Writer Required

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Sau69, Jun 28, 2022.

  1. Sau69

    Sau69 Guest

    I need writer for my blog
    Plot like this. we will discuss payment afterwards
    What might the world look like if women were usually stronger and more aggressive than men? Perhaps a society existing very much like the one we know, but with almost every gender role reversed. Not only that, but what if the ideas about the sexes that evolved in such a world were far stricter, enforced through every aspect of society and any deviation looked upon with near-universal disgust?

    It would mean every politician, business leader and person of authority was a woman. Schools funneling their female students into practical subjects, while the boys, no matter how gifted, get taught how to cook and clean and please. Men are looked down on, patronized and expected to keep their mouths shut on matters they're too silly and highly-strung to understand. They can find some low-paid work of course, as secretaries, waiters and other positions women view at best as beneath them and at worst as convenient targets for sexual harassment. Upon being snapped up for marriage a boy is expected to drop whatever career he's managed to make for himself and spend the rest of his life looking after the home and children and keeping his new wife relaxed and happy.

    As for romance, women take the lead here too. They're expected to be dominant, relentlessly horny and aggressive, and in most circles female promiscuity is celebrated and prized. After all, a woman who can pin down and ride as many hapless, blushing boys as she wants is one who every other girl secretly envies. Powerful older women pursue and collect beautiful younger men as trophies and are looked upon with admiration for it. Deflowering an innocent boy is a near universal fantasy and almost all media adopts the female gaze, with lingering shots of cute bulges and bare male chests.

    Men meanwhile, are expected to protect their purity and innocence. Religions preach the importance of male virginity before marriage , and sex-ed focuses on shaming boys who touch themselves or even worse, dare give anything more than a chaste kiss to a woman they're not involved with. It isn't at all hard for a man to get laid anytime he's brave enough to risk it. But if word gets out it can ruin his reputation, with rampant slut-shaming from both fellow males disgusted with his behavior and horny women looking for their own shot at the loose boy. And if a rather more aggressive girl decides to stop taking no for an answer and forces him, well that was his fault for being such a slut and dressing in revealing clothes. And he got hard, so he liked it anyway, right?

    Not everything is cruel or harsh however. Women may look down on men, but they also care for and protect the ones they love. An older sister will viciously defend her younger brother's honor, a mother will carefully screen any new girlfriend her beloved son brings home for dinner for less than honorable intentions, and a wife or girlfriend will pamper and spoil her new man. In turn, many men happily submit to the authority of the women in their lives, and find pleasure in the smaller world they're expected to inhabit.

    In this strange new world, there are many stories to be told, of men and women, happiness and misery, romance and abuse. Where would you like to start?
  2. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    "Good writing" is subjective. Anything we create will need to match its context. Can we get a link to the blog we'd be writing for, so that we can read it and understand your tone, style and subject matter of your existing content?
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2022
  3. saktongmanyak

    saktongmanyak Experienced

    I recognize that intro. That's from Fairer Sex isn't it?

    What exactly are the writer's going to write for the blog?
  4. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    I suppose OP is saying they want more fiction chapters like in The Fairer Sex? But without seeing the rest of the blog in question, I can't really wrap my head around how our writing is meant to tie into their overall branding and presentation.
  5. Sau69

    Sau69 Guest

    Blog is about fictional stories like fairer sex, theme based on cute boys and tom girls having romantic scene not erotic. I have storyline in my mind i just required writers based on same theme
  6. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    Please link.
  7. Sau69

    Sau69 Guest

  8. Sau69

    Sau69 Guest

    Are you ready to be my writer
  9. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    That's not a blog. That's a story. I'm asking you to link to this blog you have.
  10. Sau69

    Sau69 Guest

    Bro i don't have blog yet i required stories first then i will set my blog
  11. Sau69

    Sau69 Guest

    I just brought domain and hosting i need to set up those things but first i need stories
  12. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    No, payment needs to be the first thing you discuss. If you are expecting anything before that conversation, you are running a scam.
  13. Sau69

