Chauvinism world

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Gambio, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    because of popular demand (god damnit Curvy) here is a concept for a story that will most likely never see the light of day

    Toxic Masculinity, literally

    Welcome to Chauvinism World! In this nightmarish dystopian hellscape men have devolved into caricatures, embracing the worst aspect of the patriarchy.

    In an amazing twist of events, women in Chauvinism World aren't in fact oppressed or enslaved. It's just that the core values of feminism are either mocked or laughed at.

    The reason why there hasn't been an armed uprising resulting in a Femboy AU is that each and every man gives off an aura, that compels any female in reach to act in a way corresponding with his worldview.

    As far as the men of the world are concerned, we can divide them into seven archetypes

    The white knight (Aura: Damsel of Distress)

    The white knight's main goal is to protect the women of this world, which would be a nice thing if he wouldn't go about in the most condescending way possible. The white knight believes that women are inherently incapable of doing anything on their own.

    While they would never hurt a female, they are not above using physical force to restrict their movement. If a white knight believes you need to be bound and gagged for your own safety you better make sure to use the toilet beforehand.

    Their Aura, “Damsel of Distress” will cause the affected female to be more clumsy with anything that isn't perceived stereotypical girlish. Attempting to do anything remotely manly will almost assuredly end in slapstick humor.

    This even extends to clothes. Wear anything that isn't a skirt or dress in the vicinity of a White Knight and you will suffer a wardrobe malfunction.

    Despite these drawbacks, White Knights are amongst the most harmless of men and as such are often sought out for protection against their more sinister peers. It should be noted that while White Knights will in general protect every woman they come across, they will usually choose one girl in particular and devote themselves to her.

    The Casanova (Aura: Love Love)

    The Casanova wants one thing and one thing only. Sex. As such he will flirt with as many women as possible. Sometimes even multiple at once. While his bad attempts at flirting would usually only prompt an eyeroll, his Aura “Love Love” ensures that any women he flirts with will be utterly entranced by him.

    Some Women with stronger willpower might resist him longer then others, but it is only a matter of time until they end up in bed with him.

    Similar to the white Knight, the Casanova has a strong desire to guard his women and can be used as protection. Unfortunately he isn't so vigilant when it comes to his own protection and has mastered the art of escaping a condom.

    Once Sex with his target is achieved, the Casanova loses all interest and dumps the woman at the earliest moment.

    Any attempts of getting a Casanova to pay child support have failed.

    The Misogynist (Aura: Blonde Bimbo)

    Perhaps, the poster child of Chauvinism World, The Misogynist stands out as particularly disgusting. Believing a womans place is firmly in the kitchen, his goal is to marry and then treat his spouse as a personal servant for the rest of his or her life.

    His Aura, “Blond Bimbo” will help him succeed in this quest as it slowly saps the intelligence of the females around him until they are actually dumb enough to believe this absolute sack of shit is worth marrying.

    Identifying a Misogynist, and staying away from him is crucial. A Misogynist is not above using violence to get his way but is in general not particularly gifted in the martial arts. As such getting him to have a run in with a White Knight or Casanova might be your ticket to salvation.

    The pervert (Aura: Flimsy Blackmail)

    As the name suggests the pervert is simply that. Unlike the casanova, the perverts goal isn't primarily to have sex with females(although it's certainly on the agenda), but to humiliate and degrade them.

    He achieves that with his Aura “Flimsy blackmail” The pervert will find some dirt on his victim and use that to get him to do his bidding. This “dirt” can be extremely shallow (I know you wear teddybear underwear) but the victim will be extremely embarrassed and compelled to go along with any demented demands he makes.

    Some(not all) perverts do have some sort of a moral compass and can be appeased by crying. It is however in your best interest to safeguard yourself with some preventive measures.

