Halloween Hijynx - feedback request

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by vyksin, Nov 20, 2023.

  1. vyksin

    vyksin Virgin CHYOA Backer

    So, for those that may not have seen, I wrote a Prelude to introduce a premise to a Halloween story. The main story has now been released and started.

    Halloween Hijynx

    There is a main thread I am running down, but I have several points in the main story I will come back to fork off with other ideas. However, if anyone is so inspired, I invite them to feel free to add there own branches. But, this space is for anyone to add their thoughts or comments around the main story or its prelude.
  2. vyksin

    vyksin Virgin CHYOA Backer

    Hey, gang! I hope everyone is having an amazing holiday with those around them. I started this story's journey over a year ago and renewed my efforts in summer to get to what is now my latest chapter by Halloween 2023. As is life, things happened and honestly, I'm not an elite writer so I'm sure I hit walls and took longer than needed on some things. However, I am looking to improve, so while it did take 142 chapters to get to my first scene for the main character to be in an actual sexual situation as their new self, I submit this sex scene chapter for your enjoyment on this Christmas Eve and request any feedback or critiques can be given as I am nowhere near done.

    Vyki takes it up a notch
  3. vyksin

    vyksin Virgin CHYOA Backer

    Well, its been quite a journey and a lot longer than I expected; however, this episode is officially done. There are more forks and choices I'd like to go back and place in there, but for the moment, I'm leaving the main thread in there while I focus on other things. However, if there is anyone interested in making their own path or choices, I do allow for updates through moderation.