Post bug reports here!

Discussion in 'Site Feedback' started by airwreck, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. Gekkehenk

    Gekkehenk Virgin

    Don't know if this is reported before. But on my story "truth or dare in the sauna" The amount of chapters only says 2 While there are much more chapters in my story. It was even at -5 for some time. Maybe a suggestion to just remove that counter untill it's fixed?
  2. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I've updated the statistics of all stories and chapters. It's a known bug but I don't think not showing stats is a better solution. Once the numbers are correct, the counter should stay in sync.
  3. Stranger12

    Stranger12 Virgin

    My story (Monsters of Rimalla) also has the counter bug (reads 26, but my profile says I've posted 60 chapters, and all of them are for that story). I think that for me the problem originates from having written quite a lot of chapters before publishing, and it started from 1 when it was published.
    Friedman likes this.
  4. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I've updated the statistics. Thank you for the info regarding the possible cause!
  5. DFang

    DFang Virgin

    I haven't seen this bug reported here yet but maybe nobody has tried. In short, I tried doing a bulleted list with two layers (ie, I made a bulleted list and on one of the lines, I tabbed over) but every time I save, it reverts back to just one layer. This is the most recent active chapter this has happened to:

    I have another chapter after that one that hasn't been approved yet but it happened there as well.
    Friedman likes this.
  6. DFang

    DFang Virgin

    Just to be clear - I figured out how to edit it via turning off RTE but it still should work via RTE. After all, it looks just fine when i am editing it, it's only when I save it that it doesn't look right.
    Friedman likes this.
  7. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    Chapter content gets stored in Markdown syntax. When the RTE is used, the content gets converted into Markdown. Unfortunately, Markdown is not yet defined unambiguously and so the converter doesn't convert everything correctly.
    Friedman likes this.
  8. julus

    julus Virgin

    When you have a plus sign (+) in your search and navigate to the 2nd page of the results, the + gets changed to a whitespace ( ).
    The problem also seems to affect every single link in the "refine search results" section.

    As far as I can tell this is because in the href of the <a> tags, the + is an actual +, which is the symbol for a whitespace in URL syntax.
    Friedman likes this.
  9. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I think I understand what you mean. Could you still give me an example (e.g. URL)?
  10. julus

    julus Virgin

    Just enter anything with a + sign in it into the search bar, for example: "abc + def". On the search results page, the q-parameter of the querystring will be "q=abc+%2B+def", which is correct (%2B is the URL code for a plus sign, + is the URL code for a space). However, all resulting links (the ones on the right, as well as pagination) are a little bit diffrent:
    1. The search text is no longer in the q-parameter of the query string, but in the path ("/search/abc + def" instead of "/search?q=abc+%2B+def")
    2. The search text is exactly the same in the path, meaning there are actual spaces in the path (which is fine), but also that there is an actual + in the path (which gets transformed to a space and therefore isn't fine) ("abc + def" instead of "abc+%2B+def").
  11. julus

    julus Virgin

    I just found that you have kind of the opposite problem when changing the sorting method. In that case, the search text gets changed to "abc %2B def", while the query string q-parameter gets changed to "abc%20%252B%20def" ("%20" is a space, "%25" is a %).
  12. gene.sis

    gene.sis CHYOA Guru

    This should be related to this bug report.
  13. apokat

    apokat Virgin

    hello there, recently when i tried to start a game mode, they are end the game it self in the next chapter, so i click start the game again, and bringin me back to previous chapter, read a couple of chapters, and im out of the game mode again.
    its because im using a vpn?
  14. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Have you tried it without a VPN? Or another VPN? What story is it?
  15. Jarednj30

    Jarednj30 Virgin

    Help whenever I try to enter into story/game mode in Staying Faithful ...? by cphi I get this error Sorry I got distracted... Which page were you looking for again? All I can do is go back to the homepage and it won't go away.
  16. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    You're probably on a chapter that no longer exists. You can reset your score with this link:
    Jarednj30 likes this.
  17. abcdfe

    abcdfe Virgin

    Hi, not sure if this is the right place, but for the last couple of months I haven't been able to log into my account. And now that I can login again, everything is wiped. No notifications, favourites, or stories. When I check the chapters I contributed to stories, there is no author listed for them. Is there a way I can fix this?
  18. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    I don't know how that should have come about. The most logical thing would be that you logged into another account? What I can say is that we had no data loss.
  19. abcdfe

    abcdfe Virgin

    I’m confused as to how it could have been another account, because I was using the same username. Would it be possible for me to DM you the chapters I worked on so you can see if my account is related to them?
  20. Friedman

    Friedman Administrator

    Yes, that's a good idea!