Image inspiration challenge

Discussion in 'Authors' Hangout' started by wicker, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. gscmar64

    gscmar64 Really Experienced

    yes Miss we have the vibrating seat cover complete with rubber nibs available, it's the fourth one from the left above the bay door!

  2. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Ever since she put on the new necklace, Monica could only smile and say "yes, sir," at every command the salesman gave her.

  3. Myocastor_Coypus

    Myocastor_Coypus Experienced

    "...a little pricey for my budget," I concluded reguarding the feminized Elder Thing, "And she wouldn't get along with my Shoggoth."

    Kamina nodded, guiding me to the next stall. The sight froze me to the spot. "Um," I said, "Something isn't right here. Why is she...?"

    The slaver chuckled, ripples travelling down her long blue neck. She bared her fangs at me smiling gleefully. "Diane Prince," she read from her clipboard, "Not the Terran peacekeeper Demi-God, Diana, but her Half-Sister. Believe it or not this fine specimen is a Succubus."

    "Oh dear." I let my eyes travel over the bent over form. A luscious arse in star panties was easily the most distracting element. If there were hints of the hideous beast beneath, I was unable to focus enough to catch them. "What grade are we talking?"

    "Triple X in every conceivable sense." Kamina brough her palm down and smacked the bound Succubus's backside triggering a small microcosm of lust and danger. The woman gasped, moaned, and growled barely restrained murder all in the same breath. All in a split second her body morphed and was torn between two conflicting realities, one a flash of the pleasure-driven being radiating sexual energy and the other a furious, rabid monster struggling and raging in captivity. The slaver watched my reaction with unfiltered delight, and only when I saw her grinning at me did she continue her presentation.

    "And this brings us to the function of her outfit, for functional it is. Diana cursed her, you see. It's not on the books how this happened, but I'm sure you can imagine a situation that would cause a clash between a Succubus and a Demi-God? Anyway, the peacekeeper transferred a portion of her power into these clothes and gifted them to Diane. Originally this was meant to mellow the beast a little, make her more in touch with her humanity, keep her from rampaging across the universe and perverting every living thing in her path..."

    "But you found a loophole," I cut in. "Let's hear it. Why am I potentially buying this creature?"

    "Kamina hovered her hand over Diane's buttocks. The space in between their skins crackled. "Once you designate a suitable, let's say "friend" from her point of view, its possible to make her almost utterly and unreservedly subservient. And if you know your demon lore then the potential farming opportunities from consensual activities are... well, you can look at the price tag and see..."

    "Interesting." I glanced at the little screen set into the table over which the demon was bent in half. That the figures were bright red was more telling than the numbers themselves. "And do you happen to sell the means to harvest these opportunities? I rather fancy my equipment would be fried in an instant."

    Kamina smiled. "The mana basin comes free of charge with this one. Special offer."
    Incubus Summoning perhaps.jpg
    Cuchuilain likes this.
  4. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Emma thought she was summoning a demon who was a foot tall, not a foot long!

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  5. Mister Z

    Mister Z Virgin

    “Hate to tell you, Vince, but you’re over the limit.”

    “The hell? Since when is there a limit?”

    “Since this season. State boys say the herds are getting thin. Gotta cut one of ‘em loose.”

    “Plenty of ‘em out there. Fuckers don’t know what they’re talking about.”

    “Look at it this way. Ones’ you keep will go for more money, now.”

    “Yeah, yeah…listen up, you three. One of you is going back to the woods. Convince me you’re the one.”

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  6. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    "Oh, hi, honey, you're back. Look what I found; that bitch who complained to motel management about our noisy love making."

