The warring states of Ka'r Valley - character and kingdom creation sheets

Discussion in 'RPG Information' started by majus, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru


    Character creation sheet
    This sheet is only about your character, not your character's family, enemies, friends or kingdom.


    Race: (Human, high elf, dwarf, etc.)


    Origins (choose one): (what is your ruler's relationship to the previous ruler)

    True born heir – you are a child or one of the children of a previous ruler.

    Dynasty of the ruler – you are a sibling or cousin of the previous ruler of your dynasty.

    Usurper – you are not connected to the dynasty. You might be a rebel general who toppled the dynasty, a royal bastard child who took a throne after all the royalty perished, or a mistress or a queen who toppled the ruling dynasty and started your own.

    Primary Education (choose one):

    Military – you are educated in understanding military matters. You know how the army works, how to organize it, how to move it and how to use terrain...

    Stewardship – you have the education to make a profit, start a good business and organise taxes.

    Intrigue – you are educated in the art of schemes and plots – and those include gathering information, spreading it, blackmailing someone not to mention assassinations and kidnappings.

    Magecraft – you are educated in the art of magic and are a competent magic user. (choose a specialization of magic – necromancy, conjuration, illusions – etc.)

    Prowess – you are educated in single combat with a weapon of your choosing. (choose specialization in weapon – bow, sword, spear, etc.)

    Secondary Education (choose one):

    Military – you are educated in understanding military matters. You know how the army works, how to organize it, how to move it and how to use terrain...

    Stewardship – you have the education to make a profit, start a good business and organise taxes.

    Intrigue – you are educated in the art of schemes and plots – and those include gathering information, spreading it, blackmailing someone not to mention assassinations and kidnappings.

    Magecraft – you are educated in the art of magic and are a competent magic user. (choose a specialization of magic – necromancy, conjuration, illusions – etc.)

    Prowess – you are educated in single combat with a weapon of your choosing. (choose specialization in weapon – bow, sword, spear, etc.)

    Age (choose one):

    Young – you just recently stopped being considered a teenager and entered the world of adults. At least what is considered an adult among your race.

    Mature – you are in the middle of your life. You have experiences and some things weigh on you. (choose one additional trait and one additional flaw)

    Old – you are coming to the end of your life. Your life baggage is big but with your experience, you can still achieve much. (Choose two additional traits and two additional flaws)

    Length of your rule (choose one):


    Medium – (you cannot choose it if your age is young)

    Long – (you cannot choose it if your age is young or mature)

    Trait (choose one): choose one trait or skill you are good at. It can be seduction, fencing, tactics, singing, a shooting voice, etc.

    Flaw (choose one): choose one flaw that your character has. It can be a health issue, a character flaw like having only one eye, deadly diseases, weak constitution, oversensitivity, being baren, etc.

    History (description of your story so far):



    Kingdom creation sheet
    This describes your kingdom and, the situation of your kingdom. It does not describe the relations with other player's kingdoms.

    Name of the Kingdom:

    Style of the kingdom (choose one): Medieval, Samurai, Egyptian, High elf, demonic, etc.

    Gender policy (choose one): Equality of gender/Male supremacy/Female Supremacy

    Race policy (choose one): Equality of races/Ruler's race supremacy

    Religion (choose one): State religion/religious freedom

    Traits of the kingdom
    you start with +5 points and have to balance it so that the balance is of 0 points. The balance is joint for all sections – except for the Military. So you can have a great Dynasty but at the cost of the terrible situation in the kingdom...

    All of this is with humans/high elves in mind. If you intend to play any different race, let me know what you have in mind and we will personalise this for the race of your choice.

    Dynasty (This section describes your family)

    Only living member of the dynasty (-4) – you are the last of the dynasty

    Regent (-5) – you are a regent of a son/daughter of the previous ruler, and your time as a person in charge quickly approaches its end.

    A large family (+5) – your dynasty has many living members.

    Rift in dynasty (-6) – members of your dynasty are in conflict. You squabble and fight among each other, some may seek to take your throne.

    Close-knit dynasty (+6) – your family is close to each other and ready to support each other.

    Black Sheep (-1) – your dynasty has a black sheep, a member of the family who is in open conflict with the entire dynasty.

    The dance of the blades (-3) – there is an entire branch of your dynasty who once challenged the family for the throne. They lost and were exiled. These exiles have been reorganizing and preparing to take the throne... and some in your kingdom would support them.

    Consort Dowager (+2) – your parent (wife of king or consort of ruling queen) is alive and ready to aid you.

    Possessive Consort Dowager (-2) – your parent (wife of king or consort of ruling queen) is alive, she knows best how best to rule the kingdom, and believes that you should leave the ruling to her.

    Mistress (+1)(can be taken many times) – you have a sexual partner, who is ready to aid you in your cause.

    Ambitious Mistress (-1)(can be taken many times) – you have a sexual partner, who seeks to use her relationship with you to get richer and more powerful.

    Consort (+1) – you are married.

    Noble Consort (+3) – your consort is from one of the kingdom's powerful families. Your union makes your families natural allies.

    Spiteful Consort (-3) – your consort and you are not living in harmony – on the contrary, you are fighting quite often.

    Night Consort (-2) – your consort was a prostitute before you married.

    Royal Harem (-5) – you have several consorts instead of one consort. While nights with them are great, the harem is locked in conflict. It's not rare for one of the consorts to end up dead or implicated in some sort of scheme. (incompatible with any other choice including 'consort' - except choices including 'Dowager Consort')

    Progeny (+1)(can be taken many times) – you have a child. Your legacy is secured.

    Personal (Your personal link with the important people in the kingdom):

    Nemesis (-4) – there is a skilled person out there, whose only target is your demise.

    Blackmailer (-3) – someone, who has one of your secrets, and is holding it over you.

    Master (-10) – you are not your own master. Whether by free will or magic, you are an obedient slave to another.

    Slaves (+1)(can be taken many times) – you own a group of ten slaves.

    Devoted slave (+1)(can be taken many times) – you own a slave who is devoted to you, ready to throw away their own life on your order.

    Trustful Friend (+1)(can be taken many times) – you have a friend you can count on.

    Champion (+3) – you have a warrior of great skill on your court. That champion is one of the best warriors in the kingdom.

    Skilled Advisor (+3) – you have a person of talent as your advisor.

    Incompetent Advisor (-1) – you have an advisor, whose advice seems to be logical, but in some way usually backfires.

    Experienced General (+1)(can be taken many times) – an experienced leader who has led your army through battles.

    Incompetent General (-1)(can be taken many times) – an officer who became leader of your army, but is quite incompetent/green/etc

    Veteran General (+2) – a veteran of many battles who lead your army to victory.

    Devoted Bodyguard (+1) – a guard, whose devotion you are sure of. The devoted guard will sacrifice life to save you without hesitation.

    Elite Guards (+3) – Your personal guards are among the best.

    Disloyal Guards (-3) – the loyalty of your guards is not with you but with someone else – your consort/your regent/noble family of consort/etc.

    Loyal unit (+3) – these warriors are loyal only to you. Their devotion is almost fanatical.

    Skilled Spy (+3) – a skilled spy, whose abilities you can count on.

    Spy Ring (+4) – you command a number of people who work together to gather information for you.

    Assassin (+3) – a merciless killer, ready to take life on your order.

    Society and situation (the general state of kingdom and current events):

    Dark religion society (-5) – you and your people are followers of dark gods.

    Rebellion (-2)(can be taken many times) – there is ongoing rebellion in your kingdom.

    Civil war (-6) – your kingdom is currently splintered into two factions locked in civil war.

    Warring states (-14) – not only the Ka'r Valley in the warring states era, but so is your kingdom, fractured into several smaller states. Not only do you have to be wary of kingdoms in civil war, but also external kingdoms that might decide to take advantage of the weakened state of your kingdom.

    Cult (-3) – a cult following religion in opposition to the kingdom's religion working in secret

    Criminals (-1)(can be taken many times) – there is and organized criminal group actively working in your kingdom.

    Demonic invasion (-6) – A demon was summoned into your kingdom and is devastating it. The battle against the hellish forces will be a terrible one.

    Raids (-1)(can be taken many times) – a small group of barbarians/orcs/amazons/wild elves/etc is raiding your borders.

    Barbarian invasion (-4) – a warlord leading an army of barbarians/orcs/amazons/wild elves/etc from outside of the valley decided to conquer your kingdom.

    Minority refugees (-3) – there is a sizeable minority of refugees from far away in your kingdom. Their traditions, outfits and religion are all quite exotic... and they don't want to assimilate.

    Grateful minority (+3) – after accepting a minority to your kingdom, they became quite grateful and loyal to your kingdom. (a small special unit can be formed from this minority)(incompatible with Minority refugees)

    Kingdom's pride (+3) – there is a general feeling of pride in being part of your kingdom and being a subject of your dynasty.

    Golden age (+12) – the kingdom is stable and rich. You would have to show great incompetency to ruin the kingdom.

