Some thoughts of mine

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Warden-Yarn15, Aug 1, 2023.

  1. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    Hey folks, how have you been? I was thinking about this site last night and just how long was I gone. Not too long apparently for those who were wondering, which is probably a good thing still.


    I thought about how people disappeared from the internet, how former friends we've made in the past become untraceable and most likely an enigma from the rest of our lives, and how it felt inevitable that was going to happen, so certain people came to mind such as Cuchuilain, Gambio, BrainDamage, Zeebop, TheLowKing, Unkown7, Raziel, and a few more - which may or may not be a lie.

    Wondering if they're still on this site or not and whether some of those closer contacts that I've made still remember me. Speaking of which, there is someone who told me they've created their account because of a story that I made of a certain superhero from my country. I hate to think I've let them down and now they're gone from the site.

    Bugger if that is the case...

    If anyone wonders what made me disappear, I've been roleplaying. Cringe I know.

    There's something about roleplaying that's just much more fun I guess. You see a photo on the site that I've been using, and you see someone write something suggestive, like an open invitation, and you contact them and see if they respond, and if they do, you go down from there until one party eventually stops replying.

    Which happens to me a lot.

    I guess that killed my mood when it comes to writing, maybe writing in general as I don't believe I've written non-erotic prompts lately either. It just felt so easy, plus, you have one captive audience which boosted my motivation to keep on going to the same site to roleplay.

    But after these 2 or 4 months, I feel a little guilty leaving this place unannounced, though even if I did say I was going on a hiatus, would it be noticed? Does someone else out here think of me at the back of their mind? To me, it's not likely, but if I am, that's greatly appreciated...

    You folks be safe in the meantime.
    Zeebop, Gambio, majus and 1 other person like this.
  2. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Hey, it's the Internet. People come and people go and then sometimes they come back. Enjoy the roleplaying. :)
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  3. insertnamehere

    insertnamehere Really Really Experienced

    Have you seen the rather large thread in the General Board? You have missed a lot.
    Warden-Yarn15 and TheLowKing like this.
  4. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    I know what you mean. I also have problems with writing anything stand-alone and creative, but I am quite active on cyoa RP forum and chats. I had a couple of attempts to return to writing, but can't simply get myself to it :(
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  5. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Funnily enough, you actually got a mention in the last Marcie and Gina segment.

    RP is fun , I used to do a lot of that as well. Kinda fell out of the scene by this point though unless you count the stuff I do for engin's tower of voices.
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  6. Warden-Yarn15

    Warden-Yarn15 Really Really Experienced

    There's a dozen new ones prior to this it seems. I'm guessing it's quite a rabbit hole?

    Unrelated to the topic, but the last time I used emojis in a story, it deleted half the chapter.

    What kind of witchcraft do you use to have them get submitted?
  7. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    beautiful isn't it?

    I just copied them over from some site. They are purely ASCII as far as I can tell
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.
  8. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Welcome back.
    Warden-Yarn15 likes this.