    Mister Z and Cuchuilain like this.
  7. Mister Z

    Mister Z Virgin

    The one who had been Sarah watched Alexis struggle above the grate in the school basement with a faint envy. Not long ago she had been there, thinking this was the cheerleading squad hazing the new girl. And then Viglax had come, and Viglax had entered her, touched her in all her secret places, the places even she hadn’t known, and she came, and she came, and she came, over and over, harder and harder, until there was no room in her to think, no room for Sarah with her pain and confusion. Only Viglax. To know such pleasure again for the first time…she watched Alexis look down in confusion as the pit beneath her began to glow with white light, brighter and brighter. The one who had been Sarah was not confused. As the grate began to slowly open, she and the rest of the squad began to sing.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  8. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Chloe could not stop looking Mrs. Maroney in the eyes. She had totally forgotten she had not been paid for pet sitting for the Maroney's over the weekend, and was also not aware she was naked and was about to be made a pet herself.

    Mister Z and Cuchuilain like this.
  9. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    You've just cum on my face, havent you? You bastard! I knew you were up to something when you said "close your eyes, I've got a surprise for you!" Oh shit you've got some more coming! Stop! Stop! Uuugh. Too late!

  10. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Having hypnotized Kayla with his eyes, Johnny used Kayla's tits to hypnotize others.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  11. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    "Come on, hurry up! Quick get rid of it. Ow! Ow! Ow!" squealed Sandra. "Ow! That hurt!"
    "I'm going as fast as I can" protested Glenn.
    "Is it still there? Ow! Ow! OW! Wait a minute. Are you sure a wasp really flew up my skirt or are you just using that as an excuse to spank my ass in public?" GBmqAorm_o.jpg
  12. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Chelsea happily agreed to not only drop the sexual harassment lawsuit, but come back to work at reduced pay and give Mr. Masters a blowjob every morning when she brought him his coffee, and just think, the accounting department didn't want to reimburse him for his hypnosis classes.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  13. Mister Z

    Mister Z Virgin

    Patch notes, Version 10.17: Corrects a known issue of the software causing certain sound cards to emit a subsonic signal that creates uncontrolled sexual arousal in female users.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  14. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Evie was happy as she saw all the stares from the beach goers. The employees of The Empresses New Clothes sure had talked her into that sexy bikini only rich, sexy girls could pull off.

    Cuchuilain and Regin34 like this.
  15. Mister Z

    Mister Z Virgin

    Of the many, many things Jodi hated about her husband cheating on her with some kind of ghost witch demon thing, the thing she hated the most was the way they made her stand in the corner when they fucked.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  16. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Janie's boss was strict. She forgot the dress code, and the punishment for violating was to be naked for the day, but she had signed a work contract, so she had to obey, right? A deal's a deal.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  17. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Carla (third from left) had missed the memo about naked car wash Tuesdays because she was sucking dick in the men's locker room all afternoon. Her punishment for this would be severe. The rest of the girls were going to gang up on her and give her the biggest wedgie of her life!
  18. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Melissa Parker was running for city council on a campaign of "cleaning the filthy" out of the city by shutting down strip clubs, sex shops, and swingers parties. Her new campaign manager was very persuasive and came up with the perfect outfit for her to wear at her press conference, and she did not even bother to read the speech he prepared for her. She just trusted him completely. There was just something about him, and the way he played with that shiny pendant he always wore around his neck.

    Cuchuilain likes this.
  19. Cuchuilain

    Cuchuilain Guest

    Clarissa was confident that Mallorie was now fully trained and would be another positively received sale for the slave farm. Mallorie had been captured six months ago now and had undergone rigorous training and could withstand all sorts of torment and humiliation with complete obedience & submission. Clarissa had been surprised that she had been chosen to deliver Mallorie to the Sheikh, the farm's biggest client though. She was normally just the office secretary, not the delivery driver. She felt only a twinge of regret for Mallorie as the Sheikh was known to be a vigorous spanking enthusiast and liked to finish his sessions with an enthusiastic butt-fucking. She could see that Mallorie fitted the Sheikhs normal requirement profile - a beautiful athletic brunette. What Clarissa didn't realise though was that the Sheikh had ordered two slaves this time, and she would not be going home tonight herself!!

  20. wicker

    wicker Really Really Experienced

    Yvonne should have taken those Yelp reviews more seriously before going to that chiropractor.
