2023
      4. uppitygracie
        I started cleaning up my various chapters in The Affair but that'll take longer since they're a bit more complicated.
        Feb 1, 2023
      5. calleman20
        You're the opposite of me, I love the free publicity by publishing small edits as a new Chapter. You get alot of publicity for that lol. I never use the silent edit option it might be for only a shot while but you might get a new follower.
        Sep 9, 2023
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    Southern US
    Just looking around. Don't mind me, I don't make messes or eat much :cool:


    Given the unpleasantness searching and such has become, I think it's worth giving myself a list of stuff I have written accessible somewhere other than my main Chyoa profile.

    First story branch I did here I think way back in the mists of time. I was still learning.

    My second branch (I think). It's weird but I had fun writing it.

    This is a story I took over after the original author quit. I have work scattered all around it. It was a shame, he was fun to write with.

    This is a branch I wrote with the same fellow. I don't think I own this story, it's pretty complete though.

    A short 'coed gets laid on a trip' story. My first (and only) venture into (very light) MC.

    I thought I wrote more but unless I lost some, I guess not :)