Maternal Slime Art Log

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by elmer7780, Dec 11, 2022.

  1. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2023
  2. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

  3. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Been rewriting parts of the main branch and with it, some more drawing conversions!

    Chapter 38: Here, we have Rachel — an older woman who's sort of like an aunt to the protagonist.
    Compare that with the original AI generation:

    Chapter 17: Mary, the protagonist's British ex-girlfriend and fellow artist (at least as far as chapter 17)
    Colored, larger res version
    Compare that with the original AI generation:

    Chapter 14: Anne's "human" reveal

    Colored, larger res version
    Previous AI version:

    Chapter 29: Anne's "Tears"
    Colored, larger res version
    Previous image AI: I seem to have lost that one... :/, oh well.
  4. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Hi there!

    More drawings to share!

    Second AI-replacement of Lecia:

    As you might've seen with the Anne's hair above, I've been working out how to better texture the hair using appropriate streaks to emphasize the volume.

    Let's compare to the original AI-generated one:
    Original is more inky as a style, but definitely easier than what I put in.

    Next, we have an Anne-Daniel breastfeeding scene. Once again, I thought I had saved the original AI image in the [Image Collection] or personal folder without checking, and...not there.
    This one I've also posted to DeviantArt in color and higher resolution. At some point, I may draw a follow up scene showing Anne taking care of that bulge down there.

    Just to remind that Anne is a slime-girl, even if she currently looks human, here we have her keeping her sweet boy close to her...really close.



    The see-through cabinets and exhaust hood drawn over was meant to emphasize how tall Anne grew to carry Daniel upright within her comfy gelatinous body. As a plus, since I'm reposting this to ScribbleHub and WebNovel, I was able to utilize it as a censor of sorts.

    Colored version on DeviantArt: XRay, NonXray

    On my alternate branch/timeline, I posted a younger Melissa who is shown shocked from her mother revealing she's actually adopted.

    This can also describe my unwitting readers' horror as they are exposed to more gooey shenanigans.
  5. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Hello! Another round of drawings!

    Let's start out with some yandere, shall we?

    Here, Daniel reveals the ultimate betrayal: He allowed someone to nurse him. As his slime mother, that's unacceptable!

    Larger Resolution


    Next, we have a Mary looking a little embarrassed as she opens the door in front of Daniel, ready for their date. There's more to Mary as she seems to have grown a little more...curvy? Wait, where is Anne?

    Larger, Colored Resolution

    Next, an dedicated cover photo!


    Larger Resolution without Text

    While I liked the previous cover photo which used slime booba, I can't use that on other sites that requires SFW cover photo. Plus, the whole thing was lazily put together.

    I recognize that text could be better, but typography and choosing the right colors is no joke. When I'm determined enough, I'll give another go at it.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2023
  6. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Latest chapter, I've drawn Mary and little lumpy symbiote Anne waiting for Daniel to take a seat across them. Having merged with the slime mother to become Marianne, it's safe to say that Mary is feeling a little more maternal towards her boyfriend thanks to the memories shared.
  7. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I've recently redrawn Anne's first...ahem, encasement of Daniel with my hands.

    Previous AI:


    The drawn better reflects the chapter where Anne withdraws half her fake skin into luring Daniel.

    I've posted this on DeviantArt, but given this has a more appropriate audience, I've created a gallery on Aryion.
    Colored version:
    Colored version ("Human" alt):
    chris_brown likes this.
  8. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    A few chapters later, I have another batch of illustrations to share:

    Chapter 61

    Here we have some mysterious lady in a foreign vision/memory that struck Anne. Here, this lady is tied to a pole and about to be burned to death as a "witch". But maybe she is? Regardless, she's rather calm and has some words for the viewer.

    Colored Version:

    Chapter 62

    Back in the equally mysterious dream world where a similar slime girl named Viviane resides, she demonstrates her ability to shape a clone. At some point, I want to continue this sequence showing the clone forming back up along side the original.

    Colored Version:

    Chapter 65

    Lady of the Lake" — Yes, the enchantress that provided King Arthur the Excalibur. It's an easy drawing mainly to enhance the mood as Anne and Daniel are researching about Viviane.

    Chapter 35

    I've been meaning to draw this for a while >:D

    When Mary learned of Anne's true nature for the first time, she was naturally skeptical. In her disbelief, she took hold of the slime mother's cheeks and pulled them. Anne doesn't have any sensory functions like humans do, so she can't feel pain, but nonetheless, she doesn't appreciate the female artist playing around with her.

    I love this bit of dialogue:
    Colored Version:
  9. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    More illustrations!

    I haven't done a new branch in a while, but here it is. With it, we have the first illustration of Amy — Daniel's actual mother...well, sort of. Without getting into the existential vibes, we can consider this new slime girl to be Amy in personality. She split off from Anne after the latter tried to impersonate his true mother. Of course, the inner personality that was Amy had a problem with this, thus resulting in a split.

    Back to the main branch, we have POV of Mary speaking to her uncle Marlin. According to Viviane, Mary learns that there's something more to him...something magical it seems.

    I've been drawing females a lot, so this was a good change of pace to really learn to draw more masculine features. Best of all, he's bald! No pesky hair to draw here.


    I don't want to explain this. Unrelated, but demon pregnancy (Constantine 2005)

    Separately, this isn't related to Maternal Slime, but I don't want to start a separate image thread with just two images (Especially not knowing how much I'll contribute). I've started a branch on The Vampire's Gift where I had the idea to do a "Van Helsing" derived story.

