Help finding a story.

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by GhostWriter2049, Feb 23, 2023.

  1. There was a story I found here a few days ago, but I can't seem to find it again. It was a mind control/reality altering story about a guy named Brad who's female friend gets the power to control others, and she forces him to stay hard constantly and re enact porn for her. Can anyone help me out here? Chyoa tags are not being helpful.
  2. That sounds like Rings Of Power. If this is or is not the story, let me know.
  3. It wasn't the story, but it was the right author, so I found it! Thanks for your help!
    SeducedByLilith likes this.
  4. No worries, glad to help.
  5. IWannaSpankGirls

    IWannaSpankGirls Experienced

    Does it have Galadriel being spanked?
  6. No, but that gives me an idea for a potential story title = Whores Of The Ring
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