Bad Sex Development Thread

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Zeebop, Aug 26, 2022.

  1. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Following the outline laid out in @Zekar's Story Challenge: Rule of 3 thread, I've decided to do a short story in this mold - one that I have long threatened to do but have never got to since I've been inundated with real life and trying to finish Lois Lane's Night Out and non-CHYOA writing. But this is only forty chapters (1 + 3 + 9 + 27), which is almost nothing, so I think I can work on it without impacting LLNO completion too bad.

    So the basic high level idea of Bad Sex is a story where the sex goes catastrophically wrong somehow. Not necessarily gore, although I reserve the right for penises to get sprained, all the bad sex things you've heard about. People who learned terrible things from sex ed. Strange, ill-thought-out kink scenarios. Improvised BDSM gear. Unlikely sex partners. I'll only be able to cover a fraction of the possibilities, but I think it might Stupid and badly written, but fun.

    Anyway, I've got the outline done and I've written the first couple chapters. Nothing is posted yet, but I feel like if I have a development thread I'll keep on track of it and finish it. The current plan is to write everything and then post, since it's such a short story.

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [1/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [0/9] - Pending
    Chapter 3s: [0/27] - Pending
  2. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    Hmm, would a hymen popping unexpectedly be "bad sex?"
  3. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Theoretically, although it's not currently on the list. I might make it a moderated story so others can add to it.
  4. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [1/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [1/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [1/27] - In Progress

    That's 1/27 storylines complete. I could just post these things as they go up...but I dunno, all at once has an appeal.
    Zekar likes this.
  5. Zekar

    Zekar Really Experienced

    *Cracks knuckles*

    Time to get started.
  6. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [1/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [1/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [3/27] - In Progress

    3/27 storylines complete.
  7. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [1/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [2/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [3/27] - In Progress

    3/27 storylines complete.

    I'm sticking to pretty basic names at the moment (Sam/Shelly/etc.) but debating fiddling with the code so readers can assign their own. Haven't played with that before, but might be time to learn.
  8. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    Is this related to your comment on my Marcie & Gina review? Because if I helped inspire a terrible sex CHYOA (even in the tiniest way), I would be so proud.
  9. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Not directly; I've been thinking about doing something like Bad Sex forever, just never got around to it. But I am writing a BDSM scene right now.

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [1/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [2/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [5/27] - In Progress

    5/27 storylines complete.

    It's hard to do these things justice with only three chapters, and I don't know if what I'm doing works, exactly...but what the hell, it's kind of fun so far. It's rare for anyone to actually expend any energy on bitching about my chapters.
    Dissonant Soundtrack likes this.
  10. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [1/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [2/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [6/27] - In Progress

    6/27 storylines complete.

    Got busy with non-porn stories tonight.
  11. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [1/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [3/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [7/27] - In Progress

    7/27 storylines complete.
    12/40 chapters complete.

    Does anybody care if I publish this piecemeal or all at once?
  12. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [1/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [3/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [9/27] - In Progress

    9/27 storylines complete.
    14/40 chapters complete.

    That's one full branch complete.. Like a lot of stories, the plan changes a little bit during the writing...I should really be trying to make the sex worse,, will keep going. See what the reader response, if any, is when the story is finally posted.
    Dissonant Soundtrack likes this.
  13. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Went ahead and submitted the intro for approval. Should save time. Hell, if I time things right maybe I can publish a chapter a day. No guarantees.
  14. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Bad Sex begins here.

    Current plan is to try and keep the writing up so I can post 1 chapter a day. We'll see how that goes, but there's a good bit "in the pipe," so it's definitely doable.

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [2/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [4/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [9/27] - In Progress

    9/27 storylines complete.
    16/40 chapters complete.
    2/40 chapters published.
  15. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [2/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [4/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [11/27] - In Progress

    11/27 storylines complete.
    18/40 chapters complete.
    3/40 chapters published.
  16. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [2/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [5/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [12/27] - In Progress

    12/27 storylines complete.
    20/40 chapters complete.
    4/40 chapters published.
  17. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [2/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [5/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [14/27] - In Progress

    14/27 storylines complete.
    22/40 chapters complete.
    5/40 chapters published.

    Latest chapter: Weak Heart

    I've got enough of a backlog at this point I could probably post two chapters a day - what do people think, like the pace or speed it up a little?
  18. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    What the hell, I'll post two chapters a day. I can keep up the pace.

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [2/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [6/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [15/27] - In Progress

    15/27 storylines complete.
    24/40 chapters complete.
    7/40 chapters published.

    Latest chapters: The Birthmark, Lipstick On A Pig
  19. JakeSnakeCakes

    JakeSnakeCakes Experienced

    These are hilarious.
    Zeebop likes this.
  20. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Introduction: [1/1] - Complete
    Chapter 1s: [2/3] - In Progress
    Chapter 2s: [6/9] - In Progress
    Chapter 3s: [17/27] - In Progress

    17/27 storylines complete.
    26/40 chapters complete.
    9/40 chapters published.

    Latest chapters: Reverse Cowgirl, Bag Over Her Head