Question needs asking!

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by TwentyFore, Jan 21, 2024.

  1. TwentyFore

    TwentyFore Virgin

    I'm sorry, but with the conversations that take place in the Comments area (& really should have another way/place), it needs asking why there's no way to downvote a Chapter/thread?

    There's no way to add to something that you can't understand, & it's likely that people could fix their own mistakes if they were aware that they'd made them.
  2. android1966

    android1966 Really Experienced

    Would you want to downvote a chapter because of typos, grammar mistakes or a continuity error though? A friendlier way to point out a mistake would be to send the author a message directly
    ToniDaring, Gambio and Haoro like this.
  3. Haoro

    Haoro Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    I wasn't on here back then, but I think there were downvotes when the site first started. As far as I know, they were removed fairly early on as it became clear they were being misused and just became a source of drama and bad feelings for writers. I agree with that policy myself, it's just a source of negativity if writers are being spammed with downvotes for writing things that may not be as popular or whatever, and mistakes can just be pointed out with a comment or DM rather than a downvote that could mean anything.

    Though comments could definitely use some tweaking, allowing edits/easy deletion or moderation of them for one thing.
  4. Hvast

    Hvast Really Really Experienced

    "I dislike your story" is pointless feedback. Dislike why? Grammar? Style? Story? Not your fetish? It is impossible to determine from a thumbs down. The author learns nothing except generic "you suck."

    Do you think it is good if an enthusiastic inexperienced writer writers a piece of crap and witnesses "deserved" 5 likes\20 dislikes on their first chapter?

    They won't be like "Yay, I should improve!" 9 times out of 10 it will be their last chapter.
  5. TwentyFore

    TwentyFore Virgin

    Would if I could.

    ALSO, should certainly send the message figuratively that something is wrong with it, so it doesn't continue.
  6. zankoo

    zankoo Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    So glad there's no downvoting. What a dismal thing that is on sites that have it. It's so easy to not read something you don't like. So easy to not participate. Just ... do something else. Who benefits from a downvote? Nobody. I'm grateful such a system is not in place here.
    Jaegarblk, gene.sis, Hvast and 4 others like this.
  7. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    It's unfortunate that I add more than 1 like to this post.