    The genre savy (Aura: This shit is real)

    Probably the most versatile of all stereotypes, the genre savy actually knows what's going on. While he has no direct influence on the woman around him. He sees the aura's as well as to which percentage(0%-100%) they are already affected

    His Aura “This shit is real” allows him to communicate his knowledge to females, who in turn instantly believe him. Naturally, the genre savy can leverage this for his own purposes. It should be noted however, that females will only believe the truth.

    The genre savy has no general disposition towards good or evil, and some even delude themselves into thinking they are the main protagonist.

    The Nerd (Aura: Sadism)

    The Nerd is an outlier amongst the stereotypes, as he doesn't pursue women in any form. Rather, he attracts woman to him. His Aura, “Masochism” causes even the usual most gently natured females to want to bully him. While no danger on its own, this bitchy attitude might draw attention of other stereotypes, in particular perverts, who then feel justified in their doing. It should also be noted that Nerds can evolve into Incels.

    The Incel (Aura: Disgusting Freak.)

    Without a doubt the most dangerous stereotype. A Nerd turns into an Incel once his breaking point is reached. An Incel's main goal is to hurt or even kill females.

    His Aura, “Disgusting Freak” causes all the females in his range to shun him. While, unlike to the nerd, no actual bullying occurs, this rejection will fester more and more into the Incel, turning him more radical with time.

    For some bizarre reason, total societal collapse has not occurred yet. The chauvinists do have a life outside of harassing women and as such a precarious balance is kept.

    When two aura's are effective in the same area the more powerful usually wins out. If an aura is stronger has nothing to do with physical ability. A Nerd's aura might just happen to be stronger then a White Knights.

    In very rare circumstances, two or more auras work in perfect equilibrium and affect a target at the same time.

    Due to some unknown reasons no female below the age of 18 is affected by the Chauvinists aura. At the same time a Chauvinists aura only activates once he turns 18. While there is no age limit, Chauvinists do mostly only target women they deem attractive
  2. KingTubbins

    KingTubbins Virgin

    I think a total societal collapse is just around the corner, it just needs one final push, like an explosion caused by the connection of multiple auras at the same time, transforming a guy into some power rangers robot combine type shit!
  3. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    This decade kinda sucks, not gonna lie
    KingTubbins likes this.
  4. KingTubbins

    KingTubbins Virgin

    Real-life or story-wise? If story-wise, when would it take place?
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
  5. JakeSnakeCakes

    JakeSnakeCakes Experienced

    The Edgelord (Aura: Black Wolf)

    This stereotype is similiar to both the nerd and the white knight. He believes himself to be persecuted or cursed. Women at first will fear him because of how many gas station knives he has, only to get into a situation where they find out that he's actually kind. He's just scary because of some horrific past event. Upon learning this past, they will fall in love with him. Unfortunately, their relationship can only end in one way, the fridge. The woman will die, or face a fate worse than death in order to develop his character. Usually it motivates him to increase his combat power, and avenge his former lover.

    Edgelords aren't trusted by most other achetypes, as they are the most powerful when it comes to combat. An edgelord who has never practiced martial arts will be able to beat a room full of goons. In this chaotic world, the edgelord is the most effective check on the incel.
    TheLowKing likes this.
  6. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    I think KingTubbins was talking about your fictional universe.

    Our real world is going to be one day away from total societal collapse for the next ten years, at least. There's just too much fucking inertia for it to actually finish dying.

    Anyway. Start the story. Make it public. I have some schemes already brewing. I am such a fucking protagonist! :D
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
  7. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Fucking Edgelords, they are the worst.

    The problem is that apart from the concept I have like one page of story ready lol And I am in no position of starting a new project.

    But if you, or anyone else, likes the concept, feel free to make use of it.

