Implemented Ability to hide chapters until certain conditions are fulfilled

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by korook, Jul 18, 2018.

  1. korook

    korook Virgin

    Right now, when you write a chapter with conditional access, it’s shown grayed out on the list of options. I think it would be interesting if we had the option to hide certain chapters entirely until their conditions are fulfilled, in order to avoid spoilers for later chapters or story branches that they may unlock.
    DoAdventures likes this.
  2. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    DoAdventures likes this.
  3. korook

    korook Virgin

    Oh, okay, got it. I did a little searching to see if someone had posted this before, but I guess I missed that one. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Needed three attempts to find the other thread, even though I knew that it was there ;)

    And this thread also might be good for leading other users to the other thread.
  5. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru

    There's been a lot of suggestions already, haven't there...