What turns you off in a story?

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by JakeSnakeCakes, Jun 5, 2022.

  1. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    AlexandraS90 likes this.
  2. JohnTitor45

    JohnTitor45 Experienced

    Oh. I kinda had a scene where one girl hit another there because she thought she was raping a guy.

    What's scat?

    One of my stories does contain rape. I was originally gonna have a comedic rape scene where the guy did so under the logic she wasn't technically real but it I was able to find another way to avoid going ten chapters without a sex scene.
  3. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Scat = shit, feces. Especially in the sense of a sexual kink, but also just the act of excretion, or poo on a dick, and especially not a fan of any form of shit-eating. Fecal transplants are right out.
  4. JohnTitor45

    JohnTitor45 Experienced

    That's a kink?
  5. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

  6. Greyrock

    Greyrock Really Experienced

    Yeahhhhh some kinks start as a wtf until you are pulled into them through a side door of another kink, particularly if you are extremely horny. I don’t have a side door for coprophilia - or phagia. That wall is made of ironclad concrete with siliconed edges.
  7. JakeSnakeCakes

    JakeSnakeCakes Experienced

    I don't like lesbian stories. Or really, it does nothing for me. Unless the story is a really good romance or something, I probably will never read it.
  8. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Scat, Macro stuff, water sports as a major focus, incest, submissive males is kind of iffy for me and is just a turn off if it's the entire focus, futanari is also iffy like... I don't mind Futa characters, but if the entire focus is Futas I'm not usually interested especially since I should probably rephrase the other one as submissive characters with penises, poorly written anything especially sex scenes, rape when it's handled badly or as comedy. I'm actually very into non-con as a fetish, but the emotions surrounding it, the trauma and stuff is a lot of what makes it hot and interesting to me, so stories where the characters barely react to being raped or where the reaction of the character being raped is completely ignored just annoy me.

    Obvious Disclaimer, but adding it anyway: "I do not condone or enjoy the concept of rape outside of fictional circumstances,"

    I also hate celebrity stories, anything involving real people is just a turn off to me and in many cases actively concerning...

    I have a few lesser turn offs that don't usually ruin a story for me, but all of these are so common on here as the entire point of a story with nothing else added that they've started becoming increasingly frustrating.

    Mind Control where the character being mind controlled just essentially stops having any personality of their own or never did have their own personality. I'm not a fan of mind control where the character is oblivious entirely... I mean what's the point at that point.

    ENF where nothing else happens, but the character being naked.

    Also just not a fan of ENM or SPH since as stated, not a fan of submissive male focus...

    Um can't think of any others at the moment...

    Also it's strangely amusing to see that so many of my kinks are mentioned here as things other people don't like...
    Wolfinnoclothing likes this.
  9. JohnTitor45

    JohnTitor45 Experienced

    What's Macro, ENM and SPH?

    What if the submissive male is kinda obnoxious?

    Just as well I didn't go through with my Joker uses his Persona to rape Kamoshida's cognitive of Ann idea. I have done less funny rape scenes.

    You have a fetish for bait and switch, politics, Mary Sues, making drastic changes to characters that are not on line with their personality, skills or backstory, retcons, representing personal opinions as irrefutable facts, the idea that art cannot be objectively assessed of quality, straw men, needing other people to come up with theories or excuses to make the story make sense and/or prominent child characters?
  10. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

    Macro is like ridiculously oversized body parts... Mostly cocks or breasts.

    ENM is embarrassed Nude Males and is the male version of ENF which I'm sure you can figure out.

    SPH is Small Penis Humiliation and is stories focused on a penis having character who has a very tiny penis and is embarrassed or humiliated because of this.

    A submissive male being obnoxious does not make it hotter even if it might make it more emotionally rewarding. I do not find stories focused on males being the receivers of sex hot. It's just not my thing. I am interested in women primarily, not men.

    And no... Also your list of turn offs is weirdly specific... Do you not have any turn offs that are... less specific?

    My major turn ons are Non-con, snuff and general scenes of vagina having characters in peril... Only in fictional contexts of course.
  11. JohnTitor45

    JohnTitor45 Experienced

    I think it means embarrassed nude females. I'd done a little of that. If Kamoshida is gonna cut Ann's clothes, you might as well have Ann's clothes cut off and if the Phantom Thief outfits disappear when you leave the Metaverse...

    I prefer submissive females too, though I might have to do some malesub stuff for plot reasons.

