Just saying hi...

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by Ash Lynn, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. Ash Lynn

    Ash Lynn Virgin

    Just a quick hi. HI!
    Well I'm a 32 year old widowed mother of two from the Philadelphia Area who just joined your little community. My girls have finally reached the age where they can keep themselves entertained so I find myself with a little spare time.
    I used to write a lot in high school but then life kinda took over. I would love ANY advice or reviews no matter how critical. I'm a big girl, I can take it.

    Here is my story

    Well hope I found a new little home.

    Payton24, brevdravis and Kazza like this.
  2. grimbous

    grimbous Really Experienced

    Welcome to Chyoa Ash! :)
    brevdravis likes this.
  3. brevdravis

    brevdravis Really Really Experienced

    Took a look at your story, great start, and look forward to seeing where you go with it. Really enjoy that there's a sense of history to the characters, and I look forward to seeing where you take it, since it seems there's a lot going on that will be interesting, especially since there's potential a lot of fun themes to explore besides the obvious, :)

    Only thing I'd suggest is that you keep going, and take your time with it, since it seems like there's a lot of story you want to tell, and I personally always find it hard not to skip right to what I want to see immediately. Glad to see that you're taking up writing again, too, since every new writer deserves to be read. I'll do what I can to help with that, when I remember, because honestly, my memory is absolute garbage these days.

    And the folks here are pretty nice on the criticism part, I find, and supportive as hell, so hope that your experience mirrors mine.
    Welcome, and see you around the site!
  4. dingsdongs

    dingsdongs Really Really Experienced

  5. daciasdesire

    daciasdesire Really Experienced

    Welcome aboard!
  6. gscmar64

    gscmar64 Really Experienced

    Welcome Ash Lynn. I've read all parts to date and can't wait to read more. Love the way your developing the story, it's well paced and the characters we've been introduced to so far. so impressed that I just had to follow you!
  7. Ash Lynn

    Ash Lynn Virgin

    Thank you everyone for all the kind words and welcomes. Everyone here so far seems nice ... I mean for a bunch of pervs writing porn you all seem to be a swell bunch lol.

    I hope to keep writing in my story and maybe in add my voice to a few others.

  8. dingsdongs

    dingsdongs Really Really Experienced

    A bunch of pervs? Where?!? o_Oo_Oo_O

    We are guardians of thoughts too daring to speak out aloud.
    Liberators of sexual desires previously repressed and hidden deep inside the dark depths of the human mind.
    Creators carefully crafting more than just columns of carnal words.
    Artists breathing life into bewitching fantasies, transforming them into stories extraordinaire.

    Authors bending the known limits of reality itself...
    ... or do you know anyone in real life who can get you off just with words? :p:cool:;)
    gene.sis likes this.