    Oh, I think I was too tired yesterday lol

    But the answer is both.
  8. KingTubbins

    KingTubbins Virgin

    Well in terms of real-life, we've got another 8 to go, surely they can't be as bad as the last two right? right? o_O
  9. JohnTitor45

    JohnTitor45 Experienced

    You're the protagonist of this story?
  10. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    Send your bitches down to Fifth Wave Mall! Built around the historic concrete dome covering the remains of Nuclear Power Plant 34-D! It's been twenty years since some idiot let that blonde bimbo near a nuclear reactor, but since then, we’ve had zero radiation leaks! Don’t mind the scaffolding. That’s just our work crews performing routine maintenance and safety-checks as we safely airlift materials out of the crater. We estimate that radiation levels within the dome will be back down to safe background levels by 2045, at which point we can turn the entire structure into a giant boobie-shaped skating rink.

    The Fashion District surrounds the sealed remains of the nuclear power plant! This layout ensures that, while your ladies may be tempted to try on pretty hats, they won’t overstay their welcome! Sure, you and I both know that the Dome is an impregnable barrier against radiation, but you and I also know that they’ll believe any story you put into their pretty little heads! Want ‘em home early? Tell ‘em you heard there was a leak! Who are they gonna believe, you or this advertisement? Wink! All doors in this district feature manual doorknobs to discourage your ladies from leaving with too many unnecessary purchases in their arms!

    Surrounding the Pretty Hat District on all sides we have 360 degrees of Pawn Shops! Did a clingy ex give you something of value before you kicked her ass to the curb? Need an affordable shiny trinket to win over your True Love while you try and figure out what her name is? Just need a scenic background to take selfies against while you cycle your tinder profile? The Pawn Shop District has got you covered!

    Around the Pawn Shop District like a massive sandwich roll, we have the Kitchen District! From blenders to ovens to sandwich presses, you’ll find it all here! The only thing you won’t find is shoe stores! Onsite midwives are available 24/7, just in case that dumb bitch decides to give birth right in the middle of buying restaurant-grade cooking appliances to cook your meals in!

    Wrapped around the Pawn Shop District like an extension cord, you’ll love our Electronics District! Cameras, Microphones, Telescopes and Recorders! Televisions, Video Games, Remote Controlled Drones! Movie Theatres, Internet cafes, and Erotic interactive VR to entertain YOU while your wife does all of your shopping! This is also the only place in the entire mall where barbecued meat and beer are available 24/7! That’s right! You have the shortest walk from the parking lot to the table, while your wife will have to walk almost a quarter mile to buy lingerie to wear for you.

    We’re sure she’ll be perfectly safe walking the concourse. The worst thing that could happen is she might step in a puddle or two. (We’re still looking into that problem with the sprinkler systems embedded in the concourse greenspace.)

    You can also just monitor her from any one of our convenient Security Kiosks! All of our womens changing rooms, restrooms and massage parlors are circular in shape and monitored by live video feed 24/7, meaning she’s always on-camera for you or anyone else to check up on! No matter which way she turns, she’s literally incapable of stepping out-of-frame!

    And Fifth Wave Mall also prides itself on being a safe space for men. If you feel bullied or harassed for any reason, from lack of physicality to envy of your superior intellect, simply flag down the nearest available Security Associate or hide in any of the provided Safety Dumpsters for a free ride back to the parking lot.

    Just outside the Electronics district, you’ll find schools, daycare, security offices and fast food. Everything you need to keep your kids out of your hair while you enjoy your shopping experience!

    Job opportunities are currently available in the fields of Behavioral Management, Software Engineering, Physical Security, and Political Opposition Research! With our innovative job application process, all you have to do is convince the interviewer that you know more than they do about your field! So apply today!

    Remember, that’s Fifth Wave Mall! 5 miles south of town on Highway 69, just across the street from the Topless Womens Lib Catfight Arena! If you hit Lesbian Suicide Pact Gorge, you’ve gone too far!

    Now, based on the way you described the Types, I think this is a pretty good front for my Secret Benevolent Lair, but I'm open to feedback. There's also a slight grammatical slip-up I think you made which I intend to exploit mercilessly.

