Story of the week: thanks!

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by bob_the_author, Aug 22, 2022.

  1. I see my story "Just a Thought" has been made story of the week. I don't really know how they are chosen, but thanks to whatever powers-that-be made the choice!
    Tip, TheLowKing and Cuchuilain like this.
  2. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Hey, congrats! :)

    If you'll take a piece of advice? You should add some tags to your story. It really helps to tell people what kind of thing they can expect.
    Tip and Cuchuilain like this.
  3. Yeah fair point. I guess I have gotten out of the habit of looking at them since stories seem to either have 0 or 8000 tags.
    Tip and TheLowKing like this.
  4. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Haha, yeah, definitely a Goldilocks zone somewhere in between there.
  5. Iam_DickMan

    Iam_DickMan Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I was very diligent about my tagging at first and now I don’t bother. I figure if you’re sixty chapters deep you know what I’m about.
  6. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    If you could use the tags to jump right to the tagged chapter I'd keep it up, but otherwise I agree
    Iam_DickMan, Tip and bob_the_author like this.
  7. Tip

    Tip Really Experienced

    Some of us look for new stories by seeing new chapters by tags and going back into it.
  8. Iam_DickMan

    Iam_DickMan Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Well crap. I guess I should track back and add a handful of tags per chapter