Transplant story request

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by fartlord1002, Jun 24, 2024.

  1. fartlord1002

    fartlord1002 Virgin

    I really liked fantaghiro's transplant story but it is apparently discontinued and he has stopped updating.
    I would like it if someone could make a new story line on the story(fantaghiro said it is okay to make your own path's on the first chapter) or make a new story on the same premises.
    The part of receiving life saving brain transplant and adapting to the new life is so interesting to me and the erotic twist that comes with exploring the new body is so enticing.
  2. Spindizzy

    Spindizzy Really Experienced

  3. fartlord1002

    fartlord1002 Virgin

    I have already read everything already out in your story