    Fellow vampire-hunter ancestor arrives in ghostly form to lambaste you for being an idiot, inviting a too-good-to-be-true hottie in the middle of the night who now is deep into your neck as you are in her. Lucky for you, she'll help you have a chance at survival by awakening your lineage blood.

    Doing so, you eventually wake up with the vampire who was about to kill you, now a friendly half-vampire. As it turns out, vampire hunters are partly vampires themselves, having the ability to "tame" those night-walkers by biting them. This vampire, Anna, has been around for centuries, but thanks to your bite back against her, you have given back her humanity. While she may have her strength and fangs, she is no longer is restricted by human blood and can walk in the sun again!

    As appreciation for giving back her clarity, Anne wants to be by your side and help you in your growth as a hunter.
  10. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Hi! With several chapters since my last post, I want to show off a few new illustrations.

    Chapter 6.1
    First attempt at redrawing one of the remaining AI images:


    Obviously, the AI one looks better, especially in terms of pose; however, Anne is more consistent to her expected goo form. I was satisfied with my own drawing to replace, but of course, I'm always learning and may come back to iterate on my image.

    Chapter 75


    As a new memory comes to light, Viviane is reminded by a warm figure who claims to be her mother. This is intended to be the same character from:
    It's clear I'll have to rework the hair on this image as I got pretty lazy.

    In the same picture, we have our first mixed-gendered fusion between Daniel and Viviane:
    Herm? Yes. Confused? Very.

    Chapter 77
    Then, we have a more plot-focused illustration showing something wrong in Anne's realm.
    chris_brown likes this.
  11. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Hi, here are a few more illustrations.

    Chapter 78
    I actually missed posting this image that was already published.

    If there's any reminder that the slime girl above isn't human, it's seeing them able to extend themselves a bit by giving you a gooey nursing-handjob while scrolling through your phone. I had to rework the perspective a few times, but it was an interesting challenge as I tried to figure out how other artists do it. By no means is it perfect. I think the angle of Viviane looking down at the viewer compared to the blue couch needs to be redone.

    Chapter 80

    Here we have Marianne (Left, fusion between Mary and Anne), Viviane (center), and a worried Daniel (right). Both Viviane and Marianne, being slime girl and a hybrid-slime respectively, can synchronize each other's memories and knowledge. For Marianne, however, it's a rather painful experience.

    You see, Viviane is a slime that has lived for centuries, so not only are you absorbing a lifetime of memories that is excruciatingly long, Marianne has to cover for two people as well. Suffice to say, they're overheating.

    Fortunately, this is just a one-time experience. After synchronizing the memories and knowledge, it'll be easier for them to resync again.

    Chapter 61
    I mentioned this image that had to be redrawn:
    So, I did just that:

    It's a different time, but more consistent with this mystery entity that I first updated in chapter 75:
  12. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Happy New Year!

    Decided to change up the cover from Anne to Viviane:


    Overall, pleased with how our half-transformed second slime mother turned. I tried to put more effort into the text, although I'm sure it can be done better. For comparison, here's the first cover with Anne:

  13. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Some more illustrations!

    Chapter 84 - "Fearless" Jello


    Literally jello, but this is just an exaggerated, cute view of Anne trying to cut her arm, that sounds bad, but note she can't really be harmed or feel pain. That doesn't lessen her fear, however, but she has to get over human reservations if she ever wants to be able to split into clones like Viviane can. Suffice to say, she can't do it.

    Chapter 85 - A Tight Transport

    Later that night, we now have an actual view of our Slimy Mama. Here, Daniel (POV) and Mary (Slimed) are about to be squeezed together into the comfy gel of Anne as they prepare to dive into the mysterious dream world that's connected to our jello girl. While Mary is clearly having the time of her life and has no reservations, Daniel is still unprepared to be dragged into his slime mother's depths so quickly.

    I love Anne's devious expression here. > : D
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2024
  14. elmer7780

    elmer7780 Experienced CHYOA Backer


    For this update, let's start off with an update to one of the first drawings of Lecia used in chapter 9:



    Hair and shading is WAY cleaner in the new ones. I do like her eyes more in the old version, but overall, it's a step up compared to the first time I drew her. I'm sure I can redraw her eyes similarly, but a large part of the sexy side-eye is the angle at which she's receiving Daniel. In truth, that was completely accidental.

    A big reason for redrawing of the older image is to keep consistent with a more recent illustration in chapter 87:

    As you might guess, drawing the hand holding the cell phone was the hardest part. Maybe with time, I'll get better at it, but goddamn it, I waste so many hours looking up references, my own, and feeling like an idiot.

    Lastly, in chapter 86, we have the third drawing of the mystery woman (Reference)

    Now, the chapter occurs for the most part in the fog. That's not much of an excuse to hide things, nor the fact that she's supposed to be a ghostly memory. At some point, I will have to redraw this image. Rather than a full body shot, a close up will probably be better. For now, this is one image that I won't be posting to my galleries online.

    Next, in the chapter I posted at this time of writing, we have a new character named Victor Grayson; however, this man, who approaches Lecia and knows her organization's efforts, is not who he seems. In fact, his leaving baffles Lecia as he reveals a truth to the book and the slime creature she's been trying to discover.
    Artistically, I've struggled how to approach doing the background. I'll probably have to go over it a few times.

    First time I've done facial hair though...urgh, let's just say he most likely won't be drawn for a while. I really need to spend more time drawing males of various ages; although, I don't think I did bad with Mary's uncle, Marlin. (He's bald and relatively young, though, so...not much challenge there.)