Marcie and Gina read CHYOA

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Gambio, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    If you (or anyone else) is bored, one of the Poison Ivy branches starting here reached a full 20 chapters w/ending. Not my best writing, but no dickgirls.
  2. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    I like how this cheeky fucker wrote a single chapter and you basically just ran with it.

    Sure, I slot you in.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  3. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    I mean, that's basically the entire story of Lois Lane's Night Out.
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  4. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

  5. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    I shall have to give the reply - and the requested chapter - due thought and attention.

    So, probably won't be posted until tomorrow.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2022
    Warden-Yarn15 and Gambio like this.
  6. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    XD, I wish my work ethic was that good
    Warden-Yarn15 and Zeebop like this.
  7. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

  8. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Zeebop likes this.
  9. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Oh yes. Sharks! Tickle fetish! Orgasm denial! You gave me a fucking list, and I took that as a challenge.
    Gambio likes this.
  10. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Nobody can claim Harley and Ivy don't 't adhere to their clients wishes.
  11. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

  12. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    That's fair. Someone with far more time and interest than us could even sort out the timeline.
    Gambio likes this.
  13. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Marcie and Gina reads are actually operating on somewhat of a timeline since I have events happening up to ten years after the end of hard candy. Marcie just turned 21 10 days ago

    That said...I need to start hammering the actual dates down if this shit goes on for any longer lol
  14. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    I was thinking more of a chronology - "Okay, you need to read this chapter to see where Gina got her pubes plucked off, and then they reviewed this story next..."
  15. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Oh, that makes sense.

    Yeah that can be a bit confusing. I could cross reference it via links but that isn't really my style
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  16. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    Merry Christmas to all of you.

    The No. 1 forum that I stalk, I hope you're all safe and well.
    Cuchuilain and Gambio like this.
  17. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    based on replies and views we do have a lot of lurkers
    Cuchuilain and Warden-Yarn15 like this.
  18. Maxback

    Maxback Guest

    Hi Gambio,

    I'm looking for feedback on my story, and would love Marcie and Gina's thoughts on the The Crusader. It's set during the First Crusade and follows Micheal the Merciless as he takes part in the siege of Antioch in 1098. Michael is a man of violence but also a sexual deviant. So the story is (I believe) a well-written dark tale that contains intense scenes of non-con. So not for everyone.

    Thank you for reading

    The Crusader
    Gambio likes this.
  19. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    That sounds like something Marcie and Gina absolutely would hate lol

    But you in the backlog, or well, not backlog since we don't have anything in there right now
  20. noodles22

    noodles22 Virgin

    Hey Gambio! if Marcie and Gina have time, I would love to see them insult my story.

    Thanks :)
    Gambio likes this.