    Powerful faction (-4) – there is a powerful group of people (nobles/priests/merchants/royal guard/etc) holding large sway over the kingdom's matters.

    Slavery (-3) – the slavery is prominent in your kingdom.

    Natural disaster (-6) – there was a natural disaster in your kingdom that puts a large strain on your domain. It could be flood, fire, drought, etc.

    Deficit (-1) – your kingdom is spending more than it earns. It is quickly running out of gold.

    Bankruptcy (-10) – your kingdom's treasury is empty and there are numerous parties demanding their gold returned (incompatible with the Golden Age)

    Abundance of gold (+3) – your vaults are full of gold.

    Powerful movement (-4) – there is a powerful move in the kingdom, that aims to change the kingdom's policy about race/gender/religion.

    Geography (this section describes the area of your kingdom. You can name each village, town castle, etc - if you want to and describe the area it's placed in)

    Wild area (+1)(can be taken many times) – a wild area, with few or no people living in it. It could be mountains, forests, lakes, swamps, etc. Those areas have the potential to be later developed.

    Cursed land (-3) – there is a cursed land in your kingdom, that makes it extremely difficult for anyone trying to pass through it or colonize it. It can be a dark forest/active necropolis/cursed swamps/living forest/plains where a great battle took place and there are some unrest dead/demonic mountain/etc.

    Village (+2 if under your control/-2 if under noble stronghold)(can be taken many times) – a small village.

    Castle (+5 if under your control/-5 if under noble stronghold)(can be taken many times) – A stronghold that can serve as a strong point between one kingdom and the other... or to protect the border from barbarian raids.

    Town (+7 if under your control/-7 if under noble stronghold)(can be taken many times) – town serving as a hub of commerce, with artisans, smiths, shopkeepers, etc.

    Noble stronghold (-5)(Can support up to 5 villages and one caste/town/mage tower/holy site/monster lair)(can be taken 6 times) – home to a noble house in your service.

    Holy site (+3 if under your control/-3 if under noble stronghold)(can be only 3 in the entire kingdom) – a place of cult, with a temple built on top of it.

    Abandoned (-1) - a location that has been abandoned for some time. It is in disrepair, but there has not been enough time to become a ruin. An abandoned location can be restored to its former glory but at a cost.

    Ruins (-2) – ruins of a bygone era, now deserted or occupied by bandits or monsters. There might be still treasures inside.

    Mage's tower (+4 if under your control/-4 if under noble stronghold)(can be chosen no more than 3 times) – a tower occupied by a magic user.

    Monster lair(+5 if under your control/-5 if under noble stronghold)(can be only 2 in the entire kingdom) – a lair occupied by a powerful creature that can be recruited to your army.

    Guild(+2)(can be taken many times) – a guild offering certain services (adventurer/mercenary/alchemy/healing/ etc.)

    Bandit's hideout (-1)(can be taken many times) – a group of bandits has decided to terrorize the peasants.

    Remnants stronghold (-2)(can be taken 2 times) – remnants of one of the previous invasions of barbarians/orcs/amazons/wild elves/etc still active in your kingdom.

    Holdout (-3)(can be taken 2 times) – remnants of previous regime/noble's rebellion, still desperately resisting your dynasty's rule.

    Necromancer's hideout (-2) – an old nekropolis, occupied by necromancer and a number of undead.

    Wild monster (-4) – there is a powerful beast (dragon/troll/etc) roaming your kingdom and attacking its people.

    Elven ruins (-3) – this place was once a place where elves lived. It has many secrets and some would take offence if it was searched/sacked/colonized.

    Dwarven ruins (-3) – this place was once a dwaren city. It has many secrets and some would take offence if it was searched/sacked/colonized.


    The strength of the military depends on geography. The number of villages, towns, castles, etc. determines how large a military force your kingdom can support. Special units like mages and paladins require you to have places that can support them. Fe. The tower of the mage can support two magic users. You will need another tower of mages to have more mages.

    The number of points brought by each region are as follows:

    Village +2
    Castle/Noble stronghold +5 (allows recruitments of knights/nobility)(can support up to 8 knights/nobles)
    Town +6
    Holy site +5 (allows the recruitment of Holly warriors/inquisition)(cab support up to 8 holy warriors/paladins)
    Mage's tower +3 (allows the recruitment of magic users)(can support up to 3 magic users)
    Monster lair +4 (allows the recruitment of monsters (giant/dragon/hydra/etc) )(can support up to one creature)

    So if you have 3 villages and a noble stronghold, you have
    3*2 + 5 points = 11 points.

    Cost of military units:

    Squad of Militia/conscripts (30 people) – 1 point
    Armoured man-at-arms/archers/raiders/cavalry/veteran infantry (20 people) - 2 points
    Knights/specialised warriors/nobles/paladins/holly warriors/elite warriors (8 people) – 3 points
    Magic users (3 people) – 3 points
    Monsters (1 creature) – 5 points

    So, for example (you don't have to name forces if you don't want to):

    Royal forces (total points = 5+5+3+(4*2)= 21 )

    Castle +5
    Holy site +5
    Mage's tower +3
    4 villages 5 * (+2)

    Order of Holy Maiden (8 Paladins) -3
    Swords of the Evening (8 knights) -3
    Mages of Haven Library (3 mages) -3
    1st Cavalry squad 'Tar Raiders' -2
    1st Man-at-arms squad 'King's finest' -2
    1st Archer squad 'Rangers' -2
    2nd Man-at-arms squad 'Queen's chosen' -2
    3rd Man-at-arms squad 'Prince's Shields' -2
    Volunteers from Mountain tribes -1
    Red flower Flagellants -1

    Noble Elven House of Har (total points = 5+4+(3*2)= 15 )

    Noble stronghold +5
    Monster lair +4
    3 villages 3* (+2)

    Hydra -5
    Lady Neair Choosen elven Champions -3
    Elven Rangers of North Border -2
    Centaurs of Urah Forest -2
    Nymph Blade Dancers of Red Dawn -2
    Elven Weeping Widows -1


    History of the kingdom (optional):

    Diplomatic relationship with other kingdoms (cooperate with other players to forge your common history and current relationship)(optional):
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024
    Regin34, Tjf and moonblack like this.
  2. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    Name: Erika the Undying
    Race: Human

    Origins (choose one): (what is your ruler's relationship to the previous ruler)
    Usurper-Slew the previous leader through trial by combat

    Primary Education (choose one):
    Military – Erika's life and experience was spent much on the battlefield even more so than most by her people.

    Secondary Education (choose one):
    Prowess – Axes

    Age (choose one):
    Mature – you are in the middle of your life. You have experiences and some things weigh on you. (choose one additional trait and one additional flaw)

    Length of your rule (choose one):

    Trait (choose one):
    Made of Iron: Mauled by dogs, poisoned, stabbed, and in the case that gave her name, as the scar wound on her neck is to believed, shot in the throat with an arrow. Some tribesmen believe she might actually be immortal. That seems unlikely, but her durability definitely does not seem like anything close to resembling a human's.

    Inspiring Command: They lead, they follow. Militarist units are often naturally more loyal to the nature of this leader. It would take something notable to happen to erode military support among their own ranks.

    Flaw (choose one):
    Still born-Not in the literal sense. It's a name given to those who display less than any aptitude for magic. They simply don't generate mana or magical force altogether. As such, as much as they might know the theory, they cannot cast any kind of magic and learning any is mostly useless beyond the school of enchanting.

    Uncultured-This leader and their people are seen as culturally and technologically backwards by most races and suffers diplomacy with other leaders who are not at least somewhat militarist.

    History (description of your story so far):
    Born to the Scarlet Fang, her tribe was among the seven major ones that composed the loose network and alliance that formed the labyrinthine and expansive mass of the mountain people that outside forces who don't know any better simply dub as "The Red Rock Horde." Having been trained for combat since childhood, she was sent on her first mission when she was 14. While the mission was ultimately successful, the scars she had gotten taught that rage on the battlefield wasn't always enough. She had served under a number of commanders until the attempt at a subjugation by a foreign army had killed a number of the leadership.

    Despite being outnumbered and with a sizeable technological gap, through superior martial discipline and knowledge of the mountain land, they were able to drive the occupation forces back. After that, she had found herself popular for leading her group with distinction and realizing the high chief's position was weakening, she used an old rule known as the Rite of Iron to challenge him to combat, where she slew him to take his place. While this is technically within the laws of the tribes and acknowledged, it's considered a practice only to be used in extreme cases and her use of it marks only the second time that it's ever happened. The move was divisive, but her main push back stems from former High Chief Markus's own tribe, the Silver Eyes. While they don't have the popularity to get the other tribes on board with a proper rebellion, they are one of the largest and most powerful tribes, only Erika's own Scarlet Fang tribe being close in power to them. Thus, she's found herself in a difficult position of the Eyes determined to keep their generously distributed power, and the Fangs who push for it to be revoked and conviventally, redistributed to themselves.