    Sau69 Guest

    Open account on fiverr then i will place order so it will be secure for both of us. And you are judging me directly by saying I am running a scam. No need of greedy writer like you
  14. KingTubbins

    KingTubbins Virgin

    He is not calling you a scammer, he said if you want someone to write before paying them then it is a scam
    insertnamehere likes this.
  15. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    In other words, he's not judging your character. He's judging your business practices. Or at least the optics of how you're currently presenting those business practices to a global marketplace.
    insertnamehere likes this.
  16. Sau69

    Sau69 Guest

    I am not professional business man and i am new to this.
  17. CurvyLinesEverywhere

    CurvyLinesEverywhere Really Experienced

    Sigh. Okay. Entrepreneurship 101...
    1. Decide who your intended customers are. Where do they live? How old are they? What language do they speak? What culture are they from? What personal identities and politics do they have? Once you have done the research to determine all these things, you will be equipped to answer the much more important question: What do your customers want? You need to know this for the next step:
    2. Determine a need for a new product or service. If you cannot identify a need for an original product or service, figure out a way you can provide an existing product or service faster, cheaper, better, more appealing, or more conveniently than the competition. If you can not do this, all money spent on your business venture will inevitably be wasted, no matter what the product or service is.
    3. Investigate your competition. Since you need to one-up these people somehow, you should learn everything you can about how they do things and why they do things the way they do.
    4. Figure out your production pipeline. From the Idea phase, to the Design, to the Implementation, to Sales, Distribution, and Support, you should figure out exactly how you're going to bring your product or service to consumers.
    5. Figure out your marketing/sales funnel. You'll also need to figure out how to funnel customers from discovering your business to paying for it. This can include direct advertisement, but you should not start with direct advertisement. #4 and #5 together comprise your "business plan."
    6. Secure Funding. If you cannot afford to start your business in your spare time or out-of-pocket, you need to secure funding. Usually this comes in two forms: Investors and small business loans. Both types of funding require you to explain your business plan to another person, so they can decide whether your business seems likely to succeed. Note that 90% of all businesses fail in their first year. Thus, your first business will probably fail, too. Thus, you should never spend more money than you can afford to lose, the same as gambling.
    7. Purchase starting materials. In the case of a brick & mortar business, this includes things like office space for management and training, and equipment needed to provide the service, as well as raw materials needed to do the initial design, prototyping, and production run. In online businesses, these expenses are usually low or free, depending on your region and what you want to do. Since your business is 90% likely to fail, you should keep these expenses as low as possible for as long as possible.
    8. Hire & Train employees. Your thread started with this step. How many of the previous steps did you complete?
    9. Iron out your production process. Depending on your industry, you will continue iterate and evolve this later. The video game industry, in particular, is known for its constant need to innovate, high project failure rate, and a tendency for projects to evolve as the developers "find the fun" in their game design. Other creative industries have this same issue, but not as badly, since video games require the active participation of the end-user more consistently than other mediums. For physical goods like shirts or furniture, the production process tends to be a lot more stable and predictable, once it's set up and optimized.
    10. Purchase remaining materials needed to start selling your product or service. This can include renting retail space, web hosting, and retaining the services of other professionals. Anything and everything you need for fulfillment, but not necessarily design or management.
    11. Advertise. You will keep doing this later. However, always remember that advertising is a force multiplier. It can double your sales. If your sales are zero, two times zero is still zero. If your business fails at this point, do everything you can to learn from your mistakes and adapt, but don't throw money into extra advertising thinking it can compensate for the more fundamental problems in your business. It can't. 2 * 0 = 0. Some forms of advertising, such as mailing lists, you can start long in advance during the idea phase to slowly build a community of interested users. Others, such as direct sales ads, you should not do until your storefront is live.
    12. Open for business. Start selling. Start doing. Make your website live. Pull the trigger on your business. This is the point where you will know whether your business succeeds or fails. If you make more money than you spent, and can keep doing it, you succeeded. If you run out of money and your business goes bankrupt, you failed. Your business can also fail if you decide to quit at any point, for any reason, such as realizing that your business plan was not solid.
    Looking at this list of steps, you will notice that the later steps cost much more time, money, and effort than the previous steps. Steps 1-5 just require you to think about it and maybe do some Googling. Step 7 is kept as small as possible for as long as possible. Steps 10-12 are the most expensive, especially advertising, so you want to delay those for as long as possible. The idea is to be as certain as possible that your business will succeed, before you sink too much money into it.

