Corrupting Emma Watson

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by dreamgiver7, Sep 27, 2017.

  1. dreamgiver7

    dreamgiver7 Virgin

    Hey, I'm the author. First time posting in here. Just curious what people think of it: if they like it, hate it, or what needs improvement.

    The scenes are based on previous written works that I am converting into a CHYOA format, so I apologize for typos and grammar.

    Eventually I may write current new scenes, so feel free to tell me what you want. Especially if people want to write and expand scenes as well. Interaction with new paths is highly encouraged!!

    Thanks in advance...
  2. dreamgiver7

    dreamgiver7 Virgin

  3. gkrishna

    gkrishna Virgin


    That was a good read, overall it's a definite thumbsup from me.

    The individual chapters are pretty much universally well-written (and hot as hell). I did find some of the transitions jarring though. For eg., the different choices seem to be about the location and context, but in some cases it even changes genre - Shafted is suddenly a magic fantasy path, without any intro preparing us for that; Online Attention is just too much happening in the background in the first few lines of the story, that it's hard to get into the story there; and IMO Online Attention and Years Later are both left as intermediate parts of the story in the other arcs, where they make sense - having them as initial options is kinda confusing and rather jarring to the reader.

    The writing is concise while being descriptive enough to bring in the mood. I look forward to reading more from you!

    (An entirely optional image suggestion from me: I think

    will work well for the Room Service path, for the 'sweet and naive' Emma. Just my subjective preference though, feel free to ignore it if it doesn't work for you. )
  4. dreamgiver7

    dreamgiver7 Virgin

    Thank you for the praise. I appreciate it and I'm always glad to see that others are enjoying what I write as well. Online Attention and Years Later are definitely follow-on parts to her Hotel storyline, I was debating removing them from the main page, and I think you helped me make that decision.

    I like your picture choice, that is one of my favorite photoshoots of her as well.

    Thanks again, hope you continue to enjoy the stories!
  5. dreamgiver7

    dreamgiver7 Virgin

    It's been awhile and I've added quite a bit to the story since I originally posted this. I've gotten a lot of likes, favorites, and bookmarks, but not a lot of comments from people.

    Please feel free to let me know how I'm doing, especially if you're enjoying the scenes. Looking for feedback and thoughts.

    Links to all my stories are in my signature block.
  6. dreamgiver7

    dreamgiver7 Virgin

    It's that time again... Feedback!! I've added more scenes to the story. Nearly a million views, lots of likes, favorites, and bookmarks, but not a lot of comments from people.

    Please let me know how what you like and how I'm doing, especially if you're enjoying the scenes. Looking for feedback and thoughts.

    Links to all my stories are in the signature block.
  7. dreamgiver7

    dreamgiver7 Virgin

    It's that time again... Feedback!! On the last arc of Emma's multi-chapter defilement. Several million views, lots of likes, favorites, and bookmarks, but not a lot of comments from people.

    Please let me know how what you like (or hate). Tell me how I'm doing, especially if you're enjoying the scenes. Looking for feedback and thoughts.

    Links to all my stories are in the signature block.