    5-4(powerful faction)=1 +1(Mountains)=2-3(slavery)=-1+3(elite guard)=2-5(noble stronghold)=-3=3(mage's tower)=0+2(Village)=2-3(cursed lands)=-1+3(advisor)=2+5(castle)=7-4(wild monster)=3-4(Nemesis)=-1-6(golden hide town)=-7-4(lone dynasty)=-11+5(monster lair)=-6+4(villagex2)=-2+2(Trusted experienced General)=0-3(dwarf ruins)-2(-1bandit hideout)=-4+2(Slaver's guild)=-2-1(abaonded)=-3+3(Assassin)=0+2(Village)-2(Ruins)=0

    Edit: Think I misunderstood how this works
    -1(wrong total for town before) =-1+1(Wild area, Wastes)=0
    -2(eyes village, silver controlled) =-2 -5(silver castle)=-7-7(town)=0-2(Gold Village)=-2+1(forest)+1(mountains)=0

    Kingdom creation sheet
    Style of the kingdom (choose one):
    Barbarian Tribes
    Gender, Race policy: Weapons do not care about the hands of who bears them, only the strength of the wielder. As a mix of a number of races integrated into the horde, while they work jointly to wage war, they are still prone to discriminating to races out of the empire they see as weak and soft.

    Religion (choose one): State Religion-Pagan Gods
    While they do not possess a complex church structure, most of the tribes worship a complex web and pantheon of pagan gods that are difficult to discern or comprehend to outside forces. While different forms of practice or a favored deity differs among the specific tribes, it's generally accepted and while other religious practices aren't technically outlawed, most are very superstitious of omens surrounding the Forge Father. Other religious practices are accepted until they directly interfere with worship and rituals to the pantheon.

    Traits of the kingdom

    Areas breakdown:

    Scarlet Stronghold(Castle, town, village)
    Silver Stronghold(npc controlled, castle. Village,)
    Golden Stronghold(npc controlled, Town, village))

    3 Noble Strongholds(one directly controlled)
    One mage’s tower
    5 Villages
    2 Town
    2 Castle

    Dynasty (This section describes your family)
    Only living member of the dynasty (-4)
    Elite Guards (+3) – Your personal guards are among the best.
    Skilled Advisor (+3)-Ursa-A scholar of the Azure Claw, manages more of the kingdom’s economic and trade side of things, while not as glamorous as the field of the battle, a necessary function none the less. She isn't much for the front lines, but her knowledge of markets and diplomacy keep things above water.
    Society and situation (the general state of kingdom and current events):
    Powerful faction (-4) – The Silver Eyes
    Slavery (-3) – the slavery is prominent in your kingdom.
    Nemesis -4- Sable "The Silver Queen"- Elder of the Silver Eyes and mother of the slain Chief Markus, she's the main source of leading the opposition to Erika's room. Despite her advanced age, she's often been called the most beautiful woman in the tribes. Practically old enough to be Erika's grandmother in relative age, yet shows no signs of wearing down in health or mind, though her magic is mostly used to compensate for physical strength. Time and time again, she has outlived all her enemies and doesn't plan on that changing to some young pup out of her depth.
    Experienced General-1-1trusted friend- Zengha-An orc from the Golden Hide, she forgo the usual focus on trade and slavery in exchange for battle. One of Erika’s closet’s friends both having saved each other’s lives on more than one occasion in their raiding days, there’s been a subject of rumours between them from the time they supposedly shared a bed roll together in a particularly bad storm, though both deny that anything had happened. Perhaps a little too much.

    Assassin-+3- Zelda "The White Dream"-A surprisingly graceful and elegant woman despite having the body that can only be toned from hard training. She enjoys luxury and beauty more than most. While she's a White Tail, usually considered the weakest major tribe, she's better known for the stories of a feared magician who sends targets a vision in their dreams of their coming deaths to watch them to do their best to prevent it before delivering the final blow. Loyal to the perks of the job, she is the one tasked with doing jobs where brute force won't do.

    Geography (this section describes the area of your kingdom. You can name each village, town castle, etc - if you want to and describe the area it's placed in)
    Wild Area-Mountains(2)+1
    +1 Wild Area-Wasteland
    +1 Wild Area-Forest
    Cursed land (-3)-A battleground where hundreds if not thousands have died without proper burial rites. It's said their spirits still rage through the lands there.

    Castle-Red Rock Castle(+5)-the crown of the bandit kingdom’s power now under the Scarlet Fang
    Monster Lair-(+5)-Deep with in the Scarlet's territory lies the pit of the Behemoth. Monstrously powerful things that have existed long before the tribes even came to be. It took generations before co existence was possible and many more before the first one could be tamed, often done by having to imprint them on people at birth.
    Village(2)-Scarlet Fang War Camp
    +7 Town-Scarlet Major Center

    Noble stronghold (-5)-Silver Eye's Peak-The home encampment of the elder of the eyes and one of the most fortified locations in the mountains
    Village(2)-Eye’s Village
    Silver Castle -5-part of their stronghold

    unaligned-Mage's tower +3-Shamans of the Black Heart-A small tribe that specializes in raising spiritualists to serve the Forge Father, they wield magic in staff and hand.
    Wild Monster -4- The mountains of the barbarians are also home to a harpy nest, dangerous monsters that make life difficult for anyone with the misfortune of wandering too close to their territory.
    Village(2)-Azure Claw Center
    Village(2)-White Tail Village

    Noble stronghold (-5)-Golden Hide Throne- The seat of their power and holds a robust set of mines and resources.
    Town -7-Golden Hide's Camp-While called a camp, it's largely in name only as a robust market and trading community interconnecting much of the tribes domains through it's roads and networks. The concord explicitly demands it maintain neutrality and they want it that way. Whoever wins, they plan to profit.
    Gold Village-Trading Outpost

    Dwarven Ruins (-3) -A fort deep within the mines of the mountain side, though most of the dangers are seemingly deactivated, mining in the area has to be built around it with most superstitious of offending any forgotten spirits by building over their lands.
    Bandits Hideout (-1)- A rogue band composed of those who failed their rite of passage and aren't acknowledged as belonging to any tribe and thus dedicate to attempting to raid what they can get away with out of spite.
    Slaver's Guild(2)-A unsavory business, but a profitable one for exporting and locally.
    Abandoned Fort -1-A former stronghold now in ruins after the invasion of red rock, while still possible to repair it would be very time consuming and costly to bring it up back to it's full strength.


    Black Heart Circle(mages, Black Heart mage's tower)-3
    Raiders(Archers, villagers)-2
    Thunder Riders(Man At Arms, Calvary)-2
    Bloodletters(Man at arms, Veteran Calvary)-2
    Warforged-Battle hardened warriors renowned for their incredible strength and ferocity(Man at arms, footmen)-2
    Scarlet Scrouge-The best and most experienced fighters of the Fang tribe and often most well armed(Scarlet Holding)-3
    White Tail Stalkers-Huntsmen and women who specialize in ambushing and harassing prey with finesse.(white tail village)-2
    Silver Witchblades-Warriors who mix sorcery with brute strength. (Spellswords)(Silver eyes stonghold)-3
    Azure Siegemasters-Engineers who specialize in putting their education to use operating and creating siegeweponary-3
    The Behemoth-monster lair-5

    Areas breakdown:
    Scarlet Stronghold(Castle, Village, town)
    Silver Stronghold(npc controlled, castle, Village,)
    Golden Stronghold(npc controlled, Town, village )

    3 Noble Strongholds(one directly controlled)
    One mage’s tower
    5 Villages(3 npc owned,)
    2 Town(1 npc owned)
    2 Castle(1npc owned)

    War Band Units
    Raiders(30 people):-1
    2cnd Raider Divsion-1
    Raider Archers(30 people)-2
    2scnd Archer unit-2
    Riders(20 people)-2
    BloodLetters(15 people, Veteran Calvary)-3
    Warforged(20, Man at arms Infantry)-2
    Black Heart Shamans(3)-3
    White Tail Stalkers(15, Scouts)-2
    Azure Siege Masters(10, Specialists) -3
    Scarlet Scourge Warriors(8 knights)-3

    Cost: 29

    Added notes: While the horde will in theory allow just about anyone who can complete their rite of respective, the primary populations mostly consist of humans, orcs, and drow elves though not nearly as sizeable as the other two, still possess a considerable presence. Other races might have the odd family or member, but aren’t often seen in nearly as much numbers as the three dominant racial groups. Each has had a war chief heading the horde at some point, though a lot of the rulers have typically been orcs despite recent human successions.
    Last edited: May 1, 2024
    Regin34 and majus like this.
  3. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Character creation sheet
    This sheet is only about your character, not your character's family, enemies, friends or kingdom.

    Name: Q'alina (formerly Kalina)

    Race: Mystic Elf

    (skin should be a bit darker and the crown should be a bit smaller)

    Usurper – no relation. All members and relatives of the previous ruling family are dead, so a new ruler had to be chosen.

