Ideas needed for current story

Discussion in 'Story Ideas' started by Philltech13, Jul 18, 2018.

  1. Philltech13

    Philltech13 Virgin

    My story is called "Adventures in Fuckaria" and I just started writing it. The premise is that a girl named Kate is lost on an island of lust-filled monsters. Her first encounter was with imps who gangbanged her and double penetrated her. I want you guys to post ideas for other monsters and creatures Kate could run into and if you want post some kinks I could try and incorporate into the story.
  2. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Possibilities are endless, but you're probably going to want to avoid unintelligent monsters, which would be against the bestiality rules. That leaves you with intelligent monsters - not a great handicap - and there are some interesting thoughts to develop on that line. For example:

    Perhaps one half of the isle is dominated by male creatures (centaurs, minotaurs, satyrs, etc.), while the other half of the island is dominated by their female counterparts. The males have been driven rapaciously insane, so the females keep them contained...and the women themselves have begun to be affected by whatever lust infects them, but with a lesbian twist.

    Or the isle is the abode of a sorcerer or sorceress, who has summoned strange creatures from different worlds and dimensions, who each have their own unique ways to feed and breed...and Kate must watch herself, lest she become pregnant, or transformed to better suit the creature's lusts. Along the way, she draws closer and closer to the center of the aisle, and the sorcerer/sorceress themselves...

    The imps, terrible as they were, did Kate a favor; she now smells like demon spunk, which wards off certain of the island's predators...but may attract others.

    Aside from traditional mythical creatures (centaurs, sphinxes, dragons, etc.) you could get creative with nontraditional mythical creatures like the blemmyes or the panotti (getting head from a blemmye would be no joke!) Alternately, you could create something original, like giant ants that want Kate to become their new queen (ovoposition ahoy), or a female vampire that needs to feed off of something other than blood.

    Such scenes might be made more interesting by a choice of scenery - select ruins, a copse of trees which were once men and women (and parts of them still are), a cave, a pool that has some magical effect (bigger body parts are often a favorite, but shrinking, aging and de-aging, etc. are all fun - maybe there are two fountains, and one has a curse and the other has a cure).

    A plot to stumble across would be fun - maybe something simple like find the (broken?) fertility idol that has attracted all the creatures/drives them mad with lust and try to harness its power. If Kate stumbles upon a piece of the idol, it might explain why the inhabitants are targeting her.
    Philltech13 and DoAdventures like this.
  3. Philltech13

    Philltech13 Virgin

    Ok well for the first reply very good ideas, I actually really like the one where the males and females are separated. That could really make for an interesting story and interactions. It also gives me a perfect opportunity to make some of these interactions consensual as Kate's libido becomes more and more corrupt.
  4. Dissonant Soundtrack

    Dissonant Soundtrack Really Really Experienced

    Since it is an island, it could be entertaining if Kate tried to steal or rig a ship to sail away, only for merpeople or an intelligent tentacle monster to capsize the boat, have some fun with her, then toss her back on shore just to establish that's not an escape.
    Philltech13 likes this.
  5. Loeman

    Loeman Really Really Experienced

    I like what Zeebop was saying about a plot to uncover. And everything else he said, really.

    You could even end up with a sci-fi twist, a kind of sexy Island of Doctor Moreau spin, after some digging, to real-world explain the seemingly magical land. Drugs in the water could explain lust or maybe physical changes... the human splicing might explain pregnancies... the book in the intro was a signalling beacon... whatever.

    ... Maybe not, I guess. It doesn't make that much sense with the intro. But I do think reasons and plots behind the sex make for a more compelling read.

    I also like the sea monster not-escape thought, that's smart.
  6. PL97

    PL97 Virgin

    Well tentacles seem pretty mainstream but they’re just a blob of penises which I’m sure can come in use