
Discussion in 'CHYOA General' started by porneia, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    They say "confession is good for the soul," so I thought it would be fun to create a thread about the strange quirks, habits and/or idiosyncrasies anyone might have while using this site.
    Loeman, Nemo of Utopia and grimbous like this.
  2. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    * I am a comment whore. I love it when people leave comments.

    * I am secretly very ashamed I am following no one. The main reason is because I love seeing that little red number over “notifications” be about stories I have written. (This truly makes me a terrible person.)

    * I enjoy writing more than reading, especially with regards to literature and fantasy.

    * I usually write in a word processor program. First, as a means of safety in case the site goes down. Second, I like to have a picture next to the text to inspire me.

    * I am very jealous of anyone who is naturally good at spelling and grammar. I hate you all.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2019
    majus, Sthaana, fikka and 3 others like this.
  3. grimbous

    grimbous Really Experienced

    Bless me Father for I have sinned. Please hear this confession.

    * Not every kink I write about I have. Not every kink I have I write about.

    * As a writer Chyoa is my favorite erotica site. As a reader it ranks far lower.

    * I spend WAY too much of my precious free time writing or thinking about writing.

    * Comments guessing at or trying to influence the direction of the story only makes me less likely to go in that direction.

    * On a bad day a negative comment can kill my motivation to write dead for a few hours.

    * I've never yet experienced writer's block. My problem is resisting every new story idea that pops into my jumbled head.
    Sthaana, fikka, Loeman and 2 others like this.
  4. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    I forgot about that one. Guilty as charged with me too.
    8inchesandcounting likes this.
    • About 75% of what is written above.
    • I will add chapters and expand my story if I see similar CHYOA doing well.
    • I get into petty internet arguments far too often. Even if I'm right, I undermine myself by arguing a bit too far.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2019
    Loeman and porneia like this.
  5. Rubicon

    Rubicon Really Experienced

    • I 'method' write. My face reflects the character's emotional state most of the time.
      • Yes, this includes... 'intense' scenes. I have to be super-careful when I'm writing in a Starbucks.
    • When I read a well written story I get enthusiastic and throw myself into as similar a project as possible -- whether or not I'm on deadline for a different project.
    • I keep extensive notes and spreadsheets for most of my projects.
      • My upcoming 'game' style CHYOA has a seven page design document including variables and logic chains.
      • My Lex Luthor story has several spreadsheets to keep track of things.
    • I got a full year's subscription to Marvel Unlimited after starting "The Seductive Spider-Harem" so I could fact check my memory on 30-40 year old plotlines.
      • If my Patreon continues to do well... this means I'll be able to deduct Marvel Unlimited as a business expense.
      • And Comixology Unlimited.
      • And DC Universe.
    • I try to read every story that comes up on the 'New Stories' section of the front page, at least once. Even if the kinks squick me.
    • I restarted my professional smut peddler career because I liked CHYOA so much.
    • I have to be a certain level of turned on IRL to write efficiently. If I've just jerked it or gotten laid recently, I won't be all that into writing CHYOA. Too turned on, I'll forego writing to rub one out. Was super frustrating when first starting out.
    • Spelling mistakes instantly pull me out of a story, as do issues with tense/perspective. Yes, I make these mistakes from time-to-time myself.
    • I forget to like other's chapters. I need to go through all my bookmarks/favorites and do so soon. It's a bad habit.
    • Most of my published chapters/stories are the results of accidentally hitting "Enter", and having to quickly make it public-worthy.
    • I hate when IRL people are used in CHYOA. It's super creepy, and I almost positively won't read your story in that case.
    fikka, Loeman, porneia and 1 other person like this.
  6. Nemo of Utopia

    Nemo of Utopia CHYOA Guru


    And this, though I'm working on this one.

    And all of this.

    Now for the new ones.

    * I will blatantly steal others ideas sometimes, especially if I'm sure they're going to handle it badly. (Looking at YOU 'The Witch And The Farmer'.)

    * I have over thirty stories of my own and haven't updated any of them in months.