    Primary Education:
    Magecraft – you are educated in the art of magic and are a competent magic user. Specialization: Arcane Magic

    Secondary Education:
    Prowess – magic is great, but sometimes you need to fight an enemy face to face. Specialization: Sword

    Age: Young – you just recently stopped being considered a teenager and entered the world of adults. At least what is considered an adult among your race.

    Length of your rule: Short

    Trait: Combat Magic – skilled at using magic in combat

    Flaw: Oath to the Goddess – she made an oath in front of Qisana to complete several tasks given to her by the goddess. To her surprise the first task was to wear only clothes approved by Qisana. Since the goddess has not approved of any clothes so far, Q'alina is stuck in the nude... And there are still more tasks to do...

    History (description of your story so far):
    Kalina was a young woman who, like everyone else in the kingdom, studied magic. Unlike most other people she went beyond the basics, seeking to become a real spellcaster. But she also recognized that sometimes a weapon is required, so she also studied the sword, becoming a Magic Knight.

    During her studies Kalina became close friends with Silvara, a young woman more interested in having fun than in studies. Still she proved a reliable and trusted friend, and was the only one who did not laugh at her when Kalina decided to try and become the new queen after the death of the last king and all his relatives.

    When Kalina, now known as Q'alina, succeeded and became queen, Silvara saw an opportunity. She seduced her friend and became her first – and so far only - mistress. Though doing it for selfish reasons – she seeks the easy life that comes with being the queen's personal bed warmer – she does her best to support the new queen and the kingdom as a whole.

    About a month after Q'alina was crowned Silvara brought her a history book. According to said book Queen Q'aria, the kingdom's first ruler, was granted the honor of being impregnated by the goddess herself. Q'alina did not need to be told that if she were to be granted the same honor it would greatly strengthen her position. And thus she made it her new goal to earn the same honor...

    For her part Qisana seems to find the whole thing amusing. She might even do it... if the young queen can prove herself first...

    Kingdom creation sheet

    Name of the Kingdom: Qastelia

    Style of the kingdom: Elven (Mystic Elf)

    Gender policy: Equality of gender

    Race policy: Equality of races

    Religion: State religion – Qisana, Elven Goddess of Magic

    Traits of the kingdom

    Dynasty (This section describes your family)
    Only living member of the dynasty (-4) – you are the first, last, and so far only, member of the dynasty
    Ambitious Mistress (-1) – you have a sexual partner, who seeks to use her relationship with you to get richer and more powerful.

    Personal (Your personal link with the important people in the kingdom):
    Trustful Friend (+1) – you have a friend you can count on.

    Society and situation (the general state of kingdom and current events):

    Natural disaster (-6) – there was a natural disaster (Drought) in your kingdom that puts a large strain on your domain.
    Natural disaster (-6) – there was a natural disaster (Wild Fire) in your kingdom that puts a large strain on your domain.

    Criminals (-1) – there is an organized criminal group actively working in your kingdom.
    Criminals (-1) – there is an organized criminal group actively working in your kingdom.
    Criminals (-1) – there is an organized criminal group actively working in your kingdom.

    Cult (-3) – followers of a dark god, they seek to conquer the kingdom. They are not as secretive as they think

    Geography (this section describes the area of your kingdom. You can name each village, town castle, etc - if you want to and describe the area it's placed in)

    Wild area (+1) – The Green Wood, a large forest. A wild area, with few or no people living in it. Those areas have the potential to be later developed.
    Wild area (+1) – The Viridian Forest, a large forest. A wild area, with few or no people living in it. Those areas have the potential to be later developed.

    Cursed land (-3) – there is a cursed land in your kingdom, that makes it extremely difficult for anyone trying to pass through it or colonize it. A large and dark forest that has many names: Forest of Menace, Forest of Mists, Forest of Terrors, Forest of Darkness, Forest of Whispers, and so on. Some believe it to be cursed, others claim that it is inhabited by people who wish to be left alone. Its outskirts are always covered by fog, even in the middle of a sunny summer day. As for the inner parts... no one knows because no one who has gotten deeper into the woods has ever come back...

    Village (+2) – Rosewood, a small village.
    Village (+2) – Daggerhold, a small village.
    Village (+2) – Moonsong, a small village.
    Village (+2) – Riverfield, a small village.

    Town (+7) – Crownhaven, the kingdom's only town and its capital. It serves as a hub of commerce, with artisans, smiths, shopkeepers, etc.

    Holy site (+3) – Qisana's Temple, a temple to Qisana, Elven Goddess of Magic, built on top of a tall hill overlooking the capital of Crownhaven

    Abandoned Village (-1) – Greyrock, a small village that has been abandoned for some time. It is in disrepair, but there has not been enough time to become a ruin. An abandoned location can be restored to its former glory but at a cost.
    Abandoned Village (-1) – Thornwall, a small village that has been abandoned for some time. It is in disrepair, but there has not been enough time to become a ruin. An abandoned location can be restored to its former glory but at a cost.

    Guild(+2) – a guild offering certain services. Healers' Guild – its members offer healing, both magical and non-magical.


    The number of points brought by each region are as follows:

    4 villages * 2 = 8 points
    Town = 6 points
    Holy Site = 5 points
    Total: 19 points

    Cost of military units:

    1st Infantry Division (Veteran Infantry, 20 people) - -2 points
    2nd Infantry Division (Veteran Infantry, 20 people) - -2 points
    3rd Infantry Division (Veteran Infantry, 20 people) - -2 points
    Q'alina's Archers (Archers, 20 people, always named after the current ruler) - -2 points
    Sharpshooters of Crownhaven (Archers, 20 people) - -2 points
    Trueshots of Twilight (Archers, 20 people) - -2 points
    1st Cavalry Division (Heavy Cavalry, 20 people) - -2 points
    2nd Cavalry Division (Light Cavalry, 20 people) - -2 points
    The Arcane Circle (Magic users, 3 people, currently all women) - -3 points


    History of the kingdom (optional):
    Mystic Elves are a kind of elf that has purple skin and very high affinity for magic, allowing them to become impressive spellcasters. Legend has it that they were created by Qisana, Elven Goddess of Magic, supposedly in her image (she too is depicted as an elf with purple skin). She is currently the only goddess allowed to be worshiped in the kingdom, though that was decided by the previous rulers, not by the goddess – for her part Qisana does not care if her people worship other gods, as long as said gods are not hostile to her.

    In recent years the kingdom was struck by two disasters in a row: a drought followed by massive wild fires. The previous rulers and the few nobles the kingdom had all died trying to fight the fires. Two of the kingdom's villages were abandoned as a result of the disasters. Out of desperation some of kingdom's people turned to crime and so three separate criminal organizations have been formed. In addition, a cult dedicated to a dark god seeks to conquer the kingdom – and Qisana is not happy about their presence...

    With all the royals and nobles dead there was no one left to rule the kingdom. Thus, in accordance with an ancient rule that had never been used before, a few candidates went to the holy temple near the capital in search of divine approval. As a test the goddess demanded an oath from all of them, but without telling them what the oath is. Only Kalina was brave or stupid enough to take the oath, despite not knowing what it entails, and thus became Q'alina, the new queen.

    Legend has it that Q'aria, the first queen of the kingdom, was impregnated by the goddess Qisana – she is the first and so far only mortal woman known to have been granted such an honor. Q'alina seeks to become the second...

    Note: While Qisana is female, as a goddess she has the ability to grow a cock with which to fuck – and potentially impregnate - a woman, if she so desires.

    Diplomatic relationship with other kingdoms (cooperate with other players to forge your common history and current relationship)(optional):

    Some clarifications (with more to come later):
    I imagine that Qisana will not do anything to humiliate Q'alina beyond the whole “having to remain nude for months” thing and will eventually grant her permission to wear some (sexy and revealing) clothes. In public the young queen will be focused on restoring the kingdom – those two villages won't un-abandon themselves on their own, after all – and on purging the cultists.

    In private Q'alina will likely have to service the goddess in various ways – both sexual and non-sexual – before eventually earning the honor she seeks.

    Greyrock was founded in a mountainous (or at least hilly) area where ores were found. Iron Ore for sure, other types of ore to be decided. Other things, such as gems or magic crystals, to be decided later as well. The plan was to build a mine - or even more than one – near the village, but due to the disasters that struck the country it was never carried to completion and instead the village was abandoned. Q'alina intends to restore the village and actually build the mine, if possible.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024
    Regin34 and majus like this.
  4. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    Character creation sheet
    – this sheet is only about your character, not your character's family, enemies, friends or kingdom.
    Name: Farliele
    Race: Faunas


    Origins (choose one):

    Usurper—Due to the unrest that plagued The Woodland Realm after the fall of The Empire, she was a major kingpin in overthrowing the hereditary rule of a diverse realm. Although she maintains the support of most of the tribal nobles, many more see her as a Usurper and imposter, especially among the Woodland Elves, after whom the Kingdom was named.

