Reverse harem

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by vivianlovell, May 5, 2024.


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  1. vivianlovell

    vivianlovell Virgin

    Couldn't see anything when I searched
  2. ToniDaring

    ToniDaring Experienced

    What is a "reverse harem"? A collection of people for someone else to fuck?
    vivianlovell likes this.
  3. MisterMan1965

    MisterMan1965 Virgin

    If I understand it correctly, it's a female protagonist who has multiple males devoted to her. It's not exactly reverse, more gender-switched, but that's how the term is used, as far as I know.
    raziel83 and vivianlovell like this.
  4. vivianlovell

    vivianlovell Virgin

    Indeed this is correct
  5. Xenolan

    Xenolan Really Experienced

    Another possible definition of a "reverse harem" would be an individual person who is made to be a sexual servant for many masters/mistresses. It seems to me that a story about such a situation would need to include at least SOME degree of consent given by the individual to the group, or it would run afoul of the site rules.
    vivianlovell likes this.
  6. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Not to my knowledge.