My story isn't showing up.

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Cainsword, Jul 18, 2023.

  1. Cainsword

    Cainsword Virgin

    I wrote a story and went I'm logged in I can see it but others can't see it and the sight says it doesn't exist. I'm not sure what to do since I'm not sure what if anything I did wrong.
  2. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    What category was the story written in? The site was changed recently following legal issues so that certain ones like mind control and powerplay are hidden to users who haven't had their account for longer than a month, and are hidden in the search options as well, so it might well be that.
  3. Cainsword

    Cainsword Virgin

    It was in mind control. I didn't realize that was going on. Any idea on how long it's going to be like this? Or can I change the category the story is in?