    Education (choose one):
    Stewardship – you have the education to make a profit, start a good business and organize taxes. Having never been groomed to do much more than manage her own tribe by her father, Farliele had extensive knowledge of managing her realm.
    Secondary Education (choose one):
    you are educated in understanding military matters. You know how the army works, how to organize it, how to move it and how to use terrain. Although much of it was learned during the recent period of civil strife, Farliele was quick to learn how to manage military affairs.

    Age (choose one):
    Mature – Having a lifespan roughly the same length as a human, Farliele is in her mid-thirties and thus has some earthly experience.

    Length of your rule (choose one):
    Short - As the fires of civil war just begin to die down, her rule has just begun.

    Trait (choose one):
    Charismatic - She has a presence about her that makes people turn their heads when she enters a room, and when she speaks, people listen.
    Attuned to Nature - Some say she's a Disney Princess, but her presence calms wild animals and beasts. Primordials have a tacit respect for her.

    Flaw (choose one):

    Insular- Having come from just ruling a single tribe, Farliele knows little of the realms that lie outside of The Woodland Realms and their customers. Obvious things like wearing more clothing to make outsiders feel more comfortable just simply do not occur to her.
    Hypercritical- She holds herself to a high standard and doubts her ability to lead. Although leading comes naturally to her; she often goes with what comes naturally to her mind before thinking about it later and stressing over every little detail she could have improved upon.

    History (description of your story so far):

    Farliele's story started quite normal for the firstborn daughter of one of the Woodland Realm chieftains. She grew up with a relatively good education and a loose leash. There were few real threats to her or her family, as The Faunas were one of the most stable tribes. She spent her days learning what she needed to lead her people and socializing with her fellow tribespeople.

    Like many within a kingdom with such an open stance on sex and nudity, she knew of sex and the consequences of such. However, as is often the case with careless young adults, left her pregnant at a young age, and she became much more careful about frivolous sexual encounters afterward. This was not unusual for many within The Woodland Realms and it was not seen as an unusual event.

    After the birth of Lamis, she focused more on her job and less on cavorting with boys around her age. However, she associated more with the young male nobles from the tribe. A young Faunas noble captain named Bravmar caught her eye, and in her mid-twenties, she married. Marriage is rare among The Woodland realm...Although more common amongst the nobility, the living commitment to spending your whole life with a single person was hard in such a promiscuous society. "The Love goes where The Love goes" was a common phrase uttered between separating partners.

    Once her father died and she settled into her duties, her marriage with Bravmar became strained. She spent more and more of her time meticulously managing her realm and little time with her husband, which led to frustration from both parties. However, Farliele resolved to be an excellent steward and brought her skills to The Tribal Council in the heart of The Woodland Realms. However, King Aundil was interested more in the money and required more tithes to pay the mercenaries he hired from the now crumbling Empire in order to 'maintain the peace'. After a particularly intense meeting between the tribal leaders and King Aundil, The Woodland Realms broke out into civil war between The Centaur Tribe and Woodland Elves. Farliele was hesitant to take either side at first, but seeing the decadence of King Aundil and what she saw as his relatively poor management of the kingdom. She determined that reform of The Kingdom was necessary in these trying times and joined the opposition. With her charisma, she quickly became the face of the rebellion, and after some convincing, The Draconians joined her alliance as well, led to a war between the three other tribes within the realm against The Woodland Elves and the mercenaries from The Empire that were still on the King's payroll. Several villages were burned and multiple battles took place throughout the forests.

    However, ultimately, neither side could truly get an edge over the others. Enough damage was done to The Woodland Elves' land that they had to sue for peace, and a meeting between the tribal heads was held. After much negotiation, an agreement was struck to turn The Woodland Realms into an Elective Monarchy. The tribal leaders would vote for a king, and they would rule for 100 years or until that ruler died. Farliele won the vote and became Queen.

    Unfortunately for Farliele, this victory and rise in status only led to more trouble at home. Her new responsibilities led to even less time at home and Bravmar did not fully support the civil war to begin with. While he disagreed with some of the ideas and policies that King Aundil put forward, he trusted his age and experience and wasn't too sure that Farliele could do better. This led to even more of a deterioration in the relationship between Bravmar and Farliele, and unfortunately, The Woodland Realms religion does not have an easy way out of a marriage. With marriage so rare, the idea of leaving one was relatively unfounded even among nobility where it was more common. Rarer still was it for partners to not be able to resolve their differences in some way as typically you wouldn't marry someone who was socially incompatible with you, and adultery wasn't really seen as an issue.

    Now Farliele was stuck with many more responsibilities, many fires to be put out, and an unhappy home life that strained her mental health and pulled her in many ways at once.

    Style of the kingdom (choose one): Elective Monarchy, The King or Queen rule for 100 years, or until they die and a new King is voted on among the leaders of the tribe.

    Gender policy (choose one): Equality of gender

    Race policy (choose one): Equality of races...Although races that reside outside of The Woodland Realm are viewed mistrustfully.

    Religion (choose one): State religion - The Sun,The Moon, The Earth. Although not exactly a state religion. The insular nature of The Woodland Realm means that outside religions rarely penetrate the forest. They reverse the celestial bodies and the earth that gives them life. Many beliefs and superstitions exist around the phases of the moon and many rituals take place within the forest's heart where the Temple Enyolyn, The Nudist Temple lies.

    Traits of the kingdom – you start with +5 points and have to balance it so that the balance is of 0 points. The balance is joint for all sections – except for the Military. So you can have a great Dynasty but at the cost of the terrible situation in the kingdom...
    Dynasty (This section describes your family and )

    Spiteful Consort (-3) – Bravmar married Farliele when they were in their mid-twenties. Her absence from their home life while she pursued her own responsibilities led to much strain put on their marriage. This strain became worse during the Civil War, because he believed that The Woodland Elves' knowledge and experience gave them a leg up in their ability to lead the realm and have it prosper. These two things have led to a very poor relationship between Bravmar and Farliele.
    Progeny (+1) - Due to the open nature of sex in The Woodland Realm and a rambunctious youth, It's unclear who the father of Lamis, her only son is. At the cusp of adulthood, he fought in the civil war. Although no heroics were had, he made a name for himself already as a reliable soldier.



    Nemesis (-4) – (former) King and now Chief Aundil of the Woodland Elves wants nothing else than to see Farliele fail or die so he can reobtain his perceived rightful throne.
    Skilled Spy (+3)—Elise is a young Draconian whom Farliele met while negotiating with their Chieftain to join the war. Although she was barely considered an adult by her people's standards, her skill at shapeshifting and information gathering made her an asset in the war against The Woodland Elves. After the rebel victory, she continues to serve Farliele with devotion.

    Society and situation:
    Rebellion (-2)(can be taken many times) Although officially over, Monarchists were angry over the peace agreement and many have taken up arms in rebellion against the insult.

    Raids (-1)(can be taken many times): Sensing weakness within the realm, raiders of various types look for unprotected settlements, eager to take their share of loot or women.

    Powerful factions (-4) –
    The Woodland Realms is divided almost evenly between the four major races that live within the forest. Each Chief rules over their tribe, and the King or Queen is tasked with mostly maintaining peace, ensuring prosperity, external diplomacy, and ruling over their own personal tribe. This means that Chiefs have large powers to do whatever they want with their own land so long as it doesn't harm other tribes.

    The race of Queen Farliele, the faunas, have goat-like appearances with sensitive ears and antler-like horns on their heads. Some mixed-race Faunas/Centaurs have digitigrade legs and a furry lower half. Overall, they are the most average of races with a human-based lifespan(100 years) and few dominant qualities outside of their sharp hearing.


    Although naturally reptilian in appearance, The cold-blooded Draconians often don a more human appearance. Their skin is covered in tiny scales that allow them to blend light and adjust their appearance to look more humanoid, so their physical appearance varies quite a lot. However, they can also take the physical form of most other bipedal humanoid beings and pass themselves off as one of them and can blend into their surroundings to hide. They have a slightly longer lifespan (120 years) and use their skills often to hunt for food.

    think of them kind of like Mystique from X-men. Just a whole race of them...and Green.

    The former undisputed rulers of the Woodland Realm, Woodland Elves, are dark-skinned with hair that ranges from light brown to black. Athletic and capable, they can climb and see great distances and fight with their bows. They live the longest (5oo years) and are often overconfident in their abilities.

    Centaurs used to be The Black Sheep of the tribes. Living mostly near the wood lines, Centaurs used to be rogue, nomadic groups that bothered both Woodland Tribes and the neighboring kingdoms. Reigning them in was part of why The Woodland Elves managed to get the support of The Empire before it crumbled. In the years since they have settled down and more or less incorporated into normal Woodland society. Although painful at first, most public buildings incorporate a regard for centaurs into their design. Although their intrusive farming and herd animals grazing on the grasslands on the border still cause the occasional stain with neighboring kingdoms. Strong, Fast, and not very bright, Centaurs are some of the strongest and most skilled fighters within The Woodland Realm. Their average lifespan is shorter than a human's (about 60 years) and mostly is caused by health issues that come up from their physiology.

