Threads approval reports

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by Mr.B., Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Since your other chapters have been published no problem then the two most likely reasons are.
    One: the author of the story is inactive currently. What was the time difference between the chapters accepted and the one that hasn't been? I also hope its been longer then three days since the chapter has been waiting to be reviewed. Most authors don't spend a lot of time on the CHYOA site itself choosing to write their stories in another program then transferring the story over when they have finished.
    Two: The author doesn't like the content of the chapter and doesn't want it interfering with his story. This is unlikely most authors like to see people add to the story and wouldn't leave a chapter sitting in review out of malice or personal preference. If they dislike your submission they usual will just deny the submission and will give a reason on why they denied it.

    Overall I think the author just hasn't seen it yet or had the time to sit down and review it. My personal preference for this type of thing is to wait for three days, if still in review send a message to the author, while waiting for a response check to see if the author has there last seen enabled and whether or not they are active, if they don't get back to you after five days then contact Friedman.
  2. Stormdragon19

    Stormdragon19 Virgin

    I have a story that needs approval. It was set up yesterday. Is that too soon to post about getting it approved?
  3. blockallen70

    blockallen70 Virgin

    I have found adding a thread to a story very frustrating at times that I deleted over 20 threads that were waiting months for review, if an author is giving you the opportunity to add to the story they should take some time to review it and approve or disapprove in a timely manner.
  4. raziel83

    raziel83 Really Experienced

    Some of the authors are just not on the site anymore. They moved on or are taking a break. Which is why the site has a thread for requesting admin to give active writers the ownership of an abandoned story.
  5. mcmartin

    mcmartin Virgin

    There are chapters waiting for approval on the “Help! I’m a Teenage Genie!” story. The story owner isn’t replying to messages and doesn’t seem to have done anything in a few weeks. Not sure if something happened, but I’d happily agree to become a story moderator to move things along until they return.
  6. blockallen70

    blockallen70 Virgin

    I have given up on adding chapters to stories, at times it’s been very frustrating waiting for approval. In my opinion if an author has add a chapter then chapter doesn’t need to be approved and the person who added the chapter is taking the story in the direction they want to continue with . Waiting for approval is no fun.
  7. TheLowKing

    TheLowKing Really Really Experienced

    Look for public stories instead of moderated ones. For public stories, the owner doesn't have to give their permission.
    raziel83 likes this.
  8. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    I don't see any chapters for review on that story, though they might have been approved/rejected in the meantime.

    There was also a chapter that had been published a few days before your message and it seems it needed approval. So it seems that the story owner is still active.
  9. Hi, sorry to bother you.
    I have a story that needs to be reviewed. It's been a day and it's still "In Review".
    Forgive me if I'm impatient, it's just that today I have to go vote in my third world country.
    Title of the work: Rodeo de Amor.
  10. Indirect

    Indirect Virgin

    Last edited: Jun 30, 2024 at 8:00 AM