Posting etiquette

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by SummerDawn, Oct 30, 2019.

  1. SummerDawn

    SummerDawn Virgin

    I've searched the forums for an existing thread but can't find one so here comes a n00b question. :)

    If I want to add a chapter to a story, but I can see in the map that the thread within the story is dominated by another writer, what is considered good etiquette for jumping in?

    I'm mostly concerned about public threads where there's no moderation. Moderated threads have some oversight so I'd assume the Mods would be able to provide feedback on the sub-thread, and how it might be written, or if it's exclusive to that one writer.
    Regin34 likes this.
  2. daciasdesire

    daciasdesire Really Experienced

    I'd say just add your chapter. The other author can just write around yours by another branch if they were against what you had written
    grimbous likes this.
  3. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    I can't speak for anyone else, but I love having other authors add to my chapters and stories!
    daciasdesire likes this.
  4. Spindizzy

    Spindizzy Really Experienced

    As Wicker said as a writer there are few things more exciting than having other creators engage with your work. Do be sure to check for any rules or guidelines the editor may have before hitting publish.
    Tip, daciasdesire and gene.sis like this.
  5. SummerDawn

    SummerDawn Virgin

    Appreciate the feedback. Most of my previous writing in public forums like HoE (now FictionDepot) is you don’t write into a story without the other writer’s okay first. So the idea of jumping in without asking first is a shift in thinking for me.

    Glad to know most people like having others jump in and add to the story, theres several on here I’d love to add my own creative bend to. :)
    daciasdesire and grimbous like this.
  6. daciasdesire

    daciasdesire Really Experienced

    Without a doubt, I love it when I get people adding to my stories. It's wise to get the lay of the land first if that was the norm on the other sites you've written for.
  7. SummerDawn

    SummerDawn Virgin

    I definitely read as much of the story as I can to get a feel for the characters and the story. If it's a story I enjoy I'm likely to want to add to it. :)
  8. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    If the author wants additions to meet certain demands, they should note it in the writer guidelines of the story.

    Additions to moderated stories get reviewed by the story owner (not by a moderator.)
    Though if the story owner is absent for a long time, you can ask for the approval of your chapter or adopt the story.
  9. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    if the author didn't want you to add, he'd have made the story private
  10. Durzan

    Durzan Really Experienced

    Not if the author of the branch isn't the original creator of the story...
  11. Bauer1

    Bauer1 Virgin CHYOA Backer

    There's nothing better than having someone take the time, and add to your story :)
    daciasdesire likes this.
  12. Regin34

    Regin34 CHYOA Guru

    It is one of the best things what others can do for you on this website, like adding chapter to story! Ewen if that chapter isn't the best or isn't showing your character as you wish, It is still great gift! I wish for more autors writing to my story, but I'm gradefull for this one who already writing :)
  13. Xenolan

    Xenolan Really Experienced

    Do it! It’s not like you’d be replacing the other author’s work; you’re supplementing it, taking it in a new direction. I really like to see what happens when someone goes off on a tangent that I’d never considered.