    Now, fortunately, a blog is an online business, so many of the traditional brick & mortar business expenses don't apply. But you still need to do #2 before #8. In most cases, you should probably do #8 before #10. (And I'm assuming you didn't do some kind of galaxy-brain silicon valley startup combination of 6 & 11 before Step 1.)

    In fact, you should probably have done #1-5 before you ever thought "I should start a blog."

    If you had done Step 3, you would have realized that we're your competition, and we're giving away the idea you used for Step 2 for free!

    Now, I suppose it's possible that you're not trying to compete with CHYOA. Maybe you're just trying to compete with other erotic blogs. Maybe all you care about is eyeballs and ad revenue. Maybe all your friends are doing it with their blogs, and they've been quite successful. Maybe you just really like femdom literature and you wish you could be a part of making it. Maybe English isn't your first language, and you didn't realize this is a porn site. Maybe a search engine dropped you off at The Fairer Sex while you were searching for feminist political theory or something.

    I don't know what your reasons are. I just know that it doesn't look like a solvent business plan from where I'm sitting.

    Maybe I'm wrong. Heck, I hope I'm wrong. I would love to see your idea for a blog succeed. But if you're starting a business on the internet, you're competing against the entire world. If you want to attract the best talent, you need to show something stronger than "please copy this story, I'll pay you later."

    But... heck, what do I know? I'm not a very good writer, myself. Most of the other writers here are much better than me, and have years more experience. Maybe your inbox is full of requests from them to work for you. Maybe people will reply to this explaining why I'm wrong. I'm sure I didn't cover everything related to starting a business. This is just a very thin bare-bones overview of my very amateur knowledge. Google can teach you more.

    But if you already spent money on hosting, it can't be helped. Start with Step #1. Decide who you're writing this blog for. Explain your reasoning to us.

    Once you have your own #1, we can talk about #2.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2022
    Aman Onfy Mous likes this.
  18. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    Fiverr takes a 20% fee from the seller, last I checked, so for the writer to receive the agreed upon amount, you would need to pay an additional 25%.

    How much are you offering to pay, and in what currency?
  19. Sau69

    Sau69 Guest

    I never said i will pay you later. I said we will discuss payment afterwards means once you are selected. 2nd thing i never said to copy story this was just a reference. 3rd thing i already have other niche blog which are quite successful with affiliatemarketing ( clickbank). I just want to try this niche once because I love to read stories and i already done research on this niche on ahref and semrush their are 1lakh reader globally with 23 score seo difficulties so it's easy to rank a blog on this niche. Just require story writer who can write fictional story which is adsense friendly

    Did you write above article entrepreneur 101 or copy paste from Google. if yes then you are good writer i would definitely love to work with you in future. For some time i will pause this plan of writing fiction stories blog. And my budget was 3000-4000 inr only for this niche and If Google adsense don't give me approval there are many more ad networks like propeller ads, adsterra, ezoic ads, popup ads, juicy ads network. Easily i can recover my money.

    I am not business man but i am definitely good blogger. And have complete knowledge about it so i know what i am doing. But thanks for your valuable advice
  20. Sau69

    Sau69 Guest

    I just checked your article are 100% unique. Can you share your Instagram id next month we will work together. You are definitely hired for my other blog. And payment 1st then work are you ok with that. And yes English is not my 1st language i use closercopy for writing articles.