    * I have had stories that I published, hoping for feedback to inspire me, then never touched again because I got none.

    * I've asked Friedman to unpublish stories that already had likes on them.

    * I covet winning Story Of The Week.

    * I've refused chapters largely because they squicked me out, but used a secondary reason as an excuse.

    * There are entire categories of CHYOA that I read and enjoy, but don't 'like', because I'm ashamed of reading them.
    Javalar, fikka, Loeman and 1 other person like this.
  7. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    • I haven't actually published chapters regularly that I have written in almost a year. It's not that I've lost interest in writing, but I have not adapted well to being a productive member of society and my job keeps me stressed, anxious, and busy enough that it's been problematic to keep this particular habit going.
    • I don't care as much about quality as I used to. It's not that I don't care about good writing, but most people are here to have fun with writing, not win a Pulitzer. I have my limits. It has to actually feel like the person is giving it an effort, but I'll generally accept anything if it looks like the person writing it has tried
    • On a similar note, I don't do as much editing as I probably should. This stems from a pretty ugly spat I had with another writer who believed that I was doing too much editing of his work and striving too hard for perfection. I never really recovered from that feud which included him leaving nasty comments on my stories and in his own profile for several months.

    Edit: Didn't really want to post this yet.

    • Probably the most controversial confession I have: I wish the rules were less restictive. Don't get me wrong about this. I don't mean I get off on writing stories about fucking animals or kids or an excessive amount of sexual violence in my stories. However, there are times where less restrictive rules would definitely helped.
      • The Original 'of age' rule in A Fantasy Dynasty would have been and should have been 16 to better emulate the period. Most people in high school(when they have their first sexual experience) is less than 18. Believe it or not, people who are under 18 have sex. It's a thing that happens and it happens often. I get and understand the need for the rule. We don't want the site to become a nest for pedophilia. It's just difficult to work around sometimes.
      • The beastiality rule just leads to so many gray areas with the existence of furries. At what point on The Furry Scale does the porn become uancceptable. Everyone has their own opinions on this which makes it best to avoid writing any kind of story that toes the line.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
    Sthaana, Loeman and porneia like this.
  8. The rules couldn't be more clear about beastiality vs like furries and stuff.

    Is it sentient? Can it give consent? Is it over 18? You can fuck it.

    By all intents and purposes, you can fuck a talking horse or whatever in CHYOA.
  9. Rubicon

    Rubicon Really Experienced

    That's the thing about subcultures. There are degrees of understanding -- shades of grey -- that can't be seen inside the subculture. What seems perfectly natural outside the subculture can seem murky and artificial to someone inside it.

    I can't give examples, because I'm not in the furry subculture. But... say this were all a site about Star Trek fanfiction, and it was explicitly for fan fiction about things from the beginning of the Star Trek Universe up through Star Trek: The Motion Picture. And say it had an explicit rule that Next Generation technology like holodecks and commbadges were explicitly forbidden.

    Well... there was an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise where Trep was inside a static holographic environment that was just like a holodeck but without animated figures running around. And in the Short Treks that came out between Star Trek Discovery seasons 1 and 2, there was a scene where a holoprojector was used to create (non-solid) interactive holograms. But there's a spoiler caveat about that I won't touch on.

    To a casual fan or someone not on that specific site, it might seem obvious -- none of those would be allowed. To someone deep in the stuff, it's a grey area. And even someone who's deep in one side of the Trek fan culture might not grok what someone on another side of the fan culture thinks is crystal clear. For example, the words "Section 31" are a magical incantation that summons forum deba--


    Anyway -- we're not debating peoples' opinions. We're confessing, right? S'all good!

    Speaking of which... let me add a couple.

    • I get guilty over things I haven't updated recently, which makes me feel stressed, and that makes me want to avoid them, which delays updating them. It's a vicious cycle because my brain.
    • I get enthusiastic when I feel accepted and I get excited over other people's ideas, and then I talk over them. A lot. And then feel crappy because I talked over them and vicious cycle, brain.
  10. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    Is it an adult for its species?*

    Great now i'm just waiting for someone to write some Mister Ed fanfiction.
  11. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Oh, well... guilty ^^"
    So I either only edit for typos or end up adding 20% of content, making the chapter consistent to the previous ones.

