The Tower of Voices Voting Thread

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by TheLeherengin, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    Not touching freezing metal is easily solved, wrap it in cloth layers, if it feels too cold just wrap another layer!

    Goma using Lemiel's suit is an outside thing. Temperature is fine at the moment and in terms of party strength we are about optimal. But having the option helps, and Cherchiel being resistant means she shouldn't be as much of a worry. On the subject of party strength, as long as its not too hot I would prefer Goma be armoured but after the last episode I'm not going to push that.

    We should find out as much as we can about this place before we meet anyone else. Things like how not to end up in fights would be good, as would anything about the other locations outside and what they do in here.
  2. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

    A bath seems like a good idea while we have the chance. But even if it's big enough to accommodate everyone at once we should go in shifts. Best to have someone on guard in case someone makes a move.

    As for what to do with Hess, our goal is just to get a lay of the land and gather information. We should let her go and let her allies know we're here in case they want to send anyone besides her to talk to us. Once we're done in the bath, we can speak with whatever representative is sent out (whether it's still Hess or someone new) and chat with them. We should get some info on this temple and the lamia, major landmarks and current events on this floor, and info on Gluttony. We can figure things out from there.
  3. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    So it looks the direction do align with Dreg's examples! Well, somewhat at least

    The snakegirl appears harmless enough. Although Lamia's don't have the best reputation in mythology. We should definitely take her with us to take a bath. I don't fancy us getting ambushed there.

    We should also be wary of the usual stuff associated with snakes, hypnosis, turning people to stone and poison of course.
  4. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

  5. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    First ask if we can cast a perfectly harmless spell on Hess to see if we can help in other ways than just sex.

    Then cast identify to see if Hess can tell what it is and if we can use identify on people of this level with impunity again.
  6. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    Does the wondering monster only go around the temple? That would be unusual.

    What kind of things can be converted into food? Pessimisticly, probably other edible thing, optimistically any consumable.
  7. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Uhh...breed? I don't think our girls are capable of that, unless, the snakes have some special "equipment"

    We just got over a pregnancy, I don't think we want to risk another.

    Yeah, it could just be a figure of speech, but we should still make sure we aren't getting in over our head here.

    As for what we want, that's a though question, I don't think there is anything in particular we need right now and we don't even know what the snakegirl could offer us.

    Maybe we should simply ask for a favor that we can cash in later?
    huginn likes this.
  8. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

    Yulia's thirst status may be set to Not Thirsty, but she is also *very thirsty.* As for the request, if Hess just wants sex or has some way to magic up a cock for Yulia that should be fine, but if this leads to our protagonist being impregnated that could prove a problem. As for a request, I don't think we necessarily need anything specific if we can't come up with anything. Yulia's clearly into this, and I think it'd be good to be in the good graces of a faction on this floor. While the wandering floor monster will be an issue, resting in the temple should keep us safe from most other threats, and this would be a good place to leave members of the party if that's needed. Clearly the lamia *want* to get along with outsiders, but have been burned in the past. It'd be good to earn their trust.

    In regards to the floor monster, I doubt it's only appearing in this temple. Hess mentioned it only appeared recently, so word of its appearances in other locations probably hasn't gotten back to the temple. We should operate under the assumption that it can appear anywhere, just like all the previous ones, even if we leave the temple.

    As for Bai'zebul, it sounds like we could wander into these Starvers and Mongers while we're moving through the desert. Even if we avoid the Hungry Sands, it sounds like we'll still have to deal with the forces of Gluttony to some extent. Also, the friendliness of the lamia makes me suspect we won't find the floor's exit here since the Tower wouldn't let us leave the floor just by asking nicely. If true, that leaves us with a 1/3 chance of having to go through the Hungry Sands to leave, but we'll have to see the other two directions before we can say for sure.

    TLDR: Yes to sex as long as Yulia won't get pregnant, and we can figure the other stuff out later.
  9. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

  10. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    I got completely the wrong end of the famine stick there . . .

    Moving swiftly onwards! I have no idea, we haven't really been told much and haven't got much we can really help them with right now. Try cure? It probably won't work. Any more information? Probably have all we can get for now. Anyone else we should talk to while we are here?
  11. Miss-Emmie

    Miss-Emmie Experienced

    It's interesting that the Identify spell mentioned the Fangs of the Lost Serpent and specified that this curse affects the Followers of the Desert Mother whether they're lamia or naga. We should mention that to Hess, and see if she can tell us anything more about the Fangs. I suspect one of the two remaining locations we have access to is connected to them. Besides that, I'm curious about what sorts of facilities the temple has and if it'd be okay for us to take a look around. If that isn't an option we can explore one of the other directions.
  12. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Anything that would help Goma or Maple to deal with the heath would be appreciated. Maybe there's a spell Yulia could learn?

    Beyond that, yeah, I guess we can have a look around the temple.
  13. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    Also ask if there is in the temple a scholar or a traveller who can tell us more of this level.
  14. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

  15. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    We now have our first mystery, Fangs of the lost serpent.

    I'd like to explore the temple now that we are here. As solo meditation does not sound very productive before we know more of Desert Mother. So I suggest we start by turning left to the lower depths. Also ask where we can find Rhea.
  16. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    More information is more better. Other than the wondering monster the place seems safe enough, but I would rather not be split up in case it does come by. So I agree with huginn. I would quite like to know more about the wondering monster, just so I can start thinking about how to kill or escape from it.
  17. Gambio

    Gambio CHYOA Guru

    Sounds like we have another faction choice to make this floor, although the last time we did this didn't end well for any of the leaders.

    Well, I doubt anyone here wants to meditate, so we probably want to take the left path.
  18. TheLeherengin

    TheLeherengin Really Really Experienced

  19. huginn

    huginn Really Experienced

    At last we learned something about wondering monster for this floor.

    We are fully armed and have plenty of grenades. So now seems to be a good moment to kill a wandering monster. Also it would probably increase gratitude of the lamia.
  20. Boodalian

    Boodalian Experienced

    That explains why it is only around here. I guess it also explains what it is. Also good thinking on getting identity done, it is the very first thing we would ask for.

    It doesn't kill so cure is likely to be effective, so long as Yulia is fine. Heavenly soothing sounds like it might also work. I also expect Sally is going to be fairly impervious on account of not having a biology. I say we fight it, the only reason not to is if the completionist bate is actually bate, and even if it is we will probably be fine.
    As this is one of not many very strong enemies in the floor we happily use our consumables, frag grenades rolled under it should be quite effective, flash grenades might blind it but also might blind you (so maybe not). If we kill it we can rest as long as required to recharge the guns (and plasma sword) so use those as much as you like. Try puppet, it would be very convenient if it did work (but don't get your hopes up). Use the horn, energise, undermine, blizzard, and attack spells and mana potions if you need them and cure anyone who gets hit. What did I miss? There are so many abilities now.
    huginn likes this.