Threads approval reports

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Mr.B., Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Saddybub

    Saddybub Virgin

    Helloo, this is my first time trying to publish a story here so excuse me if I'm missing something! I tried publishing a story ( and its been "in review" ever since. It hasn't been that long but I was wondering typically how long the reviews take. Thank you!

    Edit: just saw that it got approved. Thank you!!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
    Friedman likes this.
  2. Hey there!

    I had been contributing to the story "Yllw Fvr" (, and took a break over the last month or so. In the last weeks, I have tried adding quite a few new chapters, and the author has not responded to messages requesting that he approve my additions.

    Could I receive permission to approve chapters in this story? Or at least just have the pending chapters approved?

    Thank you!!
  3. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Hey, I just approved your chapters, and added you as an author so that your chapters are automatically approved.

    Happy writing! :)
  4. THANK YOU!!!!
    Friedman likes this.
  5. jlaliberte

    jlaliberte Virgin

    Curious how long approvals have been taking lately on new stories?
  6. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Stories should take no more than 24 hours to approve, this is where I check at least once a day.

    The approval of chapters depends on the author of the story.
  7. street0

    street0 Virgin CHYOA Backer

  8. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Hey street0,

    I added you as an editor. Happy writing! :)

    And thank you for subscribing to SubscribeStar!
    street0 likes this.
  9. street0

    street0 Virgin CHYOA Backer

    Thanks Friedman!
    Friedman likes this.
  10. Mossrite

    Mossrite Virgin

  11. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Hey, I added you as an author so that your chapters are automatically approved. Cross C is editor, btw. Happy writing! :)
  12. cornudoG

    cornudoG Virgin

    Hello! I have two questions, I just published my very first story, but it's in Spanish, to the 24 hours rule to get it approved apply to them too?

    The second one is, I already see views on the first chapter, just wondering if it counts mine or how is it possible?
  13. 2p1k3

    2p1k3 Experienced

  14. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    There's no "24 hours" rule, it's just however long it takes for a moderator to review the story. And yes, that applies to all languages.

    Views are counted any time the page is opened, including by yourself and by moderators. Every time you load the page, you're adding another view. I think search engines also increase the view count.
    gene.sis likes this.
  15. Alina1224

    Alina1224 Virgin

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2023
  16. Privatewade98

    Privatewade98 Virgin

    Hi, I tried to publish a chapter to the story 'Hypnotizing and Controlling your Roommates wife' awhile back and it still hasn't been approved months later. From what I have seen, the author, masterfulmastus, has stopped writing lately and hasn't been posting or approving chapters since last year. Can I get editor or author privileges so I can post further chapters without hindrance?
  17. 2p1k3

    2p1k3 Experienced

    Several posts were made by me here:…-Take-Liberteen….1326409

    The author appears to have been absent for a few years. So I am just hoping that I can get added to the editor's list unless they show back up. I didn't see the point to waiting for them to respond if they hadn't visited the site in three years.

    Thank you for sharing your time and Prana.
  18. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Thanks, 2p1k3! I added you as an *author* to the story.

    I approved your chapters, and added you as an *author*.

    I added you as an *author*.

    I approved your chapters, and added you as an *author*.

    Happy writing! :)
  19. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Could I be added as an author (or whatever you think appropriate) to please?
    The owner doesn't seem to be around.
    I've written some for this story in the past but now it seems to be in limbo.
  20. jonjacobs64

    jonjacobs64 Virgin

    Hi, many months ago, I started a draft chapter of "Help I'm a Teenage Genie." A couple days ago, I finished the chapter and submitted it for review, but I'm not sure if a notification would have been sent. Can someone see if it can be released from limbo? Thank you!