Looking for ideas for a modern princess getting into troubles

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Dumbledore, Jul 21, 2022.

  1. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore Virgin

    Hi, as the title says, i want to get a princess into trouble in my story. Not a classic fairytale princess but a modern one.

    But that not includes that she can't get some magic/sci-fi troubles, like for example ending up in some demon realm or magic kingdom, where she would have to adapt.

    Optional free use is a kink I am pondering about, so she could get into a situation with it too. Maybe in a foreign country? Although my head struggles to shape a halfway logic prompt where she would be surprised or even travel there.

    Would be happy if it sparks some ideas.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
  2. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    She could be a princess to a royal family that is deposed from the throne. She would not have to go anywhere for that to happen, it could take place at home.
    Iam_DickMan and TheLowKing like this.
  3. thosearemysecret

    thosearemysecret Experienced CHYOA Backer

    When Prince William and Kate Middleton toured the Caribbean earlier this year it was fairly controversial. It came on the heels of Barbados leaving the British monarchy and becoming a republic. The tour was viewed as a publicity stunt by colonizers to stop other Caribbean nations from doing the same. You could use that as inspiration.

    Perhaps your Princess is scheduled to go on a publicity tour to convince a nation to not leave the monarchy. She has one day to convince the government but fails. Defeated, she gets ready to go home but a hurricane hits and she gets stranded there as the transfer of power happens. Free use rules kick in but they only apply to tourists from the nation seat of the old monarchy - which the Princess has now become - nothing more than a tourist trying to get off the island nation. Something like that.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
    hanhan likes this.
  4. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Chafing under the watchful eye of her controlling parents and their servants, one night she escapes from the palace, disguised for an anonymous night out. Oops, someone figures out who she is and blackmails her. Bonus points if against her better judgement, she continues to try to convince them she's not the princess, and the blackmailer responds by making her do things that "a real princess would never do". Does she end up liking it, or does she hate every moment? What kind of depraved things could she be made to do? How many other people end up recognizing her, and what does she have to do to keep their mouths shut as well?
    Iam_DickMan and thosearemysecret like this.
  5. remysloane

    remysloane Experienced

    I'm thinking African immigrant gang-bang a few months before an arranged marriage to another European royal.
    hanhan and Tip like this.
  6. Aman Onfy Mous

    Aman Onfy Mous Really Experienced

    Two of the characters in one of the semi-free use stories I'm writing are a Queen and Princess of a foreign country. I'll have to try and remember to come back here when I finally get around to publishing and see if you're interested.
    thosearemysecret and Iam_DickMan like this.
  7. hookwormspx

    hookwormspx Virgin

    Does mafia princess and daughter of powerful businessman/politician qualify as "modern princess"?
  8. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore Virgin

    In my eye, yes.
  9. Guromancer

    Guromancer Experienced

    Could be both, technically related to royalty of the prior government which stepped down officially to save their own heads but remained quite wealthy... She would be such a disgrace however to be love streamed fucking and sucking.
  10. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Princess gets herself knocked up by someone in a lowly position. Stable boy or similar. She then spends the next couple of weeks fucking as many aristocrats around the world as she can in order to convince one of them that he is the father later.
    Tip and insertnamehere like this.