Did the site change

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Outlawgent, Jul 4, 2023.

  1. Outlawgent

    Outlawgent Virgin

    A story I was reading is no longer available? Did something happen?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2023
    Someguy69 likes this.
  2. JWebb

    JWebb Guest

    Also the chapters tab on authors' profile pages has gone.
  3. Aguy2

    Aguy2 Virgin

    I noticed a bdsm pic wasn't visible anymore and tried to fix it, to no avail. It's the same thing that's happening now. Problem is, that was tow days ago. They aren't stopping. They are removing more content.
  4. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    This has to be one of the weirdest fucking threads I ever encountered. With the exception of Arachna every single poster is from an account that' has never posted here once, but this topic was suddenly so important to them that they broke their year long vow of silence.

    And of course, with the exception of Arachna every posting has that "hm yes very concerning" feel to it.

    Not sure what the deal with this is, but at the very least it's entertaining.

    Edit: jumped the gun here, my apologies
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2023
    Dansak and TheLowKing like this.
  5. Outlawgent

    Outlawgent Virgin

    I might not have ever posted but I have been on the site for a while. Just never had a reason to post. My bad for being a forum virgin lol. I was just asking a question.
    Someguy69 likes this.


    It's a weird thread because it's a weird situation. This naughty word purging business has been interfering with my reading experience. I keep running into the word "ly" and not being sure which adverb it has replaced. Even worse, entire stories have apparently gone missing.

    The topic was not "suddenly important to us." The issue only just appeared today. I was on the site yesterday and none of these problems were present.

    But yes, I find this very concerning, and hope the people in charge roll it back soon. As an introvert, I take my vow of silence very seriously, but felt compelled in this instance to share my observations.

    Edit: I just tried Arachna's mind control category link, and it redirected me. Perhaps it was working when Arachna checked, but it isn't working as of this edit.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
  7. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Not sure exactly what's happening here, because both the mind control links Arachna posted work fine for me and link to the expected page, as do all the other tags on that reply, so I'd say the site is still working fine for me at least. I'm also able to access all the stories I've favorited and have no problem seeing all routes and stories while logged in, even with the changed categories
  8. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    So, apparently the answer is actually rather simple. They’re currently working on some reconstruction for the mobile version. Which partly involves reformatting the layout to be able to search for categories and tags, as well as a few other things to navigate.

    While the worst case scenario is possible, let’s wait until we hear more first before jumping to conclusions.
  9. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I had to make changes for legal reasons. No stories have been deleted.
    grimbous, majus, Someguy69 and 3 others like this.
  10. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Can we get a list of said changes, at least? So that we can know what is and what isn't a bug?
  11. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I sent you a DM
  12. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    I think people will still want more of a direct update on site that can outline how to still search for content they want effectively or it will cause a lot of confusion otherwise.
    Someguy69 likes this.
  13. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I have sent you DMs
  14. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    If I had to guess, I'd say that it is done to be more acceptable in the eyes of Google and other search engines. They, understandably, don't like such words.
  15. Is it a restriction or access thing? If so, is there anyway to change the setting? Had a couple of stories I was reading through the past couple of days, but can't continue now.
  16. Berathor113

    Berathor113 Virgin

    @Friedman Instead of DMing every single person who asks about these changes, please make a forum post explaining in detail what changed and why.

    If you don't feel like doing that then please DM me whatever it is you DMed @moonblack, @Arachna, and @Duskford.
    Puprika likes this.
  17. Outlawgent

    Outlawgent Virgin

    Can I get a DM as well cause yeah I can’t even find the story about Jay and his lust create powers I forgot to favorite it.
  18. So many of my Notifications just take me to the "distracted" 404 message. They clearly still exist for other people, but for some reason I can't access them myself anymore

    It is very worrying, even with assurances that nothing is gone.

    Also, yes, this is pretty much my first time posting in the forums, but I've been around on the main site for at least a couple years now (I've honestly lost track)
  19. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I think for people having problems finding stuff atm it's best to just sit tight and wait until these issues are resolved. Obviously there's some issues with the site being revamped so suddenly for whatever reason but it does seem like the overall intention is that everything is still being kept on the site, you'll just have to be logged in to see it going forward, which is fair enough.

    Not exactly sure what the difference is, but I'm still able to see everything, including the hidden tags, if that's any reassurance.
    TheLowKing and raziel83 like this.
  20. Outlawgent

    Outlawgent Virgin

    I think you have to be logged in to see certain stories.