Making simple cover art for cheap.

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by PhatConch, Dec 3, 2022.

  1. PhatConch

    PhatConch Guest


    I'm offering to make some simple cover images with AI. I'm making simple concept art or other pieces for 10-30 dollars/euros. Only downside is right now I'm accepting only crypto as payment. Only thing is I can't do faces or hands very well, so the art has to be a bit more abstract.

    DM me if interested and see if we can make something happen.

    Edit (because I was kinda silly):
    Some examples of what it can do, I will add your title + a frame of your choosing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2022
  2. tinoking

    tinoking Virgin

    I suggest you post an example
    PhatConch likes this.
  3. Spindizzy

    Spindizzy Really Experienced

    I feel like I'm missing something with this AI art stuff. When someone says they are creating art with AI what does that mean? What's the process, beyond picking prompts to feed the machine?
    Genuinely curious
  4. PhatConch

    PhatConch Guest

    I lean more into the camp that it is not art and should not be treated as such. I see it as a tool for people to make illustrations for their work when they can't pay an artist to do it. It takes some degree of knowledge/experience to properly tell the AI what you want it to make, but that's about it. The tech is new, but advancing so quick that many artists should go and learn it.
  5. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    We do have an AI Art Thread. To put it simply, you input into whatever neural network you're using. Whether it's DALL-E, Imagen, Stable diffusion, or whatever. The AI will then attempt to produce an image that matches that description. Most of the prominent AI models have been trained on massive amounts of images and text data scraped from the internet.

    However, there is a finesse to it, and finding out what descriptions and images will produce the result you want.

    I think that AI Art and more Traditional Art should be acknowledged but separated. The same way that Photography is. The current blowback from the Art community is very reminiscent of the blowback that occurred with Photography. It was The End Times for Artists. Suddenly everyone could take a picture with a tool they could buy and didn't have to pay an artist anymore. However, such fears turned out to be unfounded. Nowadays photography can be categorized as either fine art or commercial art and there are still both professional Artists and Photographers out there.

    The bigger problem in the future is going to be figuring out of someone's trying to pass off their AI-Generated Art as something they drew themselves.
  6. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    My view of is that ai art is perfectly fine if you can get it to work for you for entertainment, is fine in itself, but when you try taking payment for it, that’s a whole other issue.
    elmer7780 likes this.
  7. PhatConch

    PhatConch Guest

    While I would keep this thread to those who are interested in a story cover, or concept art/simple illustrations, I do agree that what is happening with AI art is that the artists are angry, and rightfully so on a certain level.

    However, on the content creator side, I can't draw well, nor do I have thousands to spend on art, so I just use AI tools to illustrate my works.
  8. PhatConch

    PhatConch Guest

    There are people who don't want to learn the tools, or can't or won't for what ever reason. So my offer is to those, they can get something that looks nice, and has their name on it. Pretty harmless, tbh.
  9. BBBlooster

    BBBlooster Experienced

    It's funny, i was going to be making a thread on the forums floating the idea of banning AI generated images.
    Very saddened to see CHYOA doesn't seem to be that sort of crowd.

    Not so friendly reminder that AI writing, though in its infantsy compared to AI art, is rapidly growing.
  10. SeriousBrainDamage

    SeriousBrainDamage Really Really Experienced

    The future is the best!
  11. PhatConch

    PhatConch Guest

    Why ban AI art? Don't the writers who can't commission art have the right to have some decent cover images?
  12. tinoking

    tinoking Virgin

    there is nothing wrong AI art selling Ai art is another story