Logo for Speed Dial Addon in FireFox

Discussion in 'General Board' started by 2p1k3, Jun 9, 2017.

  1. 2p1k3

    2p1k3 Experienced


    Recently started using FireFox and started using a tile program. I created this logo to use for the tile directing to chyoa.com. Posting it here encase anyone else wishes to use it.

    Grateful for you sharing your time and Force, am I. May you ask the Goddess to eternally alight your self-determined path.
    gkrishna likes this.
  2. gkrishna

    gkrishna Virgin

    I'd always just set it to Dynamic and forgotten about it, letting the addon take care of the image for the tile. But recently Firefox has been hella slow, this should help speed it up some, thanks!