My Daughter's New Boyfriend

Discussion in 'Story Feedback' started by wilparu, Jun 18, 2019.

  1. wilparu

    wilparu Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Hello, this weekend I decided to actually try to write a story instead of just thinking about maybe trying to write a story. And while I'm pretty pleased with the result so far, I'm especially pleased with how much fun I've had doing it!'s-New-Boyfriend.22419

    Any feedback would be appreciated of course, but as a new writer my main question deals with branching storylines. When this story was a hazy idea in my head I had a few branching plot elements and decisions for my characters but once I started writing they all kind of faded away and I find myself on basically a single path. Should I 'force' myself a bit to do one of the alternate branches I thought of? Does it work better if I get further into my current storyline and only go back and start to branch out when I run out of steam?

    Any thoughts are welcome. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to try my story.
  2. sean_d2345

    sean_d2345 Virgin

    I think if you're happy with the direction your story is going. No need to branch. If anything, you can always go back and take the story in a different route. Interested to see where you take it
  3. wilparu

    wilparu Really Really Experienced CHYOA Backer

    Yeah, I've kind of just kept continuing the main storyline and I think it's the right call. My alternate pathways include some real changes in tone and I think I'd struggle with that if I was moving back and forth.

    Thanks for the advice, and for checking out my story!