AI as a tool in erotic writing

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by Hvast, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    I love new technologies. I spent way too many hours trying to get good-looking naked females and\or sex scenes with Stable Diffusion. I often use AIs for ideation and getting through writer's block. Some of my chapters on Chyoa are heavily edited AI-generated stuff. I love all the perspectives offered but this brand-new rapidly developing technology.

    Problem is... I am seeing way too much barely edited and barely coherent AI-generated stuff presented as original work. And Stable Diffusion girls... I have nothing against enhancing your story with decent AI-generated women if there are minor flaws here and there.

    BUT people happily post twisted monstrosities with mutilated hands, extra limbs, blurry eyes, etc just because there are a tasty-looking pair of tits and a cute face. It seems like no one bothers to do a little bit of inpainting, editing, or even just generating a few dozen pictures and choosing the best one among them.

    Using new tools and technologies doesn't mean that you should make no freaking effort!

    PS. Current AIs can't do natural-looking close-ups of genitalia, especially male ones. Accept this and wait a year or two until you get this
  2. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    I actually use some Ai pictures for Subjugation Tournament, nothing sexual though, fully agree that genitalia and what not just come out very freaky

    My main issue with Ai is that it all tends to look very samey, pixiv is overrun with the same generic anime stuff and after a while you just get bored of it.

    At least for now human artist still remain ahead.
    C_Que and uppitygracie like this.
  3. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    It is less an issue of model's training data (even if it is a factor) and more a result of people using the same prompt guidelines.
    uppitygracie likes this.
  4. IdealSimp

    IdealSimp Guest

    Yeah AI can be real finicky. I mess around with it now and then, but 99% of the time I just nab pictures from the internet. It's easier.

    I've never actually experimented with using AI to write though. That's interesting. I've used shit like AI Dungeon before, but more for solo ERP purposes than anything else.
    uppitygracie likes this.
  5. MissNix

    MissNix Experienced

    Know any good ones that make the faces kinda Anime like? I've been wanting to make for covers of books a faceswap that looks fake so I can still use models but feel less like I have them connected to my erotic work.
    uppitygracie likes this.
  6. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    uppitygracie and MissNix like this.
  7. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    Ai I don't think is strictly morally wrong, but reality is, it's not nearly there yet as much as it's hyped up to be to be close to replacing people anytime soon art wise. Even on a good day, it barely seems to understand how body parts actually attach to each other let alone be the point of taking all the jobs and all that, I think.
    Jaegarblk and uppitygracie like this.
  8. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    I have been playing with AIs since the earliest publicly available iterations and the speed of improvement is astounding. They will totally destroy low-level artists and become serious competition for erotic photos.

    Note that we haven't seen a public dedicated model. All girls that flood the internet are made with generalist models slightly tuned for porn by amateurs with minimal resources. This is why it has problems with fine details of human anatomy.

    If... when someone will invest a substantial amount of money to train a specialized model on porn materials, it will be mindblowing. Even with the current level of technology.

    Only true originality will remain valued, mass-product artists will absolutely lose their jobs. And most art will use AI in one form or another with a few old-schoolers here and there.
    uppitygracie likes this.
  9. uppitygracie

    uppitygracie Experienced

    I've played with Novelai some.

    The writing on the newest model is pretty good but its memory is horrible. That drags it down after a few paragraphs unless you babysit the crap out of it.

    I could see feeding a few paragraphs of a story in just to see where the model takes it but you're not getting anything remotely publishable out of it without a lot of editing work I think.
    youdontknowme87 likes this.
  10. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    I am yet to encounter an AI that can consistently "understand" if characters are naked or not.
    raziel83 likes this.
  11. MissNix

    MissNix Experienced

    Hey Hvast,

    I waas wondering if you had any idea what kind of AI makes an image like this? Seen these types popping up on Zon for erotica, in fact this screenshot is from one cover, the person publishing didn't even fix the issue with the hand lol. I'm trying to see if I can filter images like this easily with AI so I can use faces but hide them. But still wanting to look into more. Any idea how to get that style/look?

    Screenshot of AI image cover.jpg
  12. MissNix

    MissNix Experienced

    Another example image I've seen.

    aanother example.jpg
  13. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    The second one gives me novel ai vibes but it is really hard to tell, there are maaaany models around and, with prompt tricks and many LoRAs around, pictures from the same model can look very differently
    MissNix likes this.
  14. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    MissNix likes this.
  15. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Fooling around with a language model (Xwin-LM-7B-V0.2). I had a good laugh and want to share but I don't want to create a new thread so I'll post it there.

    Write me a short erotic story as if you are a horny teenager with no writing experience
    Rough outline of the story:
    - An orc ambushes a human girl in a forest
    - After a chase, he knocks her out
    - he brings her to his cave
    - he mates with her being dominant but not cruel or sadistic

    Once upon a time (well, sorta), deep within the darkest parts of the enchanted Forest Of Fuckery, there lived a young lass by the name of Lily Lilith Lane. She was just your average horny little bitch who loved getting fisted real good and often. One day, while she wandered through the woods, searching fervently for some dick that wouldn't run away at first sight, she found herself face-to-face with one big ol' Orctopus Saggitarius! He had long, shiny black hair, thick muscles bigger than most truck tires, and two massive cunts on either side of him—which made poor Lily quiver with desire from afar.

