what do you do if a favorite author is not posting

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by wicker, Mar 16, 2024.


what do you do if a favorite author is not posting

  1. Send them a message asking if they have writers block or are busy and you miss their work.

    2 vote(s)
  2. Give them their space and say nothing

    6 vote(s)
  3. Other

    4 vote(s)
  1. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Send them a message asking if they have writers block or are busy and you miss their work.
    Give them their space and say nothing
    Dansak likes this.
  2. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Add a comment on their latest chapter. Definitely no PMs, unless the author is a personal friend of yours.
  3. Dansak

    Dansak Really Really Experienced

    I'd only ever PM if I knew them well.
    Normally I'd just give them space but sometimes I'll drop an encouraging comment on the last chapter they've written. Something along the lines of 'love this story, hope to see a new chapter when you're ready'.
    I've had stories that I've left for ages, then someone dropped a comment like that in and it inspired me to write more chapters, so it can work well as a positive motivator.
    wilparu and TheLowKing like this.
  4. daciasdesire

    daciasdesire Really Experienced

    Forceably hound Dansak until he returns to the very lovely Fox and her friends! hehehe

    Thankfully he has captivated me with another very worthy harem of friends...
    Zingiber and Dansak like this.
  5. Dansak

    Dansak Really Really Experienced

    Well you're a contributor on AAFIL now, so I may hound you for more content!
    Seriously though, thank you for all your hounding, I really do appreciate it.
    daciasdesire likes this.
  6. wilparu

    wilparu Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Yeah a message on the last chapter is what I'd do as well. PMs are ok but not my first thought unless we have a pre-existing relationship on the site.