    The final Intelligent species that lives within The Woodland Realms - The primordials are unique compared to the other races. Thought to be forest spirits or some kind of Fey, not much is known about them or their society....if they have one. Although they prefer their bestial forms, they have been known to take humanoid forms and intermingle with the other races. Children borne from such unions often disappear...presumably to also become Primordials. Their intentions seem to be to keep the forest safe and rarely interfere with The Realm's politics.

    Kingdom's pride (+3) – there is a general feeling of pride in being part of your kingdom and being a subject of your dynasty. Despite the civil unrest, the subjects of The Woodland Realm are proud and eager to be part of the kingdom.

    Geography – this section describes the area of your kingdom. You can name each village, town castle, etc - if you want to and describe the area it's placed in :)

    So to simplify things a little bit, I decided to separate this into the different quadrants that are sort of 'claimed' by the different tribes. If my math is right, I should currently be at -5 and generally speaking all of these are probably going to be relatively evenly spread out across The Woodland Realms.


    Noble stronghold (-5)(can be taken many times) – a home to a noble house in your service.
    • Village (-2)(can be taken many times) – a small village.
    • Village (-2)(can be taken many times) – a small village.

    Castle (+5)(can be taken many times) – A stronghold that can serve as a strong point between one kingdom and the other... or to protect the border from barbarian raids.
    Village (+2)(can be taken many times) – a small village.
    Village (+2)(can be taken many times) – a small village.

    [Woodland Elves] -Not currently supporting The Monarchy
    Noble stronghold (-5)(can be taken many times) – a home to a noble house in your service.
    • Village (-2)(can be taken many times) – a small village.
    • Village (-2)(can be taken many times) – a small village.


    Noble stronghold (-5)(can be taken many times) – a home to a noble house in your service.
    • Village (-2)(can be taken many times) – a small village.
    • Village (-2)(can be taken many times) – a small village.

    [Unaffiliated] - These are areas that are either undeveloped, ruins, or can't be claimed by any one tribe.

    1xTown (+7): The Capitol of The Woodland Realm. Sylval lies near the center of the dense forests of the land. It is the only major city within the Kingdom and lies on the only major roadway that leads out of the forest (through the Centaur Noble Stronghold near the border). Smaller roads lead to the heart of each tribal capital.
    1xTown(+7) Drasilion is a smaller town on the border of The Woodland Realm. It is the main trading hub and road to the lands beyond. It has by and far the most non-woodland realm races within it, and it's the town that is often the deepest into the forest that non-VIPs will see.
    1x Holy Site(+3): Enyolyn, Known as the Nudist Temple by those outside of The Woodland Realm. Enyolyn is the heart of Nature worship within the Kingdom. An enormous Elderwood tree lying at the top of a hill in the heart of the forest and within sight of Sylval; within its massive hollowed trunk open to the sky is where their most sacred rituals are performed. Often late at night during a full moon. The music from such rituals can be heard faintly in the Capitol. No possession created by hand or magic is allowed within its hallowed halls, which has led to outsiders calling it The Nudist Temple as nobles and peasants, foreigners, and natives are all expected to eschew their clothing before entering.
    Wild area (+1)(can be taken many times) – a wild area, with few or no people living in it. It could be mountains, forests, lakes, swamps, etc. Those areas have the potential to be later developed.
    Wild area (+1)(can be taken many times) – a wild area, with few or no people living in it. It could be mountains, forests, lakes, swamps, etc. Those areas have the potential to be later developed.
    Holdout (-3)(can be taken 2 times) – remnants of previous regime/noble's rebellion, still desperately resisting your dynasty's rule.
    Holdout (-3)(can be taken 2 times) – remnants of previous regime/noble's rebellion, still desperately resisting your dynasty's rule.
    Monster Lair (+5)– a lair occupied by a powerful creature that can be recruited to your army.


    Noble Stronghold (5 points)
    Village (2 points)
    Village (2 points)

    Noble Stronghold (5 points)
    Village (2 points)
    Village (2 points)

    Noble Stronghold (5 points)
    Village (2 points)
    Village (2 points)

    Castle (5 points)
    Village (2 points)
    Village (2 points)

    Town (6 points)
    Town (6 points)
    Holy Site( 5 points)
    Monster Lair (4 points)

    Total Force Points = 5+2+2+5+2+2+5+2+2+5+2+2+6+6+5+4 = 57 points

    1 creature- Forest Dragon, I'm sure it has some deep lore. I don't feel like coming up with right now (5 Points)
    24 Specialist Faunas Swordsfolk (9 points)
    24 Specialist Woodland Elf Archers (9 points)
    24 Specialist Centaur Berserkers (9 points)
    24 Specialist Draconian Infiltrators (9 points)
    8 Naked Duelists(Holy Warriors) (3 points)
    150 Militia (5 points)
    80 Archers (8 points)

    I think I properly adjusted the Realm Geography properly. Assuming i understand the way noble strongholds work and that the land they support doesn't count towards your personal land. I'll probably add a mix of abandoned land, wild areas, and ruins in order to just to have some room for expansion. I don't know how important having domestic expansion options is going to be....

    Also thought about making some kind of Evil Demon Empire Thingy Too, but i've already put so much time into this idea.... so I might shelf that for another iteration of this kind of RPG. :p
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
    majus and Regin34 like this.
  5. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Name: Melisana III

    Race: Human

    Description/pic: upload_2024-4-28_22-35-57.jpeg

    Origins (choose one): (what is your ruler's relationship to the previous ruler)

    Dynasty of the ruler – Melisana was only sister of Heristenes II, previous king, she used to serve him as administrator, due to her talent in managing resorces and men. Her mother, queen Neb, was queen before Heristenes and she used to cruelty punish her children for any sigh of disobedience.

    Primary Education (choose one):

    Stewardship – you have the education to make a profit, start a good business and organise taxes.

    Secondary Education (choose one):

    Intrigue – you are educated in the art of schemes and plots – and those include gathering information, spreading it, blackmailing someone not to mention assassinations and kidnappings.

    Age (choose one):

    Mature – you are in the middle of your life. You have experiences and some things weigh on you. (choose one additional trait and one additional flaw)

    Length of your rule (choose one):

    Medium – (you cannot choose it if your age is young)

    Trait (choose one):
    Persuasion - Melisana has talent to convince people to do what she want by simply talking and making them obey her with just words.
    Herbalist - Melisana get deep knowlege of herbs, potions, oils, medicament and poison and know how to use them.

    Flaw (choose one):
    Flagellant - Melisana both enjoy and suffer from pain giving to herself, if she fail her task or disappoint herself in some way.
    Inappetetic - Melisana has problems with eating, often skiping her meals or waste them

    History (description of your story so far):
    As she succed her older brother, Heristenes, on the throne, after his mistery death on the lion's hunt, by small wound from lion claws take him away. Melisana
    Traits of the kingdom
    you start with +5 points and have to balance it so that the balance is of 0 points. The balance is joint for all sections – except for the Military. So you can have a great Dynasty but at the cost of the terrible situation in the kingdom...

    All of this is with humans/high elves in mind. If you intend to play any different race, let me know what you have in mind and we will personalise this for the race of your choice.

    Name of the Kingdom: Kingdom of the rising sun.

    Style of the kingdom (choose one): Egyptian-Greece

    Gender policy (choose one): Female Supremacy

    Race policy (choose one): Ruler's race supremacy

    Religion (choose one): State religion

    Dynasty (This section describes your family)
    A large family (+5)
    Noble Consort (+3)
    Veteran General (+2)
    Melisana have husband, of noble house Whitecrystal, general Cleitus. He is ten years older than Melisana, but still has great reputation among his men, as someone who lead them, eat with them, sleep with them and suffer with them. First getting up to the march, last lie down to sleep. He lost eye in the battle.
    She have two younger cousins in family and baby child of her brother, under care of brother's former mistress,

    Serina who has reputation of great seducer and skills in alchemy. Melisana and Serina didn't get alond too well, most to rivaly for position at the court.
    [​IMG] .
    Son of Heristenes and Serina is not from legal marriage, so he don't have right to inherit the throne, after his father.
    Hierical and Heliosie are sisters, twins, children of Melisena's uncle, who pass away of old age[​IMG] . His wife died on some kind of illness, didn't give him heir. Twins are just two years younger than Melisena, old enought to marry them to some powerfull nobles. They used to live far away, so Melisena didn't forge bonds with them.

    Personal (Your personal link with the important people in the kingdom):

    Incompetent Advisor (-1) – you have an advisor, whose advice seems to be logical, but in some way usually backfires. [​IMG]
    High priest Sebilia. She was chouse by the temple for that position at Melisena court, but it been more thanks to her noble family, than to her skills at that position

    Elite Guards (+3) – Your personal guards are among the best.

    Spy Ring (+4) – you command a number of people who work together to gather information for you.