    Surely I don't need to spell out the horrific implications.

    The Job Interviews are, essentially, intelligence gathering. As the interviewee tries to prove how smart they are, the co-conspirator uses his Aura to attempt to communicate this knowledge to the women behind the mirror. If the knowledge is true, they instantly believe it. If it is false, they don't. This also serves as a lie-detector test, with the women making a thumbs-down gesture any time they hear aura-information they don't believe.

    As it says in the ad, various rooms where women might undress are both round and constantly filmed. This video footage is then shown to any men who want to see it, as a cover story to hide its true purpose. Any given woman will instinctively move towards most men but away from incels. (For example, if an incel is to the South, the woman will favor standing on the North wall of a round room with 16 floor-length mirrors.) Using weighted triangulation, a computer algorithm can compare this movement to movements of customers acquired through standard security cameras to pinpoint who the incels are before they strike.

    Women inevitably end up using the Concourse to move from ring to ring while doing their man's shopping. The concourse and the Fashion District have both been designed to attract White Knights, who will have an almost pathological need to put coats on the ground so they don't step in puddles and open doors for them. (Of course, the White Knights will believe they are owed sex for this, but as you point out, it's still generally better than her other options.)

    The deeper you get into the Mall, the safer it is for women, statistically speaking. By the time you reach the Fashion District, there's nothing but tightly packed women doing girly bullshit while White Knights dote on them.

    Whenever Nerds hide in the Security Dumpsters from the women harassing them, they are taken inside the main dome, which of course, was completely cleared of radioactive material years ago. Herein, they are experimented upon by our top scientists, who are all women trained using the Job Interview method outlined above, among other methods. (There's actually an entire wing dedicated to deducing empirical evidence by having a man broadcast random statements with his aura while women note whether they believe it these statements.) Test Subjects are fitted with explosive collars upon capture. The women tell themselves they would never really use them... they're just having a bit of fun with the poor nerd, after all! But the instant a Nerd turns Incel, they inevitably panic and mash the button on the remote control to detonate his horrific creature's collar.

    We're drawing very close to a scientific understanding of how, why, and when Nerds turn Incel.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
  11. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Ah, good to know you already got into the worldbuilding.

    Now I wonder how the political landscape of that world would look like. You would think females in high office would be impossible, but the White Knights, nerds and genry savy's might just vote for one. Not to mention the perverts who would get a kick out of blackmailing said female politicians.

    And I don't even remember myself if that was intentional or a typo lol. But I think, "As long as its truth=instantly believed" puts an interesting twist on things
  12. JohnTitor45

    JohnTitor45 Experienced

    Wait a minute, what if the genre savvy is a very good liar who can trick women with skills independent of their aura?
  13. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Sure, that's possible.
  14. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    I love how we're instinctively treating Gambio like the Ground Truth on this concept even though they have no interest in actually developing it or taking responsibility for it.
    JakeSnakeCakes likes this.
  15. JakeSnakeCakes

    JakeSnakeCakes Experienced

    I think it could also be cool if there were feminist guerillas who use drones, or some other form of long range attack and live in mountain enclaves and bunkers hidden from men.
  16. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    See, that seems like it would be a good idea on paper? The problem is women are attracted to Nerds. If that just means "women decide to torment Nerds when they see them and begin moving towards them," that's one thing. If it means "women are pulled towards the location of the nearest Nerd as if by the invisible thread of fate, like how Stand users are drawn to each other in Jojos," that has completely different implications for guerilla warfare. And because so many of these supernatural features of the setting are aura-based, I can't really rule out either interpretation. For sure I'd expect the latter in a setting where my literal interpretation of how Genre-Savvy just magically communicates all information, because we're well past supernatural nonsense by that point. It all depends on how grounded you want the setting to be.

