Recommendation / Recommendation Requests

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by MidbossMan, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    That reminds me actually, there's your story as well! The Destruction of Superheroes:

    Kind of the reverse of the above where it's the hapless superheroes who get dominated by various villains. More well-written humiliating circumstances, including one scene I found particularly hot where the resident Superman gets knocked unconscious and raped by a villainess he utterly underestimated.
    Almax and MidbossMan like this.
  2. MidbossMan

    MidbossMan Really Really Experienced

    Thanks for reminding me of that one! I keep meaning to comb into it a bit deeper.

    Speaking of stories I need to read more of, another pretty good one is Perils of a Novice Superheroine. I've thought about writing for it a time or two, but it's a little dense with lore and I feel like I want to do service to that... But I haven't set aside enough time to read it all yet. :confused: Some very good routes and characters in there, though.
    Almax likes this.
  3. Almax

    Almax Really Experienced

    Man, you guys are all always really really nice about stuff! I'm really struggling to find a way to say thanks that properly expresses how cool you dudes are. I looked up "thanks synonyms" but they all either suck or just have "thank" in an extended phrase. Anyway, I really appreciate how warm and friendly you two always are, especially since I'm never that sure if I'm doin' stuff the right way here, so thanks!
  4. spiritwind

    spiritwind Experienced

    I'd like to Recommend "Aaralon's Discoveries" specifically this branch,-Then-She-Has-Some-Fun.326641 by LizardGod. It's about a wizard apprentice who accidentally summons an incubus and is corrupted morally and sexually by it, there's also decent amount of inner thoughts by the MC about his situation as the demon slaughters his peers, rapes the mc and basically claims his soul which I find neat. The branch itself is pretty old and the story itself is even older but Liz added a chapter recently so maybe they'll continue. I'm sure it's a deal breaker for some on this site but the branch is extremely (though not exclusively there's some M/F and a F/F scene) gay. Not really gonna comment on the rest of the stories branches its pretty old and has many authors of varying quality some good some meh.

    PrinceCai's "The Captive Prince" is one of my favorite newish stories. There are a ton different scenarios to choose from all with their main kinks/theme labeled and they are all decently deep. So long as you enjoy cute boys and domination there's probably a path that you'd like. The author does an amazing job building up the setting and establishing the main characters personality as well as subtle callbacks to other branches which is probably the neatest part of the story. If the initial premise of the mc being a "femboy" does not appeal to you honestly in some branches it isn't really a major thing other obviously than just being how they look.

    Also I'm keen on reading stories about like witches, sorceress's, generally female magic users (no Harry Potter lol :p) especially with a power play or domination/femdom theme. Sexual orientation of the smut does not matter much to me lesbian/straight/trans/futa/other whatever.
    MidbossMan, Haoro and wilparu like this.
  5. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Thanks so much! Your comments have been so helpful in keeping me continuing the story. I've had to slow down recently because of uni work piling up but I do just want to write more and more!

    I've had a look through my favorites and can't really find much that quite fits unfortunately. Femdom is too rare on this site already! The closest I could find is this one, which I think has a really hot premise where all women in the world have been granted this kind of sex magic that lets them tease and torment men and then feed off their sexual frustration. Unfortunately the author only wrote four chapters, which were quite well-done, and then seems to have disappeared off the site. I've been thinking of adding to it myself if I can come up with some good ideas, but it is moderated so I'd have to request it off them which I'd probably want to wait a bit longer before doing.

    There's also, which only has one route so far where a lesbian girl gets a blessing from a chaos deity which turns her into a futa and lets her control other girls with her cum. It rushes into the sex a bit too quickly for my tastes and I've never been a huge fan of this kind of mind-control that just makes things too easy for the domme. But it is well-written and the author does some imaginative things with it.

    Funny enough I have been planning out another story kind of similar to your other recommendation where a bullied, loner teenage boy in a modern day setting discovers a book of dark magic and accidently summons a magical creature. I figured the routes could be different kinds of creatures focusing on different fetishes kind of like in the Captive Prince, so like one would be a succubus who feminises him, another a hellhound who just wants to breed with him. I'm still deciding if I want to actually go forward with it as I'm very critical with myself when it comes to starting stories, but we'll see how it goes.
    MidbossMan and spiritwind like this.
  6. spiritwind

    spiritwind Experienced

    Wasn't exactly what I wanted but Sex Mage World does look intriguing shame it is so short though. And ya kinda hindering prospects by looking for a niche genre of a niche genre, though if you have any recommendations from your favorites of general femdom stories I am always all ears for that as well, was just in the mood for something specific.

    Also for my request if anyone has a story that's clearly abandoned, while not ideal I would not mind checking it out.
  7. Hi Folks,

    Just wanted to say this is gem of a thread.

    However, Im not sure if this is for asking for recommendations or just giving out recommendations?

    If its the former, Can anyone point me to a story similar to ?

    Iver searched far and wide on this side but cant seem to find a story/game like this.

    If its the latter, Please check it out. Definitely a good CYOA story.
  8. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Given the title and first post, I'd assume it's about both.

    If someone had activated game mode for that story already, they might lose their save game when they follow the link.
    So it might be better to use links that don't change the game status.
  9. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I'd like to leave a recommendation anyway, not related to GreenGoblin's post but just a story I think is really good and deserves the attention.

    It's called Slave Tournament by Gambio :

    It's not super serious, but the comedy stuff really does work well. Definitely one of the funnier stories I've read on the site, but it has enough serious and dramatic moments as well that keep things interesting and keep me invested in the story. There's a big and growing cast of great characters but all of them get enough chance to shine and all definitely have fun, unique personalities that manage to play off each other in all sorts of interesting ways and build their own relationships with each other separate to the main character as well. I really appreciate how Gambio juggles them all so well like that, don't think I as a writer myself could manage such a big cast as well as they do. And they've put in the effort so far to have a bad end as well where the MC loses to each of them as well as continuing the main story line past that so there is some branching and Choose Your Own Adventure elements.

    As far as the sex stuff goes, it's sometimes a bit light on detail and not always to my tastes, and does reference things that are definitely a bit outside my comfort zone, but at this point I'm reading it more for the enjoyment and hilarity. It does mainly focus on femdom of both male and female subs, with imaginative use of fantasy and magical elements as well, though there is some maledom too. Would still recommend it 100 percent even if you're not quite into that!
    Last edited: May 21, 2023
    TheGreenGoblin2024 likes this.
  10. Thank you for that info. I had totally missed that part.

    Thanks for the recommendation.

    I was actually looking for something like the game aspect of that story. Can't seem to find any like this.
    The Closest one i could find was "A Rising Star".

    Any info is more info than I have atm.