    Society and situation (the general state of kingdom and current events):

    Cult (-3) – a cult following religion in opposition to the kingdom's religion working in secret - Cult of Patrirah Menenalos. Members of this cult claim to rise role of men in society and humilated woman. Cultist often are terrorists who reach to strip down women of high position complety naked, to show dominate over female. At altars of their god, they burn down woman clothes.

    Criminals (-1)(can be taken many times) – there is and organized criminal group actively working in your kingdom. Smugglers trade wheet and local products outside the borders, refusing to pay taxes.

    Raids (-1)(can be taken many times) – a small group of barbarians/orcs/amazons/wild elves/etc is raiding your borders.
    Raids (-1)

    Barbarian invasion (-4) – a warlord leading an army of barbarians/orcs/amazons/wild elves/etc from outside of the valley decided to conquer your kingdom.

    Powerful faction (-4) – there is a powerful group of people (nobles/priests/merchants/royal guard/etc) holding large sway over the kingdom's matters. Priests of the temple hold much power, as religion is holded in hight esteme among common folks and nobility.

    Slavery (-3) – the slavery is prominent in your kingdom.

    Deficit (-1) – your kingdom is spending more than it earns. It is quickly running out of gold. Religion ceremony demands often large sums of money and resources to show proper respect for gods.

    Powerful movement (-4) – there is a powerful move in the kingdom, that aims to change the kingdom's policy about race/gender/religion.
    Movement of Warriors Ridders. Men, mostly coming from the army chariots and elephant, demands more their representatives in the ruling class, as they fight in wars, against raiderd and bandits, most off profits come to their females mayors, nobles and priestess. There are male nobles, but their only way to rise up is by military. Priesthood and government is locked for them. There are rumors that some members of cult is among military ranks.
    Geography (this section describes the area of your kingdom. You can name each village, town castle, etc - if you want to and describe the area it's placed in)

    Cursed land (-3) – there is a cursed land in your kingdom, that makes it extremely difficult for anyone trying to pass through it or colonize it. It can be a dark forest/active necropolis/cursed swamps/living forest/plains where a great battle took place and there are some unrest dead/demonic mountain/etc.

    Village (+2 if under your control/-2 if under noble stronghold)(can be taken many times) – a small village.
    Village (+2)
    Village (-2)
    Village (-2)
    Village (-2)
    Village (-2)
    Castle (+5 if under your control/-5 if under noble stronghold)(can be taken many times) – A stronghold that can serve as a strong point between one kingdom and the other... or to protect the border from barbarian raids.

    Town (+7 if under your control/-7 if under noble stronghold)(can be taken many times) – town serving as a hub of commerce, with artisans, smiths, shopkeepers, etc.
    Town (+7)
    Town (+7)
    Town (-7)

    Noble stronghold (-5)
    Noble stronghold (-5)
    Noble stronghold (-5)

    Holy site (+3 if under your control/-3 if under noble stronghold)(can be only 3 in the entire kingdom) – a place of cult, with a temple built on top of it.
    Holy site (-3)

    Abandoned (-1) - a location that has been abandoned for some time. It is in disrepair, but there has not been enough time to become a ruin. An abandoned location can be restored to its former glory but at a cost.

    Ruins (-2) – ruins of a bygone era, now deserted or occupied by bandits or monsters. There might be still treasures inside.

    Mage's tower (+4 if under your control)– a tower occupied by a magic user.

    Monster lair(+5 if under your control) a lair occupied by a powerful creature that can be recruited to your army. Monster Hydra for generation serve to ruler dynasty [​IMG]

    Guild(+2)(can be taken many times) – a guild offering certain services (adventurer/mercenary/alchemy/healing/ etc.)

    Bandit's hideout (-1)(can be taken many times) – a group of bandits has decided to terrorize the peasants.
    Bandit's hideout (-1)

    Necromancer's hideout (-2) – an old nekropolis, occupied by necromancer and a number of undead.

    Dwarven ruins (-3) – this place was once a dwaren city. It has many secrets and some would take offence if it was searched/sacked/colonized.
    The strength of the military depends on geography. The number of villages, towns, castles, etc. determines how large a military force your kingdom can support. Special units like mages and paladins require you to have places that can support them. Fe. The tower of the mage can support two magic users. You will need another tower of mages to have more mages.

    The number of points brought by each region are as follows:

    Village +2
    Castle/Noble stronghold +5 (allows recruitments of knights/nobility)(can support up to 8 knights/nobles)
    Town +6
    Holy site +5 (allows the recruitment of Holly warriors/inquisition)(cab support up to 8 holy warriors/paladins)
    Mage's tower +3 (allows the recruitment of magic users)(can support up to 3 magic users)
    Monster lair +4 (allows the recruitment of monsters (giant/dragon/hydra/etc) )(can support up to one creature)

    So if you have 3 villages and a noble stronghold, you have
    3*2 + 5 points = 11 points.

    Cost of military units:

    Squad of Militia/conscripts (30 people) – 1 point
    Armoured man-at-arms/archers/raiders/cavalry/veteran infantry (20 people) - 2 points
    Knights/specialised warriors/nobles/paladins/holly warriors/elite warriors (8 people) – 3 points
    Magic users (3 people) – 3 points
    Monsters (1 creature) – 5 points

    So, for example (you don't have to name forces if you don't want to):

    Royal forces (total points = 5+5+3+(4*2)= 21 )

    Castle +5
    3 Noble stronghold + 5
    Holy site +5
    Mage's tower +3
    2 villages 6 * (+2)
    4 Towns 5 (+6)
    Monster lair +4

    All points: 74

    Hydra -5
    Mages of Temple of knowlege (3 mages) -3
    Order of Lion (8 Paladins) -3
    1st Squad of war elephant (two archers and one ridder) -3
    2nd Squad of war elephant -3
    3rd Squad of war elephant -3
    4 Squad of war elephant -3
    5 Squad of war elephant -3
    1st Cavalry squad 'Red sun' -2
    2nd Cavalry squad 'Spears of Snake' -2
    3rd Cavalry squad -2
    4 Cavalry squad -2
    1st Chairiots squat (5 chariots per squad, two men at chairiot) -2
    2 Chairiots squat -2
    3 Chairiots squat -2
    4 Chairiots squat -2
    5 Chairiots squat -2
    1st Archer squad -2
    2 Archer squad -2
    3 Archer squad -2
    4 Archer squad -2
    5 Archer squad -2
    6 Archer squad -2
    7 Archer squad -2
    1st Man-at-arms squad -2
    2 Man-at-arms squad -2
    3 Man-at-arms squad -2
    4 Man-at-arms squad -2
    5 Man-at-arms squad -2
    6 Man-at-arms squad -2
    7 Man-at-arms squad -2
    8 Man-at-arms squad -2

    Hydra -5
    Mages of Temple of knowlege (3 mages) -3
    Order of Lion (8 Paladins) -3
    1st Squad of war elephant (two archers and one ridder) -2
    2nd Squad of war elephant -2
    1st Cavalry squad 'Red sun' -2
    2nd Cavalry squad 'Spears of Snake' -2
    1st Chairiots squat (5 chariots per squad, two men at chairiot) -2
    2 Chairiots squat -2
    1st Archer squad -2
    2 Archer squad -2
    3 Archer squad -2
    1st Man-at-arms squad -2
    2 Man-at-arms squad -2
    6 Man-at-arms squad -2
    7 Man-at-arms squad -2
    noble stronghold 1 +5 (+9)
    villiage 1 +2
    villiage 2 +2
    5 Chairiots squat -2
    5 Archer squad -2
    5 Man-at-arms squad -2
    5 Squad of war elephant -2
    Local milicia - 1

    noble stronhold 2 (+9)
    villiage 1
    villiage 2
    4 Chairiots squat -2
    4 Archer squad -2
    4 Man-at-arms squad -2
    4 Squad of war elephant -2
    Local milicia - 1

    noble stronghold 3 ( +11)
    town + 6
    3 Chairiots squat -2
    3 Archer squad -2
    3 Man-at-arms squad -2
    3 Squad of war elephant -2
    6 Archer squad -2
    Local milicia -1


    History of the kingdom (optional):
    Kingdom of rising sun. Something similar to Greek-Egypth, with two major rivers, Snake and Lion, giving life to desert, with field of grain and mines of silver and iron. Their army used battle chariots with rider and archer, some special has battle mages of sand, heat and wind.
    Ruling cast come from priest and priestess of cult, which claim that gods made Ma'r fall down, by their turning away from true faith. Royal family legitimaze itself by gods right to rule, by magical power to bring rain and prosperyty for fields of wheet, vegetables and fruit, by performing special rituals. In that moment rules Queen Melisena Thrid.
    One of the special laws in these lands mean, that criminal could repaid their punishment by naked service to the country. Also, nudity is in some rare cause perform public even by nobles to some religious ceremony. Even royal family has their duties in sacred ritual in historical events.
    One of kingdom traditions is grand chariots race for beginning of summer, when everyone enough brave and skillfully could take a chance. Race is dangerous and chariots are not cheap, so there is not a lot of volunteers, but for winner waiting bless of the King/Queen and single wish, so there are still people willing to risk their lives.
    Royal guards take best archers and mages in the kingdom, as they pledge their loyalty to ruling monarch. All royal guards wear magical necklace with red gemstone, which allowed them to communicate and in hands of rule could bring them to submission in cause of treason.
    Higher rank of class in this kingdom is nobles with priests, they fill ranks of higher government, tax collectors, commanders of the army and religious centers.
    Lower class are merchants, craftmen, artists and engineers
    Lowest class are workers, farmers and whores.
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
    moonblack and majus like this.
  6. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    one issue that i see with my current idea is that there isn't really much of an incentive for The Woodland Realms to want to military least with Farliele, she is mostly going to be putting fires out at home and even then with being so isolated from the outside world...unless someone initiates; I just don't really see them waking up one day and being like "time to invade my neighbor"
    majus likes this.
  7. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Okay... this is embarrassing, but i forgot to add the 'name of the kingdom to sheet'.

