A question about copyright

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by latexdoll, May 30, 2017.

  1. latexdoll

    latexdoll Virgin

    I have been writing here for quite a while and have a question about adding pictures, either in a story or as a profile pic. Is anything found online essentially fair game as I am not making any money with any of this? Or are other people's pictures, photos, drawings, etc off limits? Also if you need some kind of permission how do you go about finding the origin of a pic on multiple sites?
    gene.sis likes this.
  2. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    I have no idea about the legal situation of using other peoples' pictures.

    From a moral point of view, I would suggest not to use pictures depicting persons who likely don't want to be shown in a porn context even if the pictures are CC0. (including erotic nude pictures)
    majus and airwreck like this.
  3. latexdoll

    latexdoll Virgin

    I was sort of thinking the same, but what about something like your pic? Is that a pic, or piece of a pic you found online or personally created? If you don't mind me asking? Or say someone not looking at the camera, they would know it was them perhaps, but no one else would?
  4. mindtheMILF

    mindtheMILF Guest

    If it your own image their is no copyright infringement
    For on-line images it is up to your own judgement. I say it is all free game if your able to get it.
  5. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    On the internet, you can get what you can see, so this can't be a meaningful guideline.