How involved in your kink are you in real life?

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by ittybittyht, Sep 5, 2021.

  1. totallynot

    totallynot Virgin

    My main CHYOA kinks could be summarized as:

    1) Big natural breasts
    2) Voyeurism (related to number 1)
    3) Free use

    Now, I've indulged in 1 and 2 a bit in real life. I've been lucky enough not to suffer any bad consequences out of it, and intend to keep it that way. That's why I use writing on CHYOA as an outlet for these urges. Luckily I have a partner with big natural breasts who is pretty tolerant towards my breast fetishism and I am trying to find a balance for what is still wholesome in real life.

    I have included some elements of my real life encounters into my stories, but I don't feel confident enough to talk about them in this public forum. If you're interested or have similar stories, feel free to message me.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  2. Dansak

    Dansak Really Really Experienced

    Kink features a lot in my real life. I live with my partner and our relationship is a TPE (total power exchange), I am dominant, she is submissive. Kink is at the core of our relationship, it's not just sexual, it's completely intertwined in our everyday lives. We are on the 'scene' too and go to events and munches, luckily we have a lot going on where we live. It's a great community to be a part of, I've made some wonderful friends at events I've been to. Obviously we live the usual rather boring vanilla lives too!

    How does this translate into what I write? I think that some elements of my real life show through when I write kink, I always have an element of consent involved for example. Most of what I write here though is complete fantasy. My real life experiences are most prevalent in the feelings and emotions of my characters rather than their actions. For me, that's what kink is about, a deep emotional connection.

    There maybe some here who think that having sexual access to a partner whenever they wish means that it would be 24/7 fucking, and that they wouldn't be writing about it here if they had that outlet. Well, it doesn't work like that! Life, normal life, goes on, work, hobbies, family and friends etc. I write because I enjoy it and the format on Chyoa gives me a chance to write in small manageable chunks with instant feed back by way of likes and comments. Sexual fantasies and the desire to explore them is the same whether you have a sexual outlet or not.
    Greyrock, gene.sis and Cuchuilain like this.
  3. Larata

    Larata Virgin

    I have started writing recently in chyoa but have quite a bunch of quirky narrations in other sites.
    I tend to use writting to organize my thoughts, just enjoy the mental wank and perhaps explore scenes I may want to play with partners in bdsm context. Its a very fun and quirky way to think up domming sequences while also having a little attention from readers.
    Dansak, Greyrock and Wolfinnoclothing like this.
  4. Well, I will certainly say I have a broader fantasy life and apreciation of material I do on here than I have experienced, but I was also very adventuresome in real life. Sex had to get -really- weird before I said hard no.

    Honestly, my biggest kinks I lived out were D/s from both sides, a little humiliation play, a few instances of group things, and I discovered I liked being watched on cam. I never was solo but me and a gf ocaisionally showed off.

    I will also say I am far more comfortable with being hetero-flexible on line, but have done some things offline I enjoyed.
    Zingiber and Greyrock like this.
  5. Greyrock

    Greyrock Really Experienced

    In erotic stories, I am most quickly drawn to dark, taboo, sometimes shocking themes that I have zero interest in exploring in real life. Sometimes I write something to shock myself, to get it out of my system and get over it, then I don’t have much interest in exploring it further. Going hyper, absurd, or surreal is just plain fun to write, whether or not it is genuinely arousing. Can’t explore those even if I want a two-foot dick for a day.

    I admire people that are deeply confident in their sense of self. That ain’t me. I feel differently as the context changes. It can be really frustrating, but it forces me to be open-minded. Writing smut is sort of a cerebral exercise for me to poke at ideas that have given me an unexpected rise in some specific moment, hopefully to understand myself better. As for my real life experiences, I mostly borrow from the sensual moments, or from hypotheticals inspired from past encounters.

    My partner reads my stories, and we talk about kinks more now than ever, usually during sex, and that excitement is leading us to connect with the local kink scene to see how we fit in. So… maybe I will be incorporating first-hand kink knowledge this time next year.
  6. JakeSnakeCakes

    JakeSnakeCakes Experienced

    I am anti-sex, but mostly anti-kink.

    Like everyone else here, I used to have sex. Then I realized that sex is bad, and took the VolCel pledge. So far, I have not had sex for a month.

    Edit: I read the title wrong. My fetish is nurses.
    AlexandraS90 likes this.