I just like how people just go after older stories and add disresepctful comments

Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by bam316, Aug 17, 2018.

  1. Marlikton

    Marlikton Experienced

    What anyone with a live hand grenade would do drop it and RUN!!!
    GenericEditor168 likes this.
  2. Kaitou1412

    Kaitou1412 Moderator

    The only problem with that is now there's no point of reference for other users. Sure, someone could have already contacted the thread writer to highlight a glaring problem, but it's equally possible no one did. Ergo, writers run the risk of getting no one contacting them about it, or the risk of getting countless PMs all focused on one thread. Which works better varies person to person, and it's always better to try and read your target before making a move - that's paid off for me in spades - but I'm not going to fault a genuine effort for being done in the manner the target wouldn't prefer. And sometimes, you need to forget about what the target would prefer and focus on what they need. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named received about seven years of criticism in private that did nothing to his ability while giving him many targets to flame, but the moment people began publicly dismantling his threads for every error he suddenly began to improve (even if he did quickly stagnate afterwards).

    Chalk it up as one more reason users should have the option to delete and edit their own comments.

    Interesting, because your opening post shows exactly the opposite: that you want silence. In it, you complained about what you got in PM as well as on your contributions, almost as if to imply criticism in the two forms were equally reprehensible, and only verbalized a desire to remove comments that didn't meet your approval. In fact, it wasn't until Hvast said to use the PM function did you even consent to permitting this much criticism.

    First of all, if you're going to assert the comments you're receiving are malicious rather than mere criticism, perhaps you should link or screenshot? As is, we have no evidence anyone has done more than criticize your work, which is not at all labeling you a nothing.

    Second, am I supposed to suddenly feel bad for being critical of you? I don't. And after that display, I never will. I've noticed there's a common attitude among most people with a disability: the desire to be treated as if they were normal. Sure, certain accommodations are inevitable, but after the initial depression passes, the condition isn't a crutch to justify failure and is instead seen as just another hurdle. Between how long you've been active and this post, I can see you're one of those who prefers to waffle: it's a crutch one day, just another hurdle the next, and forever shifting based on whether or not you succeed. Frankly, I hate scum like that. It only makes people look down on those who do work to overcome their own demons and minimizes every step we've made in understanding the mind. And it's why I love the internet: unless I disclose them, no one knows my demons and will treat me as if I have none.

    Except that based on what's public, you didn't receive anything inflammatory. Critical certainly, but not hateful. How we treat criticism is down to us, not to our critics.

    Congratulations! You avoided the issue by commenting on something utterly irrelevant and got two users to follow you down the rabbit hole!

    Now that your post has been called out for what it is, how about we deal with the fact that you're using your condition (whatever it may be) to justify your failure and evoke sympathy?

    First of all, that's because Friday the 13th is bad. Where the work was done, it does appeal to slasher fans, but Gene Siskel, in all his dislike of the franchise, was correct in asserting the genre can be done well while appealing to audiences that seek more than just creative kills and decent effects.

    Second, I reiterate: if you are receiving comments that are not constructive criticism and instead downright bashing, report them. Link them. Screenshot them. Even we don't tolerate flaming. However, if you're going to insist that any criticism is malicious, then the problem is solely with you.

    I'd have believed that had you not slung the first bit of mud in this topic. As is, someone told you to take criticism better, and your responses have been:

    Respect is a two-way street. If you wanted more than common courtesy, perhaps you should have at least offered that much.

    Take Wile E. Coyote's approach and put the pin back. Or if you prefer to be a realist, then how about toss it somewhere it won't hurt anyone?

    However, again: prove you're "taking one for the team" and actually show us something that actually explains the attitude. Otherwise, you're taking the same types of criticisms as everyone else and the only thing that makes you special is your inability to handle it. And frankly, even that's not so special.
  3. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Even if that is possible — what would be a good thing — the commenter might not change it.
    Though in any case, it would be possible to answer something like "I edited that line. Thanks for pointing out."
    Marlikton likes this.
  4. Marlikton

    Marlikton Experienced

    When Seacurve basically told me everything I had done wrong in my story I admit I was hurt at first but if it hadn't happened I wouldn't be where I am now not to mention I asked for feedback and Seacurve's brutal honesty was exactly what I needed Oh and Gamma John as well I must admit his feedback made me laugh
  5. dirtytyke

    dirtytyke Experienced

    Although I'm sure it might make me feel bad, I'd love criticism on my story.
    At least then there'd be some feedback beyond the occasional like/bookmark blitz.
    If you're still around Bam, try to take criticism as constructive even when it may not appear to be. Unless the comment is simply something along the lines of "you suck, your story sucks, and I hate you", the commentator may be trying to offer helpful feedback, even if they can't do so in a nice way. Perhaps come back and read their comment again once the initial shock/bad taste has worn off.
  6. Tip

    Tip Really Experienced

    Or ask for an editor to help improve your stories.
  7. Fierbali111

    Fierbali111 Experienced

    I wouldnt mind if people pointed things out for me. Sometimes, I dont know how to work my way around some errors and it takes a bit of input to help see it through.

    Still, if his posts are any indication, Bam316 needs some serious work on using his punctuation.