    Another one... after getting off on one of my own stories, I can't continue writing it.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2019
  12. Rubicon

    Rubicon Really Experienced

    ...oh God you said that...

    A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
    And no one should fuck a horse of course
    That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.

    Go right to the source and ask the horse
    He'll give you consent -- or refuse of course
    His answer will give you no recourse!
    Give agency to Mr. Ed!

    People humpity hump and cum whether pan, bi, straight, or gay!
    But Mister Ed won't let you cum unless he says it's okay!

    A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
    And this one'll shoot buckets right from the source
    You never heard of a fucking horse?

    Well listen to this.

    Hey, buster! Cosplay is not consent!
    I wear this Secretariat cosplay because it makes me feel empowered, not to give you a cheap thrill!
    So hands off and ask before taking a picture! I'm MISTER ED, DAMN IT!

    • I confess that I wrote that. I just... wrote that.
  13. Kobe

    Kobe Experienced

    • I quit Chyoa at first because the popularity of my first story got too big. Winning Story of the Week and collaborating with so many popular and Chyoa-famous writers made me anxious. Anxious about my ability to perform. I quit for about a month then came back to my story -- it was horrible. Honestly I was surprised I ever won anything with it. I then quit for a year. When I got back, I had over a million hits and was ashamed of my poor work. I deleted the story and here I am. I got so many inbox messages asking why I quit or that they loved my story that I felt compelled to come back, so I did. I think people enjoy my writing more now, although I'm more gung-ho (forego-ing editing and revising chapters with show/tell issues and minor grammatical mistakes) about them now.
    • Senior Year was a project I did when I got bored. I only got into writing more once people gave it more attention.
    • I'm able to hammer out multiple chapters in a single day (my first run through for my most recent story I did about 20 coherent chapters in about 9 hours) but once I feel the story drag or I don't get as many likes as I used to (party to blame with how long the chain I'm on now is -- it's about to hit a hundred if I had kept it like it was) I taper off and get disinterested.
    • I can't get off to my own writing. Sure I'll think it's hot when I'm imagining what's going on, but I can't just click through my own story.
    • I re-use certain sex scenes in other branches because it's tiring to think of more prose, writing, and positions. Of course I'll spice it up, but damn does it really put a hamper on my writing.
    • The fetishes contained in my story are mainly due to request/reception from the readers. Not saying I'd not be interested in some of them, but it really is for the fans.
    • Although I get praise, I don't feel as if I'm a good writer. Although I've gotten 1,000 likes in literally a fraction of the time it took my first story to get them, I don't think people enjoy my story.
    • I got rid of my ravioli profile picture because I really don't like ravioli anymore.
    Javalar, Loeman, porneia and 2 others like this.
    • While I generally don't focus too much on my own kinks/sexual interests, I can't help but constantly insert redheads into my stories
    • I'd start a Patreon, but I don't pay for my porn and wouldn't expect others to as well
    • I really, really wish I could tie my CHYOA account to my actual other social media, but I don't think society is ready for timestop incest or fantasy rape
    Loeman and porneia like this.
  14. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    Same here. It can get rather intense, and sometimes scary, especially if the character is evil (like Lex Luthor).
    Rubicon likes this.
  15. merkros

    merkros CHYOA Guru

    This is one confession that i was going to write but forgot.
    • I definitely think that my writing is hot garbage. No amount of likes, praise, or rewards has been able to convince me otherwise yet

    Also welcome back Kobe.
    Loeman and Rubicon like this.
  16. porneia

    porneia Really Experienced

    It's people like you that terrify me. I have the exact opposite problem and auto correct without thinking, especially when I proof read my own work.
    Loeman and Rubicon like this.
  17. Rubicon

    Rubicon Really Experienced

    Oh man. I hear that one.