Size Queen Futa Sluts.

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by Bauer1, Mar 24, 2019.

  1. Bauer1

    Bauer1 Virgin CHYOA Backer

    This story has been idle for the past few weeks as I've been struggling to write a thread for one of my other stories, and my other contributor writer is on a hiatus to deal with stuff in the real world, but I do plan to get back to this extremely soon.

    Any thoughts for regarding what has been written so far, and what you'd like to see in the future?

    Any contributors are greatly welcome, and appreciated :)

    Link to story:
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2019
  2. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    A link would be helpful.
  3. Bauer1

    Bauer1 Virgin CHYOA Backer

  4. Zeebop

    Zeebop CHYOA Guru

    Well, you have some fairly long chapters, with lots of detail and vigorous sexual action. You honestly have enough raw material by wordcount for probably three times as many chapters. Plot is fairly linear - Arthur Greaves doesn't put up much of a fight, no slow slide into being an anal slut, no gentle corruption into loving dick - and the setting is a tad generic (but exactly what the title suggests, so no harm no foul on that one).

    The last couple of chapters you seem to have given up on setting up any kind of choice or branching-point - so maybe that would be a place to start. After this whirlwind romance (?) and breaking-in period, Arthur's probably going to be spent, confused...and not sure how to break the news to his family and friends. That suggests a couple of different paths...maybe turnabout is fair play, maybe his mother gets involved, maybe one of Arthur's friends (male, female, or otherwise) is upset or jealous at the news. Or maybe his favorite porn star wants to get him on the set with a fat contract.
    Bauer1 likes this.
  5. Bauer1

    Bauer1 Virgin CHYOA Backer

    Thank you for your thoughts. Sorry for the late reply.

    Arthur is a horny eighteen year old, and if your favourite porn star wanted you to fuck her, I'm sure that you wouldn't put up too much of a fight ;)

    I am aware that the slow pace of my threads is due to the threads being rather large. I plan to be writing shorter threads, which should cause the rate of threads published to improve.

    I didn't want to write a story about a world where Futas are dominant and superior in every way, as there are plenty of those on Chyoa. I honestly don't mind a branch where Prima dominates him on the beach, and makes him her new toy, but I won't be writing that.

    As for the future in the branch that I plan to be writing there's going to be plenty of sex. The Latina twins will get involved properly at a later point, and Prima will help make Arthur a porn superstar. His Futa parents will naturally be concerned about him dating such a high profile Porn Star, but will in time be won over by her, especially with her helping to secure a fat contract for their son. The potential jealousy of close friends/potential romantic crushes is a nice idea, which I may tap into at a later date.

    Thanks again for your thoughts If you have anymore ideas/suggestions /thoughts , please feel free to message, or if you want to add some threads that would be great :)