    I've done rape scenes and female characters in peril. I think rape counts as peril. Does snuff mean extreme violence?
  12. SeriousBrainDamage

    SeriousBrainDamage Really Really Experienced

    The side doors for that are probably anal sex and watersports, just so that you know which ones you have to seal.

    Makes sense. I learned something new today, thanks.

    I see this thread is still going strong. And still no flames, just some little sparks.;)

    I'd say cuckoldry, especially mixed with SPH and gay sex.
    Scat, watersports, snuff, gore.

    BDSM. That's one thing I really can't understand. It's so fucking bourgeois, so dull and cliche-y, in my experience. Really can't stand it.

    Also this. It made me chuckle. I can't really see the appeal if it doesn't lead to some kind of sex.

    Speaking of tropes and writing issues, I'd say daddy/daughter and mommy/son pairings repel me a little, I'm not against incest though, it's just those specific terms.
    Pretentious prose.
    Free use. Seriously, just go watch some porn.
  13. Aman Onfy Mous

    Aman Onfy Mous Really Experienced

    Poorly structured stories full of branches that go nowhere, or stop just when it gets good, or just empty filler chapters that distract or confuse readers.

    I know in many cases that story owners can't force authors to keep to an organized structure, but you asked, that's my answer.
  14. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    define "empty filler chapter"
  15. Aman Onfy Mous

    Aman Onfy Mous Really Experienced

    For example, when people add a million chapters that's just the name of a character and nothing else, so you have to hunt through 50 chapters to find one that has writing in it.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2022
  16. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

  17. Dansak

    Dansak Really Really Experienced

    Most of the popular stuff on CHYOA is not my thing, fanfic, mind control, ENF/ENM, fantasy, free use etc etc, they just don't do it for me but I respect others' interest in them. My interests in erotic fiction are mainly in well written real-world scenarios, for the most part BDSM or incest, which are hard to find. Still, there are some gems out there. Since I stick mainly to the stuff I like I don't come across much kink/themes that turn me off.

    A big turn off for me that will have me shutting a story down quickly is when it's riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes and generally poorly written. There are some great ideas out there that are so badly constructed I couldn't get past the first paragraph.
    gene.sis and SeriousBrainDamage like this.
  18. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    I've enjoyed a lot of different stuff over the years. Scat, gore, and non-solid food (yes, really* :p) are the only fetishes that utterly repulse me.

    In a broader sense, I tend to dislike fan fiction: coming up with your own setting and world is the easiest part of writing, and if you're unwilling or unable to do even that, that doesn't bode well for the hard work of actually writing a story. I know that's an huge overgeneralization: there are other reasons to write fan fiction, and a lot of fanfic is good, or even great, but if I have to decide between fanfic 1, fanfic 2, or original story 3, then all else being equal, I'll pick the original story.

    I don't read "make your own X"-style stories, because they rarely lead to an actual story. Here, have 17 characters I made, and by characters I mean blank slates with a breast size; now someone write the story for me?

    Another pet peeve of mine is "a world in which X is not taboo"-style stories: if something is not taboo in your world, then it's not taboo full stop. It skips over the whole point of featuring taboos, which is having characters violating and/or overcoming them.

    I tend to prefer reading medium-length stories (or branches), between 5k and 20k words or so. Still, they should be long enough to have proper characterization, and not just be 500 word self-(but better)-insert, wish-fulfilment stories.

    For CHYOA specifically, I avoid overly big and heavily branching stories with lots of authors. Even if there's a lot of good stuff in them, actually finding it is impossible. Some stories have over hundreds of tags covering thousands of chapters. How am I supposed to find any of the content I'm interested in in that kind of hay stack? I'd much rather read a 20-tag story with 50 chapters. Focus is good.

    * Liquid chocolate is the obvious one, because it reminds of scat, but even relatively benign food like whipped cream just turns me off.
  19. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Assuming the author didn't just slap it all on the first chapter, it is actually possible to click on the tag and then search for the chapter instead of story. It's unfortunately not very intuitive, since for some bizarre reason it doesn't filter to the story you are on(why?) but if its an obscure enough tag and you further refine the search via category and POV of the story that's a valid solution
    gene.sis and TheLowKing like this.
  20. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Not as far as I know. Weird, though, since like you said, tags are set on chapters, but displayed on stories. It'd be nice to have some way to see per-chapter tags too.
    gene.sis likes this.