looking for stories to participate in

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by talesofswamppoint, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. I'm looking for a story I could write a couple of chapters.
    I'm interested in stories where the main character or other change throughout the story.
    To be more precise stories with physical, mental transformation, gender-bender, bimbofication and the like.
    I don't ask for any writing back in my own story in exchange for my participation. It is appreciated but entirely not necessary.

    Here the link from my active story
  2. dbmanga

    dbmanga Virgin

    If you want, you could write some chapters in my chain of events. https://chyoa.com/chapter/Alice-Savage,-rare-3-Hour-victim.542622

    Its about an attractive but insecure woman who gets the 3 hours virus that makes her forced to have sex or masturbate every 3 hours or she'll die. You could easily write it with some mental transformation or bimbofication stuff where being forced to have so much sex turns her into a slut. I have no idea. I'm struggling with ideas for chapter ideas myself
  3. I've read the chapters you wrote and it gave me an idea. Here my idea, when a virus infected a woman it does the same for men it began to kill the victim up to the point when the woman cum for the first time and the virus mutated. Now the virus needed it host to cum to stay alive in the system. If the host stay pure the virus will enventually die but to make sure it stay alive the virus will trigger transformation physical and mental on it host to make sure the host cum as many time it wants. The virus could eventually contagious too.
    How does it sound?
  4. dbmanga

    dbmanga Virgin

    thats a different direction that what I was going for, but like i said, just try how you want. I'll try and continue it myself as well, but having someone else doing their own spin on it might inspire me as well
  5. Normally how long does it take for a chapter to be approveit has been a few days and no news.
  6. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Well, that depends on the story owner/editors.

    They should approve chapters within 10 days.
    After that, moderators can approve the chapters as well.
    (Currently, there are chapters which are pending much longer, though I'm working on reviewing them.)
  7. Thank you for your answer.
  8. sean_d2345

    sean_d2345 Virgin

    If you want, you could write for my story


    I'd be happy to see what you could do with the Mark route. I saw him as a creep and loner. Maybe he could entrap the heroine of the story and transform her into his ideal girl
  9. I'll take a look
    sean_d2345 likes this.
  10. latexdoll

    latexdoll Virgin

    Hi, I have several stories that I change the main character all the time, have a look. If you want to add I’d be happy to read it.
  11. Tributay

    Tributay Guest

  12. Zekar

    Zekar Really Experienced

  13. Oh I got a great idea for a Nightwing story.