1001 Quick Story Ideas

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Zekar, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    376: The Witch (C)Hunter. At the height of the witch trials, women were subjected to weird tests to determine if they were witches, the most common of which were that they had to have sex with the witch hunter. If they came, they were deemed to be witches and punished via gang-rape; if they didn't, they were declared women and must bathe in the freshly harvested semen from multiple men to be absolved of sin.

    The "C" in the title is supposed to be a cut-through, but I don't know how to do that.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2022
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  2. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    C (I suspect you can't do that on in titles on the main site though.)
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  3. android1966

    android1966 Really Experienced

    377. Hillbilly hellcats. The Sluttfields and the McHoes have been feuding foe nearly thirty years. Nearly all the menfolk of the two mountain clans are either dead or in county or state jail. The feud still continues though and the hillbilly womenfolk are just as ornery and fighty as the men. With the lack of men, both clans have took to hunting to get some manmeat in them and hopefully get with child and raise another generation to continue the feud.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  4. android1966

    android1966 Really Experienced

    378. Return of a god. Huitzilopochtli raged, despaired and hungered, for revenge and blood. The Aztec god of war and human sacrifice had remained sealed in a golden sarcophagus on the seabed of the gulf of Mexico for half a millenia. His last human avatar was nothing but decayed bones within his prison, but the prayers and spells placed by the priests and monks of the conquistadors prevented his spirit from reaching out to possess another mortal vessal. Suddenly the sarcophagus lurched violently as the drill head of the oil exploration rig struck it. Huitzilopochtli sensed the weakening of the inscribed prayers trapping him weaken and he focused his spirit to astrally project himself outwards.

    His incorporeal form blindly sped towards the coast of Mexico, capable only of sensing the emotions of the human cattle. He must possess a new avatar and sought one to whom devotion, adulation and worship was being directed. Surely one so exalted would be a mighty warrior or king. Once he had seized control of such an imposing leader he could begin his slaughter and rule once more. His spirit sensed such a one, tens of thousands of worshippers gathered before them in a frenzy of devotion. This must be the one, with an army of followers ready to do his bidding and aid his conquests.

    On the shore in Cancun the object of Huitzilopochtli's desire bathed in the devotion of their fanatical followers as they screamed in mindless captivation to their idol. Abruptly the figure stiffened as the spirit of the bloodthirsty Aztec god entered their body and possessed them. Huitzilopochtli blinked in confusion at the lights and the sea of faces belonging to Yanqui springbreakers and teenage girls. They looked in consternation down at the diminutive female form in thigh high boots, micro skirt and push up bra they now dwelt in.

    "What the actual fuck?" Huitzilopochtli/Ariana Grande exclaimed.
  5. geezermcpleezer

    geezermcpleezer Experienced

    379: Mom got stuck in the washing machine and her son took advantage by fucking his stepfather in front of her while she was powerless to stop them!
    TheLowKing and Cuchuilain like this.
  6. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    You had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  7. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    380: Lust & Hate: A woman is cursed so she can only orgasm if she's fucked men she hates. If that's not bad enough, she craves sex and lots of it.
  8. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    381: Guardians of the Galaxy: Nebula's Naughty Awakening. Nebula finally experiences lust, and sets her sites on her "sister's" man Peter Quill.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  9. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    382: The Casting Couch. A movie producer has a very special couch in his office, and when an actress sits on it, erotic hijinks ensue.
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  10. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    383: The Wrong MILF: (non-consensual) Corri Evans decided to surprise her son at college and goes to what she thinks is his frat house. She doesn't know that particular frat had hired a MILFish hooker for the night, and the hooker's specialty was acting like a rape victim.
  11. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    384: Happy Rapeday! An extremely bitter man invents time travel, for the sole reason of traveling to his high school bully's past, future, and present, and raping her on her birthday, every year.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  12. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    385: In Darkness Bind Her. A girl and her boyfriend experiment with BDSM. The twist: she's blind.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  13. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    386: Karma's a Bitch: Wendy curses her rival Rachel, so Rachel is obsessed with nothing but eating and sex. Wendy wants to turn Rachel into a fat slut, but why is Wendy celebrating by pigging out and fucking as many guys as possible?
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  14. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    387: Unboxing Queen: Courtney makes a lot off money posting unboxing videos of high end make up, clothes, shoes, and accessories she is sent by businesses wanting her to promote their brand, but what happens when she starts getting sent sex toys and finds that no matter how hard she tries, she just has to try them out on video.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  15. Impregmaniac

    Impregmaniac Really Experienced

    Just as an aside, do people really watch those videos?
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  16. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    you'd be surprised what people watch: people eating, unboxing, reacting to movies...
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  17. android1966

    android1966 Really Experienced

    388. X-Change, The Descent: A celebrity millionaire with a tough guy image (Sports star, actor, singer) is invited to an exclusive party. The party is an attended by mega rich BDSM enthusiasts and beautiful submissives. The star is fascinated by what he sees and does at the party. Talking to the party's host he discovers the man is a professional master. He confides to the star that he earns money from both the doms and the subs as party host. The majority of the slaves are in fact rich men on X-Change pills living out their fantasies who pay far more than the doms to be trained by him and attend his parties.

    Fascinated by what he saw and experienced the star decides to hire the professional for a session, telling himself it is a one time adventure to satisfy his curiousity. His wealth means he can afford the most expensive clone pills, choosing his new look. He guards his real identity carefully arriving already transformed and paying with cash for a session lasting a couple of hours. His new master is very professional and the star can dictate his desires and limits before the session. His first session is fairly mild with the star choreographing the session beforehand, the one caveat being that once the session begins he is no longer in control and attempting to direct what occurs would result in him being silenced and punished though without violating any of his set limits.

    Of course, one session is not enough and he returns. Each time he takes more pills so that he might have longer sessions and imposes slightly less restrictions on what may be done with him. After a number of sessions he is invited to attend one of the master's parties, this time as a submissive.
  18. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    389. A Man finally gets to screw his crush since a while, and gets her down for a one night stand...

    only to feel completely nothing and have no connection with her in the morning.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  19. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    390: Harry Potter and the Sexy Shenanigans. During Harry, Ron, and Hermonie's last year at Hogwarts, Fred and George sneak into their old school with several erotic adult gags they spread around among the 18 year old 7th years, and sexy shenanigans ensue.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  20. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    391: Erotic Escape Room: Four people, two men and two women are in an escape room. They have to perform a series of sexual tasks in order to escape. Is it two couple, four friends, or four strangers, and what will they do?
    Cuchuilain and gene.sis like this.