The warring states of Ka'r Valley – fantasy Rp interest check.

Discussion in 'RPG Advertisment' started by majus, Apr 23, 2024.

  1. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Mostly cosmetics and names, there will also be some difference in behaviour and equipment.
  2. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    More world-building!
    Testing the map feature~
    Regin34 likes this.
  3. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    still think I might need to add a couple more things, but I think I might be almost done.
    majus likes this.
  4. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    actually what I'm not clear on is if we can still recruit soldiers from territory controlled by a dfferent noble stronghold we don't control. Think I might be done now though.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
  5. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    The starting situation is more about the units your kingdom can support and afford their upkeep. You will be able to recruit more soldiers in game but might have problems with supporting them.
  6. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Okey, I switch castle to noble stronghold. Also question how much it would cost me battle chairiots squad and battle elephants with two archers on each one?
  7. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Let's say that chariots will be worth 2 - but there will be only 5 chariots per squad, with each chariot having two people on it.
    Elephants also 2 points, but there would be only two elephants per squad with each elephant having two people on it.
    Regin34 likes this.
  8. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    Maybe elephant for 3 point, with two archers and one ridder.
  9. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    So to make them stronger units?
  10. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    Tried cleaning the military sections up a bit with the cost but I’m still not too sure what I’m doing here
  11. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    In geography, think of this like a map from ck3

    You have territories, you directly control

    Then there are your vassals (noble stronghold) and the territories, they control - You can command them, by their loyalty is not guaranteed.

    Going a step further from geography, you have armies under your direct command, and soldier that are levied by your vassals.
    Tjf likes this.
  12. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    When are you going to begin game? Also, I finished spliting army betheen royal and nobles.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
    Tjf likes this.
  13. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    When all the people finished their sheets. Probably next week.
    Regin34 and Tjf like this.
  14. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    alrigh took a bit to revise, still a little confused but think I did. Think I have a good diverse selection of things to recruit too so that should help and added another trait and a flaw
    majus likes this.
  15. majus

    majus CHYOA Guru

    Geography is okay.

    Sorry to torment you more, but could you do the same with the military?
    Write what units belong to the main tribe, what to Silver Eyes, what to Golden Hide...

    Like, Golden Hide has:
    Stronghold +5
    Village +2
    Town +6
    Total of 13 points to support their armies.

    So, f.e., the armies they field would be:
    Raider Archers(30 people)-2
    2scnd Archer unit-2
    Riders(20 people)-2
    BloodLetters(15 people, Veteran Calvary)-3
    Warforged(20, Man at arms Infantry)-2
    White Tail Stalkers(15, Scouts)-2

    Note, if you find it to confusing, I can do it for you.
  16. Arachna

    Arachna CHYOA Guru

    not to give you too much work but might help if you do it please, cause my brain is really bad at sorting this stuff
    majus likes this.