    Okay, the way I see it, you are still to hit the balance in points, so not finished yet~

    The military is strangely divided...
    That division on archers and conscripts, it's a little confusing :confused:

    The point of noble houses (or tribes in your case) is that each of them has their own forces, that add to your kingdom's strength. That's why the nobles under you are NPCs who you have to keep pleased so they don't rebel and fight your wars.

    On first look, yes, it looks that way.
    Your kingdom leans heavily into nobility, so I guess that there might some internal strife. Then there are external forces that might try and invade~
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024
    Regin34 likes this.
  8. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Ruler's okay
    Kingdom - I forgot to add this, but choose a name for your kingdom

    Noble Consort (+3) and Veteran General (+2) - are they for one person?

    Nemesis will be quite antagonistic, not a simple rivalry - just head up about that point.

    Who is Heristenes? Or did you mean that he is it a son of Cleitus from his first marriage?

    I counted the points you accumulated, and looks like your balance is not =0

    Starting +5

    A large family (+5) =10
    Noble Consort (+3) =13
    Veteran General (+2) = 15
    Nemesis (-4) = 11
    Incompetent Advisor (-1) =10
    Elite Guards (+3) = 13
    Spy Ring (+4) = 17
    Cult (-3) = 14
    Criminals (-1) =13
    Raids (-1) = 12
    Raids (-1) = 11
    Barbarian invasion (-4) = 7
    Grateful minority (+3) = 10
    Kingdom's pride (+3) = 13
    Powerful faction (-4) = 9
    Slavery (-3) = 6
    Deficit (-1) = 5
    Powerful movement (-4) =1
    Cursed land (-3) = -2
    Village (+2 if under your control) = 0
    Village (+2) = 2
    Village (+2) = 4
    Village (+2) = 6
    Village (-2) = 4
    Village (-2) = 2
    Village (-2) = 0
    Village (-2) = -2
    Castle (+5 if under your control = 3
    Castle (+5) = 8
    Castle (-5) = 3
    Town (+7 if under your control = 10
    Town (+7) = 17
    Town (+7) = 24
    Town (-7) = 17
    Noble stronghold (-5) = 12
    Holy site (+3 if under your control = 15
    Holy site (-3) = 12
    Abandoned (-1) = 11
    Ruins (-2) = 9
    Mage's tower (+4 if under your control) = 13
    Monster lair(+5 if under your control) = 18
    Guild(+2) = 20
    Bandit's hideout (-1) = 19
    Bandit's hideout (-1) = 18
    Necromancer's hideout (-2) = 16
    Dwarven ruins (-3) = 13

    As for the military, if you don't want to craft this, I can later craft it.


    Also fill those choices:

    Name of the Kingdom:

    Style of the kingdom (choose one): Medieval, Samurai, Egyptian, High elf, demonic, etc.

    Gender policy (choose one): Equality of gender/Male supremacy/Female Supremacy

    Race policy (choose one): Equality of races/Ruler's race supremacy

    Religion (choose one): State religion/religious freedom
  9. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Why are there so many purple elven pics with glowing eyes...

    Looks good! The only name I am missing is the name of the kingdom.
  10. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    Added kingdom name, added names for each unit (not the most original names, I know), added some notes about Greyrock (bottom of post).
    majus likes this.
  11. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Okay, accepted!
  12. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    I see part of the problem, I was still counting Noble Strongholds as -5.

    Starting Points +5
    Spiteful Consort -3
    Progeny +1
    Nemesis -4
    Skilled Spy +3
    Rebellion -2
    Raids -1
    Powerful factions -4 - This one isn't one that could be taken more than once, but i still took it to represent the 4 tribes
    Noble stronghold +5
    Noble stronghold +5
    Noble stronghold +5
    Castle +7
    Holy site +3
    Village +2
    Village +2
    Village +2
    Village +2
    Village +2
    Village +2
    Village +2
    Village +2
    Wild Areas +1
    Wild Areas +1
    Wild Areas +1
    Wild Areas +1
    Holdout -3
    Holdout -3

    After some adjusting and adding some holdouts...I'm still way over.

    Part of me wonders if I've bitten off way more than I can chew with this idea. I'm at +34 right now :eek:, and it feels kind of silly to just throw in a bunch of ruins and abandoned areas to cover the cost. Even if I got rid of all of the villages and wild areas, then I'm looking at something like +14. It might be more palpable to put in some ruins and abandoned areas to offset it, but it seems kind of silly to have Noble strongholds and not have land associated with them (Unless there already is land associated with it that I don't have to count.)

    I might be thinking of Villages a bit too literally, as I assume there are probably areas, small villages, and homesteads that are just too small to actually matter...

  13. moonblack

    moonblack CHYOA Guru

    I think I see the issue. A Noble stronghold should be -5. It gives +5 points for your army (units), but it is -5 in the Geography section. So 3 Noble Strongholds would be -15. You can also put some of the villages under the control of the Noble Strongholds, in which case they are -2 each. So if 6 of the 8 villages are under Noble control they count as 6*(-2)=-12
    majus likes this.
  14. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Noble consor and veteran general are the same person.
    Heristenes was previous ruler, his son is bastard with mistress Serina.
    I fixed my points, so please check it out again. I will fix military later.
    majus likes this.
  15. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    If I did not miss anything, you are still on +3

    A large family (+5) =10
    Noble Consort (+3) =13
    Veteran General (+2) = 15
    Nemesis (-4) = 11
    Incompetent Advisor (-1) =14
    Elite Guards (+3) = 17
    Spy Ring (+4) = 21
    Cult (-3) = 18
    Criminals (-1) =17
    Raids (-1) = 16
    Raids (-1) = 15
    Barbarian invasion (-4) = 11
    Grateful minority (+3) = 14
    Kingdom's pride (+3) = 17
    Powerful faction (-4) = 13
    Slavery (-3) = 10
    Deficit (-1) = 9
    Powerful movement (-4) =5
    Cursed land (-3) = 2
    Village (+2 if under your control) = 4
    Village (+2) = 6
    Village (+2) = 4
    Village (+2) = 6
    Village (-2) = 4
    Village (-2) = 2
    Village (-2) = 0
    Village (-2) = -2
    Castle (+5 if under your control = 3
    Castle (+5) = 8
    Castle (-5) = -2
    Castle (-5) = -7

    Town (+7 if under your control = 0
    Town (+7) = 7
    Town (+7) = 14
    Town (-7) = 7
    Noble stronghold (-5) = 2
    Holy site (+3 if under your control = 5
    Holy site (-3) = 2
    Abandoned (-1) = 1
    Ruins (-2) = -1
    Mage's tower (+4 if under your control) = 3
    Monster lair(+5 if under your control) = 8
    Guild(+2) = 10
    Bandit's hideout (-1) = 9
    Bandit's hideout (-1) = 8
    Necromancer's hideout (-2) = 6
    Dwarven ruins (-3) = 3
  16. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    If you get yourself more powerful vassals/some problems or just make smaller kingdom - you should be able to balance the points...

    All da goodies :D
  17. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Okey, I removed kingdom pride, now it should be zero.
    majus likes this.
  18. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Ah, one thing I have mist.

    Castle (-5)


    Noble stronghold (-5)

    The noble stronghold had simply two castles and town - that was too many under one noble stronghold. Change from castle to noble stronghold will fi it neatly.

    All that will be left, will be military.
  19. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    As a mature character, you will have to add additional trait and flaw.
    Besides that the character and kingdom seems good.

    The military is little perplexing - did you just put names of units?
    Regin34 likes this.
  20. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Just noticed this - only the lands that are directly under your control (Faunas - yes?) will be on +5 and any village/castle under it will be on + (village +2, etc)

    The other tribes/nobles (those you don't have direct control off), will have their lands counted on '-' values so -5 for noble stronghold and -2 for any village under it.
    Regin34 likes this.