Downloadable Story

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by RicoLouis, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    I am toying with the idea of making a downloadable interactive story but not quiet sure where I should go about putting it to allow other users to be able to download it. Any suggestions for hosting sites would be helpful.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2017
  2. mindtheMILF

    mindtheMILF Guest

    I would say the best location would be after "view story map" on the bottom of the story page.
  3. RicoLouis

    RicoLouis Really Really Experienced

    I mean an offsite place to host the story for download.
  4. gkrishna

    gkrishna Virgin

    One simple option is to put it on your Dropbox (assuming you have one) and create a public link to it. Another option is to go with MEGA host which allows anything, without censorship.