    The Orc grinned at her, showing off those sharp teeth of his, and said, "Hey there, sweet thing. You lookin' for sumthin'?" His voice sounded like it came straight from Hades itself; smooth yet rough all at once. It sent shivers down Lily's spine...and up another part too. But before she could respond, he grabbed hold of her arm so tightly that even the strongest tree couldn't have pulled free without breaking into splinters.

    Lilium screamed, "Let go o'me ya huge brute!" But instead of letting her go, Orcy boy dragged her deeper into the depths of the forest where nobody else dare venture. As they ran, branches whipped against their faces, leaves stung them like knives, and thorn bushes tried to rip open every hole possible. Yet despite the pain, Lily felt something stirring inside her belly. Her pussy clamped down onto nothingness, craving more than ever. And when Orc finally stopped running after what seemed like hours (but were actually only minutes) of pure terror, she knew exactly why this beast wanted her so bad.

    He threw her to the ground, making sure she landed hard enough to leave marks behind. Then he towered over her, breathing heavily like an animal about to strike its prey. With each labored breath, Lily thought she might pass out from fear alone. But then, suddenly, things started to change. Instead of feeling afraid anymore, she began to feel excited...exhilarated even. Because underneath all that fur and muscle lay someone who truly desired her—wantonly and passionately.

    Orctopus reached out and caressed her cheek gently, almost tenderly. "You smell so damn delicious," he growled, causing Lily's heart to race faster still. Without warning, he lunged forward and kissed her full on the lips. Their tongues danced together like wild animals locked in battle, hungry for dominance and submission alike. In that moment, everything around them disappeared except for the two of them and their insatiable hunger for one another.

    As they continued their fierce embrace, Orc showed Lily how much pleasure can come from such brutal force. Yes, he was large and imposing, but beneath that intimidating exterior beat the heart of a gentle lover. He took control of her body without resorting to cruelty or sadism; rather, he reveled in her innocence and eagerness, using both strength and tenderness to bring her closer to ecstasy with each passing second.

    And oh, did they fuck! For hours on end, they moved franticely back and forth across the cavernous chamber of Orctopus' lair. Each thrust brought new sensations that left Lily moaning and squirming uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Orc used his immense size to penetrate her deeply, hitting places within her core that she never knew existed until now. Every touch, every movement, created a fireworks display of delight throughout her entire being.

    Finally, they collapsed together amidst the rubble of rock and twigs, spent and satisfied beyond belief. As they caught their breath, Lily looked up at Orc with tears streaming down her face. Not because she was hurt or frightened anymore, but because she realized that sometimes—just sometimes—the best things in life aren't necessarily pretty or perfect. They're simply raw, primal experiences that take us outside our comfort zones and show us what true freedom feels like.

    This is just a language model, no edits, no rerolls. Straight generation.
    MissNix and TheLowKing like this.
  16. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Ow, my brain.
    MissNix likes this.
  17. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    Seriously, people who put a chick with deformed fingers, twisted legs, and clearly asymmetric eyes as their story cover picture are saying "I am a lazy F, likely my writing is the same, don't touch my story with a fishing pole."

    Why do they do this?
    Jaegarblk, TheLowKing and MissNix like this.
  18. Zekar

    Zekar Really Experienced

    I recommend not using AI for story generation. It’s definitely a good way to brainstorm but word for word you are gonna get a pretty wonky story that will lose audience members in my opinion. Though I will admit that I speed read through stuff just to get the sex.

    as for image generation. I’ve had some good results with Artflow Ai and have been using it in my stories like in Harem Mansion as part of Harem Hotel. Link:

    I do have issues where I’m not happy with results especially with consistency. For instance I generate like 20 images for Naomi the Host and the AI has issues not making the gloves turn into monstrosities. But I did find a way to generate as many images I want without spending credits so I’m gonna milk that as much as I can. And no I’m not gonna share it because I don’t want them to realize the back door they left open.

    I’ve spent 50 or so generations trying to get Alex to be a fem boy with a bulge in his pants. But the AI will only do “Male” and “Female” with no in between. :eek:
    Jaegarblk and TheLowKing like this.
  19. vyksin

    vyksin Virgin CHYOA Backer

    I tried monkeying around with AI a bit to test some things with artwork out and while it's definitely impressive, one of the hardest things I had was once I created a character, getting the AI to reuse that character in different situations or outfits. Even when I set it up as a model, it kept randomizing pieces (like eyes, nose, mouth, etc) to were I had a hard time getting it to just put the same character in 3 different outfits. At most, it would look like sisters but often unrelated. And it was probably largely user error, it was not easy to stick with a character if I liked it. Still, impressive what is doing.
    MissNix likes this.
  20. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    AIs are not capable of writing a coherent story, true. But what you are describing is not using an AI as a writing tool. It is telling an AI to write a story for you. And not only it doesn't work (yet), it would be a lie to say that it is you who wrote the story

    But current generation AIs, even weaker open-source ones, can be used for many mundane writing tasks. Like, they are perfectly capable of generating appearances or room descriptions that you can always edit to fit your story