    The Fifth Wave Mall concept assumes that avoidance is impossible. Instead, it seeks to manipulate the behavior of all the actors involved according to their known rules, so as to operate in plain sight while slowly accumulating knowledge and power. If we can figure out how the auras work, we can mitigate them or develop our own feminist auras.

    Outpacing the development of modern technology by Guessing Truths is a secondary possibility that didn't really occur to me until I was nearly finished writing it. It's probably over-complicating the possibility space, now that I think about it. I was tired when I finished writing that.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
  17. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    I break other peoples' fiction. It's what I do.

    It's hard to think about it at a societal level, because so much of what you've created here operates at the level of individuals. It would almost work better as a setting if Chauvinists were rare. If everyone has mind-control and only 1/14th of the population is aware of it... but they're all 100% aware of it... your setting basically has a built-in mastermind caste that's constantly waging a shadow war against itself for dominance. It's too many cooks, like if 1/14 of the population was Professor X but with arbitrary ideologies.

    I honestly thought of it more as a game-breaking glitch that would surely be patched out of the next beta, but kind of you to say.
  18. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Someone clearly has to set the ground rules so this nonsense doesn't take off

    Auras have a limited area of effect. How much is to be defined, but I set it in the ballpark of a few meters. Since it works on a percentage basis you would have to be exposed to the same chauvinist for quite a longe time before there is a noticable change ( I originally intended this to be in a classroom setting, go figure)
    This is actually not the case. Anyone except the genre savy are unaware of the auras. The genre savy has an easy time convincing females of it but the Chauvinists will remain skeptical. I also intended there to be not all that many genry savy's out there, it's definitely a cheat code.

    ...I really started to hate the term Genre Savy, if anyone can come up with something less cringe feel free to.
  19. JakeSnakeCakes

    JakeSnakeCakes Experienced

    Ok we're enemies now. I'm starting my own chauvinism world. I even have a loose outline for a story (and I basically never outline stories), as well as ideas for how the setting should work. I think that radiuses should also be fairly short, and interact with each other in certain ways. Perhaps some archetypes are better at focussing on individual women when the two clash, and perhaps others are focussing on groups. Perhaps individuals have different power levels. Maybe when radii clash, the women have a certain degree of will they can exert, to break away or to choose what they see as the lesser evil.

    Edgelord walks around in the middle of the night, because the empty streets remind him of how empty he feels. Also, he's withdrawn from society because women who fall in love with him have all died. A women's liberation fighter, trying to infiltrate the area accidentally falls into his radius. To him, her reaction of horror is natural, he doesn't realize she's a guerilla and thinks she's scared of him because he has a scar on his face or black hair or a t-shirt with a snake on it. Unbeknownst to them, an incel (who has managed to cover up his murders of women by being head of the police), is tracking her group, and wants to use her to find the location of her cell. He mediates his hatred of women by only murdering a certain number, keeping his own vice in check until he can destroy the free women. Then she sees him help a baby bird or a cat or something, and because of the radius she falls in love with him. The incel surveils the two, as the Edgelord slowly begins to let his guard down. They actually start to have a relationship. When the Edgelord sleeps, she thinks about getting away, but realizes that the area is too dangerous. Or perhaps she discovers that she's being surveiled. Or maybe she feels like her feelings for him have become genuine, that it isn't merely mind control. I'll throw in a few bad and neutral endings probably.

    The incel, realizing she's not trying to escape kidnaps her, so he can torture the location of the cell out of her. Or perhaps one of the other archetypes helps. He realizes the danger of the edgelord, so he has several countermeasures. All of which of course fail because Edgelord is the protagonist. Finally, the Edgelord rescues her, but he realizes that no matter what (perhaps due to a friendly Genre Savvy who explains things), their relationship will end tragically, and she leaves to go back to her cell.

    Maybe we can both write a CHYOA on this (as in, like we can both contribute to different paths on one). I feel like the rules and the ways we want to tell a story in this world are very interesting.
  20. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    ...with blackjack and hookers?